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  1. I was in a relationship with a man who was both physically and emotionally abusive. He had used my bank account to commit fraud and HSBC held me liable for the debt from the fraud which is £9,566. I managed to find another place to move to and made sure I was virtually untraceable on social media and the internet. I never told the police about the abuse at the time for fear of him being arrested then released and onto me. However I did report the fraud to the police through Action Fraud and they replied a few months later saying that they cannot follow up on it as there is not enough evidence. Now HSBC are harassing me to pay back the debt, I'm a 22 year old student who cannot pay back such a large amount. Although I am terrified of him I tried to locate him so the police can find him yet he is nowhere to be found and I believe now that he had been using a fake identity whilst with me. HSBC have been immensely unhelpful, I have gone back and forth into branches and made numerous phone calls which have all been useless and I cannot take out debt relief management plans or file for bankruptcy because the debt is from fraud. They also filed a CIFAS flag marker against my name so I have to use an online bank now and will not be able to get jobs in many sectors when I finish uni, for 6 years. I opened a case with the Financial Ombudsman which is taking a long time but have been studying hundreds of their decisions on similar cases and they never rule in the favour of the victim/consumer, so I am not confident. What do I do?
  2. I have three accounts, one active and two rarely used. One was "Frozen" due to inactivity. I received a letter telling me to go to the branch to un freeze it. Long story short I had a right barny because the rep wanted to photocopy my Passport and send it to "central office". Insisting the photocopy would not be kept on a database that was her first lie. During the conversation it was insisted a drivers license (or utility bill) and a Passport or something with my photo on were required. Her claim was that after a year of inactivity accounts are frozen for security reasons. That was her second lie. At this point you need to know I've been going to this branch bank for the past 20 years. During the conv the rep insisted details were not on file and need to be updated, yet it emerged when cross questioned that my address name and other details were clearly listed under my active account. My other dormant account containing more funds, had been dormant for over four years, and not been frozen. This insistance on freezing for security reasons was disturbing, as if there was no activity why should there be cause for suspicious activity or any other security risk? The cream in this cake is when I "UN-froze" the account over the telephone. No passport, no drivers license required. However the mass of information they gave me over the phone (Yes... they gave it to me) when unfreezing the account was information mostly forgotton from around 2001, and it's now 2018! The telephone representitive must have been on commission. He created a telephone banking account and input old data about me taking over fifty minutes using existing data to confirm everything from my date of birth to my Limited Company details from the turn of the century; pausing for over a minute between each batch of info confirmed. I believe he was entering my personal data into a credit database for verification, something I've never needed, desired, nor been a part of. I'll be closing all accounts; but my concern is that HSBC have now significantly increased the risk that I might be a target of identity theft. My thoughts are that freezing accounts is a [problem] used to collect data otherwise denied by the now active GDPR. The current banking rules mean I would not be able to withdraw my own funds from my own account in my own branch without presenting data to the HSBC database which they don't have. How can a bank be allowed to do this?
  3. https://cdn.ampproject.org/c/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/38688757
  4. Intrusive Questions by HSBC Bank I am not happy to answer I have been a customer for several years and not much deposited or withdrawn in the last few years. They now ask the source of my money? If I have other bank accounts here or overseas and details? where do I work now and my employers details, how much I earn and spend? Have I got any property on my name? How much it is worth it? Do I have any other investments and their details? Do I have to answer all those? What protection I have? Do any other banks ask such nuisance questions? Any other banks do not ask such questions? Thank you in advance
  5. Hi Everyone, I 'am looking for some advice if anyone can help i have been in mortgage arrears for a considerable time and on a number of occasions which have resulted in HBOS seeking possession through the courts. In the latest court case the HALIFAX were successful in gaining an eviction. However with the Bailiffs arriving in the house my sister paid a substantial payment in agreement with the HALIFAX to avoid an eviction. I have recently received a letter from the Halifax stating that the solicitors Charges will be £2340.00 which has been debited to my mortgage account already( no breakdown at all) I Feel this is an excessive fee for a 10 minute court hearing and associated administrative paperwork. It cost me £40.00 to request a hearing so the fee of £2340.00 in solicitors charges seems excessive . Has any one else had experience of solicitors charges? and any advice on how to find out what other charges Halifax have made on my account as i do not have any statements from the last few years. Now far back can i request information on charges the Halifax have made on my mortgage account. thanks
