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Found 14 results

  1. Hello, A few months ago I started having my Boots.com orders cancelled for unknown reasons - in the end I gave up and used my husbands account. Then Argos started repeatedly cancelling my orders and so I used my husbands account. Now my husband is being refused orders from both of these companies for unknown reasons. Even if I try and set up a new account and get a delivery it comes back as cancelled. When we call the customer service team can’t tell us much it’s either our card/cards, names or address? Can’t seem to find much on this and what to do never returned an order or had any trouble with these retailers before this!???
  2. Hi All Earlier this year I had a Final Charging Order applied for by my local Council to my local County Court. This secures a long-standing Council Tax debt from a past period of financial difficulty. I’ve no problem with that, it’s right and proper and appears to have been done procedurally correctly. The issue I have is that the Final Charging Order, issued by the County Court with a case number etc, has found its way to Registry Trust so is now listed on my credit file by the credit reference agencies. I’d always understood that credit reference agencies didn’t list council tax debt, so I’ve done a bit of research and made a few calls and I’m now in a position where I need some advice – hence my post here. I rang Registry Trust, the guy I spoke to said normally a charging order wouldn’t be listed but the info they get sent to upload from the County Court Money claim centre doesnt specify what the Judgement is - it just lists case number, amount, claimant & defendant names. He advised me to call the County Court Money claim centre, who have asked me to put my case to them in a letter or email. So what I’m looking to find out is: 1. What and where is the legislation or rules saying what Registry Trust should list? 2. How do I go about getting them to remove the record if it shouldn’t be there? 3. What about the credit reference agencies themselves, what and where is the legislation or rules saying what they can list? I dont want this blighting my file for 6 years if it shouldnt be there. Thanks in advance for any help
  3. Can anyone help please? We moved into in a grade II listed building. The listing describes the windows as "single glazed sliding sash windows in a wooden frame". However, the actual windows in the building are casement windows, top opening and bottom fixed, single glazed in a wooden frame. The frames are rotten and we want to replace. We want to put in what the listing says should be there, i.e. single glazed wooden framed sliding sash windows. Will we need to make an application for listed building consent, or can we argue that we are reinstating, as clearly sash windows were there originally when the building was first listed, and obviously were replaced "by others" before we arrived, and we are therefore are not changing what is recorded as being in place on the building? We just want to get on and replace, before the really bad weather comes! Any comments suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks t
  4. Hi there, I am looking for advice on whether i have any chance of getting a default removed that was been placed on my credit file last month, 4 years after the account was opened and no payment was ever made. The company is a PayDay load lender, MyJar (formerly Txtloan), and at the time (2011) I was in financial hardship. The original loan was £100. Now at a balance of £272. I have record of sending them an email in early 2012 requesting they freeze the interest due to my money struggles. I did not receive a reply. During this difficult period I was juggling many payday loan lenders and as a result this particular one was forgotten about. I never received any letters or emails from them regarding a statement of intent to issue a default. I have not changed any of my personal information but I have moved and my mail is redirected to me. I received 1 email from Lucas 12 months ago offering me options of payment but i only found this by searching my inbox so i must has missed it at the time. Since then I have turned over a new leaf financially and have managed to pay my outstanding debt in order to rebuild my credit and ensure that it is not harmed any further. Feeling like i will be in financial jail for a fresh 6 years is devastating as I was hoping to buy a house in the coming years after the last of my known defaults dropped off. Can i dispute this based on the length of time and the fact that I have not received any fore warnings? Advice much appreciated! Jen
  5. Hi This is my first post on here and desperate for some advice. Recently I've been contacted by a solicitor claiming he can claim my debt with Welcome Finance as un-enforceable. When looking into my loan I've found out that not only is it not listed with any credit reference agencies but not on the land registry. I've contacted my mortgage lender who have also confirmed there is no second charge on my mortgage. Does this alone make my debt un-enforceable and what would happen if i basically cancelled my direct debit to them. The solicitor's costs are on a no win no fee basis but can be up to 50% of anything I win. Many Thanks in advance.
  6. I have noticed for the last few months, one debt appears twice on my credit report, with two companies - Nationwide and MKDP - both applying monthly defaults. A screenshot is attached. I am guessing that Nationwide sold the debt onto MKDP. However, if MKDP are listing a default date of 8 January 2009 (when it was sold on?), why would Nationwide then state a default date of 3 August 2009? Furthermore, if the debt is indeed owned by MKDP, then why does Nationwide continue to apply monthly defaults? Also, having read another thread on here regarding MKDP, is it likely that as of January 2009, MKDP did not actually hold a Consumer Credit Licence?
