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  1. My son, had received a letter back last year claiming he had parked illegally, the charge was £163, I told him to pay it as it be very difficult to prove there was no proper signage, anyway he forgot about it then today he received this letter with a charge of £270. They say they have obtained a judgement against him and if he wants to avoid it he must pay the charge within one month, if he does that they will contact the court and tell them to remove the judgement. I have never heard anything remotely like this before. I have attached a copy of the letter to this post just hope it comes up ok.
  2. Hello all, I received a letter today in the post from Gladstone solicitors requesting for £160. I checked online at HX car park's website the PCN quoted on the letter does not exist as it is not recognised. So I called the solicitors as they said to if matters needed to be discussed. Called to find out why there's a charge for a parking that was paid for and why no PCN issued and why is this the first time they can contacting seeing as date of charge is 04/03/2018. In which she responded rudely that they sent a letter in June and they are acting on behalf of HX Car management and if there is a problem with my post to contact royal mail and for my information they will be issuing a letter to the courts in which i said I've only just received a letter which i wasn't aware of and I've not been giving opportunity to appeal. Her response was to go to Citizens advise bureau. After speaking to a friend, he informed me to contact this forum as i really do not understand how a parking ticket which was paid for will result to £160. I wish I never spoke to her because it's giving me a bad migraine. Do not know what to do next? I've attached the letter received today.
  3. I live in an apartment building which comes with a parking space. One day my parking permit was not displayed as it had fallen off my dashboard of my car so a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) was found on my screen. I emailed the company, Spring Parking Ltd, to inform them that the permit had simply fallen on the floor of my car. Their response was that it is my responsibility to ensure it is displayed and that the PCN still applied. However, I never heard anything further from them about this. I subsequently had the same issue occur but as they never followed up on the first instance I didn't email them again. I then started to get letters from a claims company with the usual "this is what's due but if you pay within XX days it will be reduced". I have had these sort of letters previously when I had a dispute regarding an NCP car park and eventually they stopped and never heard anything again. However, in this instance I have now received a solicitors letter from Gladstone Solicitors (attached). Another resident advises that I should ignore it as it is private land and Spring Parking can't enforce the PCN anyway. Receiving the letter from a solicitors has raised doubt in my mind of my position. They want £155. My daughter also has had a letter from Gladstones regarding 3 PCN's she has received whilst visiting me. Would love some advise on both instances. I have also attached a photo of the signage that appears in the parking area for reference/ information. docs1.pdf
  4. Hi, please people need your help. Received a letter from Gladstone solicitors. It refers to a parking notice. They said I owe £160 to DRP. To date I have ignored their letters but this is the first one from Gladstone. It mentions the case of Beavis It asked me to make full payment to DRP, if I dont in 14 days, I should keep them updated with address change so I can defend court proceedings. There have only supplied one photo which was taken from the shop assistant of the rear of the vehicle. No times or anything. The signs were very unclear and small. Do I pay? do I respond to Gladstone or do I just wait for the summons and defend in court? what are my prospects of success. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi Petroholic, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?466036-PPM-PCN-claim-form-from-Gladstones-Solicitors-received&p=5014823#post5014823 Hope you are well. I just wondered if you had your court appearance yet and if so, how did it go against gladstones. I have received similar letter from gladstones few days ago. As with your case, there was no NTK and no PCN on the car, only letters from Debt recovery plus last August asking for the fine to be paid, which i ignored as other forums indicated that was best call of action.
  6. Sip parking are taking me to court. On the 21/2/17 I overstayed my parking by 45 minutes, while at a meeting. I hadn't noticed how long I'd gone over unfortunatly, otherwise I would have paid the extra £1 charge it would have cost me. received notification from Sip parking some weeks later and they were to charge me £70 for the overstay. sent my letter off claiming I was not the driver of said vehicle. received a letter from Gladstone solicitors, letter before claim, on the 10th July. decided I may as well just pay up. then started reading about parking ticket fines while away from home and decided I may as challenge them. Came home mid August and found a claim form waiting for me. From a £1 parking ticket, this claim is now £239.91 I've now created my online login at money claim. What now please.