  6. I'm new to this site and came across it whilst trying to see what else I could do about what I see as extreme unfairness from HSBC. I have been their client for the last 9 1/2 years. I had also had an account at a young age with the old Midland bank. Through online banking I saw they were doing this amazing personal loan at 3.9% APR. Since I have a credit card with them which I must admit I am paying a very high rate (increased from 18.9% to 21.1% or around that - unsure of amounts) I thought I'd take a loan and clear off the card plus take a holiday since their low APR is for loans from £7k to £15k. I was looking at borrowing £8k during 36 months. So I was brave and applied for it online. It told me I had to contact the bank by telephone. I did. After asking me a few question (eg. what the loan was for) they said it had been approved but the rate was 9.9% APR. I queried it and was told that that was it. I asked if they could put it in writing and was told no. Seems they can only put in writing if I had accepted the offer. Anyway... I went to my local branch and asked who I could complain to and explained the situation. I was told to join experian or equifax. I joined experian and my credit score was showing as excellent at 965. The only downside on it was a credit score check by HSBC which meant when they checked it was even higher. My only debt is to HSBC and is that c/card. I have never missed a payment on anything nor with anyone. Seeing that the loan is to clear the card then that would vanish from the account anyway. After checking with Experian I tried applying again and was told to contact them again. I decided to email them. Found a customer care team email address. Emailed them. Had no reply for a couple of days so sent them a message on online banking asking why no reply. Was told that they "never received said message". Asked me to email again which I did and had an email confirming receipt but no other reply so far. I have also sent a complaint to the financial ombudsman. Just saw on the forum they don't see to be as helpful as I first thought. I keep being told by HSBC that the APR they offer is due to "several factors". All I want to be told is "this is the main reason why we offer a higher rate" or "if you change this then we can revise the offer". Just feels like they are offering the higher APR as then I won't be paying the ridiculous interest I'm currently paying (around £55-£60 per month just interest). It feels like they are saying that since they will not get as much from me then they will charge me more. Without me asking they increased my c/card limit to £6.5k. For them to do that they know I will repay that amount and likely a high interest amount. If they are confortable enough to do that then why charge me such a higher rate? Are they misleading customers? I had another friend who has no debt at all and applied and had the same answer as me. Is there any way they can actually prove they have offered this rate in good faith? It truly doesn't feel like it. It feels like they refuse to discuss the subject and suggest any positive solution to what I'm querying. I am currently waiting a response from the customer care team and from the Financial ombudsman but seems like I shouldn't hold my breath. If there any place I can complain if I truly feel they are misleading customers? It feels they hold out a sign saying an excellent deal here but then it's all fake. I'm sorry it is such a long post but am truly at a loss on what else to do. I'd appreciate any help or advice if possible. Thank you
  7. My daughter is being chased by Mortimer Clark Solicitors on behalf of Cabot Financial for a debt of £2051 owed to HSBC going back to 2008. Her total debt: HSBC £2051, £500, and £4500. RCI £4500, (CCJ) Blackhorse £4536, Captia £800. Her scenario is as follows, she left the UK in 2009 and moved to Austria with her partner also English, he had been paying the £2051 debt from April 2013 until December 2014 when he stopped as he and my daughter had a disagreement. My daughter has two children but doesn’t work, her only income is family allowance which she needs to support her children. Just recently she has been studying to become an accountant supported by my wife and me, but should she obtain another CCJ it would hinder employment in the accountancy profession and her chance to repay anything. I think Mortimer Clark Solicitors are trying to obtain a charge on a property my daughter owns jointly with my wife. However, the property is in negative equity and the mortgage is being subsidised by my wife and me and has been since 2006. Court papers have been delivered to the property in the UK, but my daughter lives permanently in Austria. What do you suggest as a way to help my daughter, but also protect my wife’s interest in the property she owns jointly with my daughter?