  7. I applied to Littlewoods Catalogue via an application form way back in the 1990's. Although I have just a small debt of £160, this is now included in an IVA. The IVA has been enforced since June 2012; I've had no contact with Littlewoods since the IVA was granted. I wish to seek under I believe a section 75 request to see if there is any actual credit agreement with the catalogue company. The debt is still listed with Littlewoods and does not appear to have been sold on. Can anyone please provide me with template letters? Thank you.
  8. Apologies in advance; I just found this forum via google and I think this may be something people here can assist with. My business has a lease on a shop in London. Lease commenced February 2012. The shop was previously larger (it is now approximately 1/3rd of the size it was) and changed class from restaurant to now just retail. There was a previous tenant here for 12 months following the work. They went bust, and my business moved in. Since moving in a bill for business rates has never appeared. The last tenant did not pay anything either. Truth be told initially the business would have struggled to pay it in the early days, but business has grown and I now could as expected. Everything else is paid up to date and for example the business paid the SDLT on the lease, its registered with land registry correctly. It previously was shown as "delisted" on the VOA website. A rates surveyor I know looked into it and its now not shown on the VOA website as delisted; it does not exist under the postcode at all. My questions are as follows; My gut feeling is that whilst there has never been a bill, it is the sort of thing a council will one day notice and we will be hit with a backdated bill. The property has never been remeasured (there is now a duplex 2 bed flat where most of the previous property was). Can this happen in respect of the backdating? Alternatively, can a rates surveyor be enlisted to agree it now and start paying it moving forward if the VOA/ council are approached and there is demonstrated willingness to pay, or will they likely say thanks for alerting us, here's a huge bill going backwards and now forwards for your honesty? Or head in the sand until its discovered as they can't get us - I don't really see how it can be our "fault", as I said there has never been a bill, its never been measured, and according to the surveyor I spoke with the onus is not on us to tell them. Apologies for the length of the above, if any of it is vague please let me know and thank you in advance for any help on this matter.
  9. Hi there, Sigma red has listed a default on my credit report after I defended a claim they put through Northamptom court. This was a year ago and since then they have not been in touch. They are listing a bogus default amount and date. The debt was originally with HSBC and is over 6 years old although it was sold to Sigma in 2011 just before the 6 years. Now my question is how can they list the default under their names if the claim for monies is still on going? Any ideas on how to get rid of this default? Thanks in advance for your help
  10. I would be grateful for any advice on the next steps I should take to avoid repossession of my property when the hearing listed for 12 April takes place. Background: In 2007 I purchased a flat with my wife. This property was rented out until August 2011. We would receive any post addressed to us from the tenants. In February 2012 (having moved into the property in August 2011) we received a letter from a landlord which claimed that we owed ground rent arrears (but only back to January 2009) totalling £500 plus late payment fees and interest (in all a total of £952). Up to this date we thought that the ground rent was included in the sums we paid as service charge and we had never been asked to pay rent to anyone nor had we received any previous correspondence relating to ground rent. I contacted the solicitor acting for the landlord and offered to pay the £500 ground rent but queried the fees of £452 since I had never previously been asked to pay ground rent and I wanted to see copies of the correspondence requesting it. The solicitor refused to accept the part payment (as they described it) and told me that the landlord was unable to generate copies of any correspondence it had sent me because none were kept on file. They had records of the dates when letters and notices were sent to me and that was all. I wrote to them saying that I would be prepared to pay a portion of the fees but since I hadn't received the letters I didn't think it was reasonable to ask for payment in full. I heard nothing more and forgot about the issue entirely. In January 2013 I received a possession claim form and shortly after that a notice of hearing dated 12 April. The amount claimed in arrears was now £1,950. I contacted the solicitor again and this time it was a different person daling with it. She asked me to send copies of the email exchanges in Feb 2012 which I did. I informed her that I had no had any prior notice of the court proceedings and couldn't see how they could run up costs without my involvement. She then sent me a letter dated Novemeber 2012 which again I had not received. I offered to pay £1,200 to settle the claim and this was refused by the landlord via its solicitor. They seemed adamant that my mortgage company would pay the full sum. In the event I filed a defence and when I showed it to the mortgage company they accepted that there was a genuine disoute and declined to become involved unless there was a real risk to their security. In correspondence with the landlord's solicitor I was also able to clarify that the reason there was any delay in seeking the ground rent was because the landlord had only taken over the freehold in March 2010. I then filed a defence arguing that: 1) some of the sums claimed as ground rent preceded the date of ownership by the current landlord (they claimed arrears and fees dating back to January 2009); 2) the lease entitled the landlord to reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred by it in enforcing the lease but not to late payment fees - accordingly these fees were not owed; 3) the sums claims as legal costs were excessive and unreasonable given that these had been incurred without recourse to me and with no attempt to respond to my email in Feb 2013; 4) the landlord had in fact refused to accept the ground rent and on that basis could not seek the costs of the possession claim some £654; 5) the legal costs had not been itemised and were duplicative (namely fixed costs had been claims in addition to the actual legal costs incurred in preparing the claim and aland registry fee had been claimed twice); 6) there was no evidence the landlord had ever actually served a section 3 notice on me (it was unable to produce copies)and thus it could not show that it had ever notified me of its ownership and name and address and on that basisd I denied there was any right to the rent; 7) finally, i argued that forfeiture of the lease would not be proportionate and would be a breach of article 8 since my family (including two young children live in the flat). Since I issued the defence the landlord has offered to accept £1,600 to settle the dispute as a gainst the total claimed of £1,952. The questions I have are as follows: 1) should I accept this offer to avoid the risk of losing my property; 2) if I do accept it is there anything I need to be wary of (i.e. do i need to seek relief from forfeiture which might have further costs implications or have we not reached the stage of the existing lease being forfeited yet as the hearing has not taken place); 3) given the defence above should I apply additional pressure on the landlord by making an application to strike out the possession claim? If I did that is it likely that the application would succeed. 4) are there any other tactics I could employ to get the costs claimed down to a reasonable level? Thanks very much for any advice you can give me - I appreciate your help. Kind regards Michael
  11. Hi All, I have checked my credit file and i seen 2 defaults listed the first is by Orange and the 2nd is by GOTHIA LIMITED a loan ?, i have not had any letter or information relating to the defaults and the credit reference company just said call both of the companys. Also had a call to my new mobile number from BCW group how did they get the number very strange any feedback how i can sort out the defaults, i did have an orange mobile but the debt was included in my bankrupcy that was in 2009 and the other not had any loans since the BR. my credit file is now showing fair . any help would be great cheers
  12. My story began in 2006 when I answered the telephone. A woman I cannot remember her name selling Moben Kitchen was calling. Though my number was x-directory I failed to understand how she got my number. To cut matter shot we arranged to meet. When she arrived, I thought she was pushy and I told her and she apologised and explained is just kitchen was on offer for £7,000 and was ready to make me an offer of knocking £500 off. Stupidly I agreed and the sales went through. The installation was due in July 2006 for 2 days and I took time off work. Unfortunately the cooker they delivered was faulty no knob. Moben promised they will deliver the correct part in two weeks and throughout September, October, November 2006 I was still asking for the part. I then wrote to the Judge in Glasgow, Ombudsman explaining the situation and told then I intend to with-hold payment until my cooker was fixed. In November however I received a letter Mellicks & Co their Solicitors, telling me to pay the money now or risked going to Court, I wrote to them explaining the situation but it fell on deaf ears. I was forced to hire a solicitor at additional cost or so I thought but nothing was done. at last! towards the end of December 2006 the Cooker was fix and I pay Moben. Unknowing to me Moben had sent my details to Equifax that I defaulted payment and they black-listed me. Can you please help to take my name off blacklist as I owe Moben nothing? Vicky
  13. Hi, I have just received a reply from the bailiff company currently bothering me. In their letter they provided the bailiff's name and certification dates. I checked the certification register online, the names and dates are correct however the employer field is blank. This bailiff is working for Equita, surely the employer field should show "Equita" - Does this mean this bailiff has been working illegally? - Does this mean any charges applied for visits have been unenforceable/illegal? - Is this a stick I can use to beat them with? Advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.
  14. Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me with this issue. I had a loan from Egg which I couldn't afford to pay back when I lost my job back in 2005. The account went into default in 12/05/2006 and was passed onto Cabot Financial. The default from Cabot was due to be removed in May 2012, which it was, however, now the default has been relisted by Egg dated 30/11/2010, meaning it will not be removed from my account until 2016! My partner and I were waiting for this default to be removed before we try to get a mortgage to buy our first home. I have no way of paying it back so the default is satisfied quickly as the default makes up around 15% of our deposit. Now I know for a fact that this was originally defaulted in 2007 with Egg, but I have not kept any paperwork or proof of that being the default date. Is there any way of getting this default removed, or proving that the default date of 30/11/2010 is incorrect without having a hard copy/proof of the original default? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated by myself and my partner. Thanks in advance Mike
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