  7. Hi all, I started this thread following a post on Ginger's thread located in this forum (unable to post links yet). I have the same situation: 1) I sent a standard letter asking for the basis of the invoice and offering to go through POPLA as court is unnecessary. 2) Got an "appeal rejected" letter despite not actually appealing, rather just requesting information and offering to resolve the matter. 3) Got further letters from ES Parking and then one from Gladstone. I didn't bother wasting my money on postage sending a reply as I saw from every other person that they just ignore it anyway. I have a couple of weeks to submit my defence. I'm expecting to win, naturally as these guys are nothing more than low life cowboys. Any advice on what my defence should consist of? I was thinking of the following main points: 1) The driver was not identified and ES Parking refused to help in identifying the driver despite my request for information. I am only the registered keeper of the vehicle so why should I be liable? 2) The fee is not a genuine pre-estimate of loss (I have previously won a case through POPLA on that grounds) 3) I offered the claimant the option to resolve this through POPLA to avoid court and my offer was simply ignored. 4) My original letter (sent by recorded delivery) requesting information on the basis of the invoice was simply ignored with subsequent letters making unfounded demands for money 5) The invoice itself is baseless as ES Parking are just contractors, they don't own the land. That's the crux of it, is there anybody willing to help me in terms of adding extra points and the wording which will go into the defence? I'm also looking to make a claim for loss of earnings due to attending the court case should they go ahead with it - any help with that would be much appreciated. Many thanks all
  8. Hi, Hoping for some advice. The driver pulled up on a road in Spinningfields Manchester to allow the passenger to get out, and put on the hazard warning lights. There were double yellow lines, but not hashed up on to the pavement edge, as per the highway code 'no stopping'. The driver and passenger had not seen any obvious other signage 2 weeks later and a £60 PCN was received by the registered owner. A letter outlined on Money Saving Expert was sent asking for the companies right to pursue the claim (as this was on the road, and not on 'private' land as such.) a few weeks later a further letter was sent said the appeal had been rejected, and the amount increased to £100 and just ignored the questions asked. A further reply was sent asking for them to again answer the questions. No reply. Today a letter from Gladstones, titled 'Letter Before Claim' was received and the amount has gone up again to £150. Since the initial parking notice was issued we have returned to spinningfields (we don't live locally to it) and took pictures of the notices, the yellow lines (which are actually very hard to see where we parked due to road resurfacing), and have this as evidence should we need it. Should I contact the land owners of Spinningfields and contest this with them instead of ES/Gladstones? Should I just reply to Gladstones saying we are appealing the fine? Anyway advice gratefully received.
  9. Hi I have received a claim form with a stamp and the county court address on there. It says on the back of the letter - Do not ignore this claim form - if you do nothing judgement may be entered against you without further notice. This will make it difficult for you to get credit. Included in the pack are Admission Form N9A Defence and Counterclaim Forrm N9B Acknowledgement of service The top two are options are self explanatory i believe it does state the following under the 'acknowledgement of service' option: If you file an acknowledgement of service but do not file a defence within 2 days of service of the claim form, or particulars of claim if served separately, judgement may be entered against you. If you do not file an application within 14 days of the date of filing this acknowledgement of service, it will be assumed that you accept the court's jurisdiction and judgement may be entered against you. I can recall this relates to when they claim I had stopped in a no stopping zone at one stop shopping centre in Perry Barr Birmingham. I was totally unaware of this till i recieved the letter and it was asking for £100! On recollection i had parked next to where all the taxis park, so my mother could run to the cash point. I was in my car at all times and my engine was on - she was back in my car in two minutes and i was out o there. There was no obstruction caused and i even doubt i crossed the line where the cross hatches begin - probably only to turn around and get out of there! Naturally i have been ignoring their demands and have not sent them anything, but upon receiving this now i am concerned as to what it is? Am i being taken to court? will i get a CCJ? and do i need to respond? what is my best course of action? Hoping somebody can advise me please. Many many thanks
  10. Hi all, Hoping you can help, I received a ticket on my vehicle for staying longer than I should however the NTK which I received stated I had the wrong ticket displayed (I had another parking ticket displayed in the window on the other side of the car) I presume the attendant saw that one and wrote up the charge. I followed advice to ignore the spam letters coming through the post I believe what I was ignoring related to a fine from over 4 years ago (these letters didn't state as to what fine it was just an outstanding payment that was owed to DCBL) therefore I assumed it related to my recent fine this year and as such ignored them. Unfortunately I have now received the following letter from Gladstones and quite frankly Im working myself up into a bit of a panic now! I have attached the letter, If someone could kindly advise on this it would be greatly appreciated! letter of claim gladdys.pdf
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