  8. HSBC took it upon themselves yesterday to stop my VISA DEBIT card for no good reason. I had just paid online a BT (British Telecom) bill which they thought (as stated to me when I called them) ‘suspicious’. They were in possession of two contact telephone numbers for me. They did not call either of there although when I talked to them they lied and said they had called them. This is not the first time they have done this to me. Why do any of us stay with this rubbish bank? I’m going to see my local management tomorrow and take him up one side and down the other. For all the good it will do, At least I may feel a bit better
  9. Good evening, I am hoping someone may be able to advise me on what is becoming a very difficult situation. I apologise in advance for the long post but I need to explain the background for it to make sense. I have always wanted to be a pilot and following many years of hard work, I was offered a conditional job as a private jet pilot with NetJets Europe in 2008 on their cadet pilot programme. The condition was that i successfully completed the pilot training course at Oxford Aviation Academy. I would then be taken on full-time within 3 months of finishing the course on a salary of around £50k. At the time, the only bank offering budding pilots a loan to do this course was HSBC and they worked closely with the flying school to ensure that all the successful applicants (who were not fortunate enough to have a spare £68,000) - were directed through their doors in order to take out a loan. There were two products offered by HSBC- self sponsored and sponsored. If you applied to the flying school with no job offer and with the intention of finishing the course and then sending out your CV you were classed as self-sponsored and you could borrow £50,000 over 10 years with no payments until 3 months after finishing the training. If you had a job offer from NetJets like I did then you were classed as sponsored and they tailored a product specifically for this. You could borrow £60,000 but only over 6 years as the salary was high in comparison to the mainstream pilot jobs with RyanAir for example. So £60,000 over 6 years it was and my business plan was submitted. This business plan contained three outcomes.... 1) I complete the course successfully, get the job and repay the loan. 2) I suffer a medical condition out of my control and lose my medical - Insurance was in place to cover this. 3) I fail the course and cannot take the job - I would return to the world of sales until I could afford to successfully finish the failed sections and apply for a mainstream pilot job. What actually happened could not have been planned for... Half way through our training course in May 2009 (and after the recession hit), we were told that NetJets could not honour their initial commitment of taking us on within 3 months of finishing the course as business had dipped. Instead they would give us two options, leave with small lump sum and continue the training course as a "self-sponsored" student or they would put us on a long term leave contract where we would be paid a stepped down salary and we would be taken on within 3 years. During this time we did not have to keep our flying licenses current as they would provide re-training and we had to seek written permission to work elsewhere in another flying job. I opted for long term leave and immediately contacted HSBC to notify them. Despite telling me (at the time they were selling me the loan) that they had a good understanding of the aviation market and could be flexible to accommodate unforeseen circumstances, they said it was far too early to do anything about it and to contact them 1-month prior to payments starting!! Payments were due to start in June 2010 at £979 per month and my first contact was made in May 2009 to notify them of what was happening. Not wanting to leave it until the last minute, I contacted them again in November 2009 and February 2010 to be told the same - wait until 1 month prior. I had requested that they stretch the terms of the loan from 6 years to 10 years like the self sponsored students which would make the payments manageable and was told this should be fine but couldn't be looked at until 1 month prior. When I contacted them in May 2010 as requested, they decided they needed time to look into it and suggested that I defer my payments for a further 6 months to start in December 2010! - it was again mentioned that extending the terms shouldn't be an issue. despite agreeing to defer for another 6 months, they tried to take the first payment in June and then admitted an error followed by a refund which left a yellow mark on my credit file that remains to this day. I then heard nothing until October when a lady called to check I was ready to start making payments at £979 in December. I told her that I was awaiting them to look into extending the terms and no, I wouldn't be in a position to start payments as my salary was only a fraction of what it was meant to be had I been working full-time. She advised me that there was no way the bank could extend terms, it would never have been an option and the bank have helped as much as they can by agreeing to defer payments for a further 6 months!!! - This was their request not mine! The debate went on for several months, I started payments at the full amount but continued to explain that I would end up in financial hardship should they not help me. In the end I was advised by the bank to fall into arrears by 1 month in order for collections team to get involved as they had more power to assist me. This seemed ridiculous so I contacted the Ombudsman. They agreed with the bank and advised me to do the same.. . fall behind 1 month and let the collections team help me. Collections agreed to freeze my arrears and let me pay a reduced amount for 12 months but this didn't help as my reduced salary would be for up to 3 years. This was the most they could do apparently. I was now a month in arrears, two yellow marks on my credit file and facing the prospect of payments returning to £979 at a time when my salary was being stepped down. In the following months I was fortunate enough to receive a small amount of inheritance from a family member which enabled me to pay the arrears and get back on track as I was now in my final year and would return to work in June 2013 on full salary. Then in June, days before I should have returned to work, I was made redundant. Leaving me with £35,000 left to pay HSBC, lapsed licences which would cost at least another £5,000 to resurrect and therefore no chance of finding another flying job. I have struggled over the last 12 months and managed to keep my payments going by starting my own business but growing a new business with no money is extremely difficult therefore I have slowly drifted back into the realms of financial hardship with nothing left in my overdrafts. Having got nowhere with the bank the first time round and even less joy from the financial ombudsman, I wondered if anyone could suggest anything else to try? The loan is secured on my parents house so you can imagine the stress and worry I have at the moment. Sorry for the long winded post but without the background, it wouldn't make any sense. Kind regards Richard
  10. HSBC letter advises me my small debt being passed to Marlin. (OK) Letter alswo says Marlin will set up direct debit from details passed to them by HSBC and I do not need to authorise it! Surely this is illegal and tantamount to fraud. I complained by phone and advised them they were not to divulge my Bank details. I have now also cancelled my direct debit to HSBC. Which bodies can I refer this practice to?
  11. Hi All. My wife opened a hsbc account on the 6th may 2004 and on opening her account they offered a credit card (still have and upto date) and a loan, she accepted the loan for £3000 and I am sure there was PPI on the agreement, well back then everything did. I thought I would be a bit sneaky and ask them to give information regarding the opening of the account first, nad a hint regarding the loan. They replied with. Dear Mrs ????? Account Enquiry Thank you for your recent Secure e-Message. I notice from our records that account number ?????? was opened on 18Oct2006 and account number ?????? on 06May2004. Please note that we hold information only for 6 years for your accounts. If the loan account is older, we are unable to provide details. Details are preserved only for a period of six years due to data protection act. ---------------------------------------------------------- My reply was. Sorry to bother you again but I need this information because I was missold payment protection on the loan, You state that yor records only go back 6 years, if this is correct then it is impossible for you to give the dates you have given me, how can you give me the EXACT dates when the accounts were opened if you don't have records. I wish to make a formal complaint that I was miss sold PPI on the grounds i did not know i had a choice wether to accept or not, i was informed i had to have it to protect my payments date loan taken out was 6th May 2004 unfortunatly i do not have anymore details. ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mrs ????? Loan Enquiry Thank you for your recent secure e-message. I have forwarded your e-message to the relevant department who will contact you direct. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further queries. Kind regards ????? ????? HSBC Internet Banking Customer Support --------------------------------------------------------------- My question is Can you still claim after so long or should I just roll over and forget it.
  12. Hi there!I am an HSBC customer have been for a couple of years now, agreed that the bank charges can be unfair sometimes and a little excessive but suppose as a customer you are aware of these things, and when I go over my agreed overdraft I know I will be charged, but I'm always notified in a statement from the previous month. E.G I would receive a statement in mid January 2014, which was detailed from 5th Dec - 6th Jan, and I went into unauthorised overdraft x times and will be charged x on 27th of Feb.BUTI have been charged £75 (!!) this morning, excessive in itself, and I have received absolutely NO notification of this. I dont have online banking, have never set it up, I only get paper statements, and I havent received a statement for this period at all, having checked. What are my rights? I'm sure by law they are required to notify me, and if they haven't they must give these back! They werent able to tell me the date the notification was sent. I can also see you shouldnt be charged more than twice in one day, I have been. I thought HSBC would be waivering charges?Thanks!
  13. Details of our complaint with HSBC are explained below; HSBS COLLECTIONS DEPT ARE CALLING UP TO 7 TIMES A DAY FOR PAYMENT. SHE IS 8 MONTHS PREGNANT, IN A WHEELCHAIR AND CRUTCHES. CONSTANTLY IN PAIN. WHEN RESTING IS CONSTANTLY BEING DISTURB BY HSBC BABARDMENT OF CALLS. MY SON ILL WITH WORRY EFFECTED HIS CREDIT RATING I AM DESPERATE I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT TO HELP IT’S A LIVING NIGHTMARE. PLEASE IF THERE IS A SOLICITOR OUT THEIR CAN YOU HELP US. My daughter in law, has had a current account with HSBC for 20yrs. She took out a loan from HSBC 5yrs ago and was repaying the loan at a rate of £260.31 per month; the loan is due to finish September 2016. She has not missed one payment whilst paying back the loan over the last 5yrs. MARCH 2013 I suggested she try and reduce her loan repayments, and at the same time perhaps she could release some more money by re-structuring the original loan and she would be able to perhaps gain a better interest rate. APRIL 2013 She was made redundant from her job. She immediately rang up HSBC in April and asked them for advice through their Finance Department as she knew she would have difficulty paying her loan repayment of £260 31 in May without going over her agreed overdraft limit. She informed them she would be able to continue with the repayments the following month in June as per usual as she had already found new employment (she is a Paramedic) however, there would be two weeks during which she would be without employment and therefore earnings. The result of this was that she would be missing ONE Month DD payment in May with agreement. She specifically asked if this would affect her credit rating and was assured that up to 7 payments could be missed or deferred before any action would be taken. At no point during the conversation was she advised that this would be registered as a default on her credit rating file. In the meantime, to reduce payments she stated to the financial team that she would stop using her credit card but she also stated that she did not wish to cancel the card. HSBC informed her “that was absolutely fine” and the May payment could be paid back at the end of the loan time or earlier if she were able to. HSBC did in fact take the May payment from her account but immediately refunded the payment into her current account. She was then expecting the loan payment to be taken from her account in June as normal, as agreed in the telephone conversation to HSBC in April. Loan payments continued to be paid as normal and as agreed. AUGUST 2013 She an her partner made an evening appointment with the local HSBC customer service manager in Solihull during the week commencing 12th August, now knowing that they were expecting a baby and sensibly planning ahead for the additional financial pressure this would put them under. They asked the customer service representative, if they could re-structure the loan, hoping to be able to get a better interest rate and another loan. He took some details, and started the process of entering information, saying that he was hopeful she could consolidate the loan with her credit card, borrow some more money to help with the baby and still reduce her monthly payments. The application was refused, much to everyone’s surprise, so he investigated why that should be. It transpired that HSBC had without consent or any contact with her cancelled the direct debits paying back her HSBC gold credit card. As a result of this there was a note on the file cancelling the credit card and registering a default. At no time was she informed that the DD payments had NOT been taken from her account. She at no time received any correspondence from HSBC informing her that she was behind with the repayments of the Credit Card. The Customer service manager telephoned Head Office to find out why the Direct Debits had not been taken from her account. He also tried to contact the assessing agency to see if they would change their mind, pointing out that she had been a loyal customer since December 1993, and had never, in all that time, defaulted on any payment. As it was now around 5.30 pm in the evening, head office informed him that it would be looked into immediately the next morning and they would telephone first thing the following day, but for now they could progress no further. She was totally unaware that the JUNE, JULY and now AUGUST Direct Debit had NOT been taken from her current account until this appointment with the local HSBC Branch. The HSBC customer service manager informed her that “had it not been for the Direct Debit mistake there would not have been a problem for her obtaining further credit.” The following morning HSBC head office listened to the tape of the telephone conversation which she had made in April. As agreed, the customer services manager telephoned her to advise her as to the results of the investigation. The Customer Services Manager stated the following: The telephone conversation confirmed that she was not advised about the default. The telephone conversation confirmed that she was not advised that the direct debits would be stopped on her credit card. The policy of the bank was to automatically cancel all direct debits associated with borrowing through the bank (loans, credit cards) but again she had not been advised of this. The member of staff she spoke to had been “spoken to” and would undergo retraining. Payment of £142.00, the amount accrued by the bank cancelling the DD would be taken from her current account on 2nd September. HSBC person apologised for the error but stated that they could not “undo” the effect their error had had on her credit status. Later that week she returned home to find a letter from HSBC dated after her meeting with Customer services manager Solihull branch informing her that her credit card was in arrears and would be cancelled if she didn’t make a payment. This was a direct contradiction of the information that the Solihull Branch had found on her file, which showed that the account had already been closed. This is a further example of the mis-management of Paula’s account. 2nd September 2013 The direct debit was NOT reinstated, and the credit card payment was not taken despite having been promised as resolved by the customer services manager. She had to make a manual payment to rectify this. 5th September 2013 She noticed that the loan repayment had not been taken from her account either, for the first time. She had not asked for this to be cancelled, delayed, deferred or anything else. At this point she was under immense stress, upset, and had a complete lack of faith in HSBC and its staff. 21st September 2013 She and her partner made another appointment with Solihull HSBC branch Manager, to discuss the effect this had had on them, and requesting her help. The stress of the catalogue of errors was by this point causing her to suffer blood pressure problems which are especially dangerous in pregnancy. She explained that the DD had still not been taken from her account for the HSBC Credit Card and in addition HSBC had cancelled the Direct Debit for the LOAN without informing my daughter in law Ms Bond agreed immediately to refund any late payment charges she had incurred as she agreed that the defaults were not her fault. However, the default would still remain on her credit file. Ms Bond informed them that Branch Managers do not have any authority to remove defaults from credit files, and despite previous requests with two employers at HSBC head office to have the default removed not one individual within HSBC company says that they have the authority to do so. Ms Bond stated she wanted to further investigate and although she would be going on holiday she would make sure that daughter in law would be contacted personally by herself on the Wednesday and after that her colleague would deal with it. Ms Bond contacted her on the Thursday and stated that she could confirm everything she had told her – however, a loan default would permanently stay on her file with regard to the agreed deferment because in actual fact their policy is that you cannot defer payments and settle the loan a month later than agreed. Again, a direct contradiction of what Paula was told originally. While they were with her, Ms Bond initiated a new standing order mandate for the personal loan and credit card which would go out around 5nd October 2013. Since she initiated this, payments have been taken correctly. However, daughter in law is still not able to get any credit due to the default placed on her credit file by HSBC, and is unable to restructure her loan to gain a better interest rate. She is now 7months pregnant and has had to start her maternity leave earlier than anticipated because she has developed a serious medical condition associated with the pregnancy which has means she must now be on a wheelchair. It is more necessary than ever that she consolidate her loan and card, and despite the fact that Ms Bond confirmed her credit rating within the bank was “very good”, they will not assist Paula further. Ms Bond assured her that she would receive a letter detailing the results of investigation and offering a full unreserved apology in writing regarding their error. This letter has still not been written, now nearly 3 months after meeting with Ms Bond. My daughter in law and my son are extremely distressed and she is suffering severe anxiety attacks as a result of the financial stress. Both her midwife and obstetric registrar have cautioned against further stress as it has the potential to be detrimental to her unborn child. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE FOR US ALL. I am so sorry this explanation is long and drawn out. I wanted you to have the facts that I/we am aware off. I/we would be so grateful if you can help us to get the default removed from her credit file. It would make such a difference to their situation as they are feeling quite desperate with life at the moment. We are all incredulous at the ineptitude of HSBC and the lack of logic and common sense in refusing to consider her for a consolidation loan which would reduce her repayments – a refusal directly caused by HSBC own error!
  14. In august Ebay took two unauthorised payments from my HSBC account, The refused to tell me what they were for. The wonderful British police refused to anything so HSBC refunded all the funds, Then they took it back and then refunded it and they are still doing it today mid November. They have written to say the money is mine but the same day they messaged me to say it was still coming out AGAIN. The Ombudsman is worse than useless and does nothing. I would love a resolution preferably in my lifetime and in my favour.
  15. Hi there, Sigma red has listed a default on my credit report after I defended a claim they put through Northamptom court. This was a year ago and since then they have not been in touch. They are listing a bogus default amount and date. The debt was originally with HSBC and is over 6 years old although it was sold to Sigma in 2011 just before the 6 years. Now my question is how can they list the default under their names if the claim for monies is still on going? Any ideas on how to get rid of this default? Thanks in advance for your help
  16. Hello Everyone. I received a letter from 1st Credit sent on 26/9/2013 asking if I was Steven Moody etc and they are attempting to contact me regarding a personal matter. Now me being worried and only recently paying a debt off from a different company text them the ref number but after read these forums. They tried to call me back a few days later but I was at work and missed the call. I have not attempted to call them back. I received another letter from them today (11/10) saying its from HSBC and account number and sort code that sounds familiar to an old account. I have not used this account since around the end of 2007 when I left the country for a year. I came back to the UK in 2008 and set up a Natwest account because I always had trouble with HSBC. I have moved around a bit but have been on electoral roles on some address but never had letters from HSBC saying I owe them money. This letter states the balance on the account is £337.95 with no debits and no credits for the period of 01/10.2012 to 30/09/2013. As I said I have not used this account since 2007. It also says at the bottom in small print that if legal action has been taken on this account that the statement does not include all legal costs and interest incurred. the the line that says 'Amount of payment to reach us by:' is blank as well as 'Debit interest rates' and 'credit interest rates' is blank. Do I call them back or send them a letter or what do I do next? Thanks in advance Kind Regards billybob
  17. Hi , was after a but of advice if which way is the best to go . I had an loan in dispute with HSBC re incorrect credit agreement , to which they put a default onto the account . They in 2011 accepted a full and final settlement for a partial amount as the credit agreement was floored. They have logged a default on my account and have marked it as satisfied and the balance as zero. I sent a letter to them requesting removal of the default a few weeks ago trying my luck as I am trying to move house ( new mortgage) and don't want this holding me back . Thy refused and have since updated the credit file as the balance being £9000 odd until last month and this month £0 so it now looks like the balance has been not settled for over 2 years and have showed a recent update of still in default. My question is if the account was disputed can they still issue a default ? Can they issue the default if credit agreement was floored and they have issued me in writing that the amounts were in correct which is why they eventually gave in to a f&f offer. And also how can they if it was settled in 2011 update the balance to last month still showing the original default balance ? How do I get this removed ? Thanks I'll await your advice
  18. Hi all, We recently wrote to HSBC with SAR covering all accounts ever held by my wife with HSBC. They wrote back saying they had tried calling to discuss (they hadnt tried calling) and for OH to call them back. When she did, they tried to put her off requesting data of accounts, OH put it bluntly that it was her right to have it for her own records. A few days later she receievd a letter, confirming SAR was being processed, however they are claiming all details of PPI insurance cant be delivered as it is handled by a seperate entity - HSBC Insurance services something or other, and that we needed to write to them with another £10 fee. My question is, is this correct? Surely if they had been applying an insurance charge, no matter the provider, they details of this would be on my OH transactions? Following that, if she was to make a PPI claim, who would it be against? Thanks in advance.
  19. Title says it all really, anyone got a current working e-mail addy for Lynne at HSBC please?
  20. I recently checked my internet banking account and HSBC are charging me £45 for Direct Debit overdrawals. I certainly did not overdraw the money but it was unexpected. It's ridiculous that they are charging me just because I was about £25 over? I am currently umemployed due to being a full time mother and on benefits (I am currently looking for a job). I cannot really afford to pay that £45 charge!
  21. Hi all, This is my first post on the forum so please excuse me if I make a mistake while posting this. I have tried hard to find this information on this forum but could not find a definite solution For providing proof of cohabitation during last three years, I need bank statements from HSBC for last three years before 14th of November. What I need essentially is a documentary proof describing 1. the transactions for last one year 2. the fact the account was in my partner's and my name for last three years. I was told that HSBC would charge me £1 per sheet of the bank statements and the total cost might amount to at least £70 assuming two sheets per statement. Given that Natwest has provided me the statements for free for last three years, this amount seems quite unreasonable and extortionate. Can a status access request ( SAR) be an option in this case. Could somebody kindly advise me what can I do in this situation. A customer of HSBC for ten years, we are seriously thinking about leaving it now. Many thanks
  22. Hi I have two accounts with HSBC and filed a complaint/ claim for unfair bank charges back in 2009/ 2010. They filed claims with Northampton CC in Sept and Oct 2010 and I filed a defence, heard nothing back and I assume the claim was stayed as they did not respond. On 1st March 2012, I recieved the letter below (dated 14th feb) requesting a response by 2nd March. - I sent a letter back stating as it had only just beed recieved I needed time to consider - letter read. We refer to the above mentioned claims and in particular your defences, copies of which have been provided to us by the court. You maybe aware that the claims have thus far been stayedby which your position has not been prejudiced and we apologise for any delay on our part. The claim xxx relates to your business account overdraft and the claim xxxx relates to your advance bank account overdraft. You express your embarrassment by the particulars of the claim( herinafter the particulars) as you are of the opinion that they disclose no legal cause of action and fail to comply with civil procedure rules and in particular with practise direction 16 para 7.3. In each case, the particulars clearly state that HSBC bank plc are claiming the balance outstanding under a bank account overdraft and provide the amount claimed. Copies of the documents were not attached to the claim form as the forms were issused via Northampton County Court Bulk Centre. There is no requirement for the documents to be attached to the particulars of such claim forms. Nevertheless copies ofthe account statements and final demands are enclosed herewith for your information. At this stage we would like to advise that it is our clients intention to conclude these matters without further incurrence of unnecessary costs and therefore we are prepared to enter into a repayment arrangement whereby the sums outstanding would be payable by monthly instalments. The terms of the agreement would be contained within a Tomlin Order which you are required to sign and return to us. once recieved the same would be forwarded to the court for their file and we would provide you with a sealed copy of the order upon receipt. A tomlin order is a consensual agreement between the parties who commit to perform the terms set down in the schedule in order to facilitate a conclusion of the dispute in the alternative to a county court judgement, providing the terms of the agreement are adhered to. In addition it enables the parties to avoid incurring unnecessary legal costs and judicial time associated with the matter proceeding to trial. The letter goes on to suggest I complete a financial questionaire and seek legal advise from CAB. The final paragrapgh states that ' should you advise that you intend to continue with your defences or in the absence of a response by the date stated, we are instructed to apply to seek an order to Strike out your defences and request to enter judgements against you for the full amounts plus associated costs forethwith. Once judgements have been obtained we mat take enforement action against your assets to obtain payment. I then received a further letter dated 9th March.................... We refer to the above numbered claim and our previous correspondance to which we have not had the courtesy of a reply. We have already explained the accounts that the claims relate to etc.... You have not raised further issues with regards tothe claim which leads us to believe that the matter has been sufficiently clarified. In consideration of the above, we believe that your liability for the indebtness is irrefuatble and it is our view that your defence will not be upheld by the court. therefore, in an attempt to avoid unnecessary costs and judicial time, we invite you to withdraw your defence and enclose a letter of consent for your agreement, signature and return. At this stage, we wish to advise you that our client is prepared to consider an offer from you to repay judgement by installments if acceptable repayments can be agreed. This would also minimise further legal costs. Should you wish to discuss this further please telephone the writer on 0845 609 0529 quoting xxxxx Please confirm by no later than 4pm on 23rd March 2012 that yo wish to withdraw your defence signing and returning the letter of consent together with any proposals for repayments. you should note that any offer of repayment should be accompanied by a full breakdown of your household income and expenditure together with detail of the amounts owing to other creditors. should you advise that you intend to continue with your defences or in the absence of a response by the date stated, we are instructed to apply to seek an order to Strike out your defences and request to enter judgements against you for the full amounts plus associated costs forethwith. Once judgements have been obtained we mat take enforement action against your assets to obtain payment. I would be really grateful if any one could suggest whether I accept to repay this in monthly installments under a tomlin order or are HSBC threatening this as a means to gain repayment knowing that they are unable to get payment through court. I do not understand why it has taken them so long to respond to the claim they made over a year ago. A large proportion of the OD is from charges for the account. I do not want a CCJ against my name so if had to conceed would go down tomlin order route. To complicate matters our mortgage is with HSBC so I would not want them to obtain a charging order. Please help?
  23. had a credit card with HSBC years ago (opened it 2004) and over the years they were evil with their charges and there was also PPI on it. Last Jan when I sold my house I paid off the balance (it was with the lovely DG Solicitors by then) and closed it. I know I have so much reading to do but is it worth trying to reclaim the charges from them? I assume the PPI is a separate issue. Will I only be get back the passed 6 years on both? Please help, I'm stealing myself for the battle. They made my life a misery.
  24. okay here goes :- had a loan with hsbc in 1998 (paid up until 2001) and then failed to pay due to mental breakdown and sectioning. I know I'm being a barsteward but these people made my life a misery so I'm going to go after the charges they hit me with and the ppi, any thoughts on how to proceed as its 1998? Thanks.
  25. HSBC Bank have made the last week of mine and my partner's life absolute hell. The whole story is explained in more detail on my blog, but I am unable to post a link yet as I have less than 10 posts. ..but I will give a brief overview of sorts. HSBC closed my girlfriends account with no apparent warning around 10 days ago. We weren't to know because we haven't received any letters and I do all the food shopping etc from my account so we've had no need to use her account etc. We only found out the account was closed when her card was swallowed by a cashpoint recently. We phoned HSBC to investigate and they tell us they've closed the account. No one on the phone initially could tell us why for some reason? As it transpired, HSBC said they had been receiving lots of returned mail from us. I had no knowledge of this, our postman is a good guy, I work from home. If there was any mail being sent us, then I'm pretty certain we would have received it. On further inspection, turns out they've been sending all letters to an address my girlfriend has not lived at for 6 years!!! No effort was made to contact us via telephone or our real address (which we changed ages and ages ago). They have now removed the overdraft limit, closed the account and threatened her with a debt collection agency (her account balance was around -£31 - but she did have a £500 overdraft limit). I have had to take the week off work to deal with this, I am struggling against utter utter incompetence left, right and centre. I have so far raised at least 3 formal complaints regarding our treatment.
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