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Found 10 results

  1. Tax is changing in Wales READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tax-is-changing-in-wales
  2. Fully digital divorce application launched to the public England and Wales READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fully-digital-divorce-application-launched-to-the-public
  3. Hi all. Just after some advice on this one for my brother as he's now in disneyland in florida for 3 weeks with his family. He parked at broughton park in north east wales while he went for a meal with his partner and child at frankie and bennys. The only bays available that were anywhere close to the restaurant were either disabled bays or bays right across the other side of the park near macdonalds or near specsavers. Not really the kind of walk you want to do when its raining hard and you have a 7 year old tired kid in tow. he chose to park in a disabled bay as it was the most logical place. Bear in mind, he parked there at 7pm and every single one of the 2 rows of disabled bays were empty . The rest of the park was full. He left the restaurant at around 9pm to find out he had a PCN issued at 8.33. By this time, the park would have been pretty empty as people would have left the restuarants and shops there. The only people around would be late night eaters and cinema goers. Google maps shows the park at 53.167590, -2.975015 He parked in the bays to the right side of prezzo. He wants to know how he can get rid of this PCN i thought i'd ask you guys for him. I know a fair bit about PCN's, but i don't want to make a mistake for him. Also, regarding signage, if you look where the red barriers are on the empty car park by prezzo, thats the signage thats there now. Theyre sporadic around the park, but thats the only signage around. I can get signage if needed. PCN and NTK are below: And: 1 Date of the infringement - 25 Aug 17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 25th Sept 17 3 Date received 27th Sept 17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Park Watch 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Broughton Retail park 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf 4.pdf
  4. Fire safety in tower blocks to be examined by Assembly Committee - National Assembly for Wales READ MORE HERE: http://www.assembly.wales/en/newhome/pages/newsitem.aspx?itemid=1732
  5. I have looked to see if anyone else has encountered this problem on CAG couldn't find anything, so apologies if I have missed it. In Wales there are circumstances when you can park on a single yellow line for three hours and then the car must be moved for one hour. I believe that this may be different in England but not sure as there is conflicting advice. Having had a rather nasty experience yesterday with a traffic warden who swore blind that I hadn't moved the car when I most definitely had as she said, "the valves are in the same place", I wondered how far the car has to be moved? Does anyone know? It was a horrible experience being told that I hadn't moved the car and that further more I did it every day! There was a CCTV camera on the pub nearby so I suggested that the warden go ahead and book me and I would request the evidence. Eventually when neighbours came out to support me we told that we were "ganging up on her". Fortunately in law witnesses are not accused of this! In any event I was told to reverse the car 10 foot to move the car. I understand that this is within the power of the traffic Warden so I complied. Therefore it appears that moving a car is just moving it so that the valves are not in the same place! But is this correct or should the car be removed from that stretch of yellow line making it difficult to return to a place of work? It has also occurred to me that this must create difficulties for disabled workers trying to park near their place of work. Popping out and moving the car every three hours to where?
  6. Hi there , yesterday on the 1/07/2016 , i boarded a train from llansamlet to Cardiff , there was no conductor on the train , as I arrived in Cardiff I had to go to the unpaid fair's desk , as I was there about to buy my ticket I had a stupid moment of madness and told the guy at the ticket office that I boarded on Bridgend but he caught me out by saying that there were ticket tolls at Bridgend and I completely froze , I then got taken by a transport investigations officer she gave me a quick interview and asked me questions in regards to what just happened , I told her I was sorry and that it was a stupid thing to do and I even offered to pay for the fair there and then but she said no because the repercussions of this will be a lot more ' hefty' . The lady told me that I would receive a letter which I must respond to giving my side of the story , I have seen many posts where people have been summoned to court . Has anyone got any advice for me when I respond to this letter in what I should say or do should I attach a payment invoice covering the fair and the admin fee ? , I have a feeling cause I lied to them they are going to take me to court no matter what I say . If I do go to court what would the outcome be ? I have never had an encounter in this manner with the Arriva trains wales before this is the first time I have done something like this . I have encountered with the police for something silly in December which I had a fine for will that effects me if this goes to court ? I was really idiotic to even lie about where I boarded and it is something that I would not do again . If anyone can help me out and advise me I would greatly appreciate it . Thanks Shaun
  7. I wonder if anyone has any further information on the Superfast Wales roll-out. We live in a very rural part of the Isle of Anglesey and so our internet and telephone come down a good old fashioned copper wire from the local exchange, which is about 2 miles away. As you can imagine, our broadband (can't really call it that to be honest) is no faster than about 2mbps down and perhaps a 1/4 of that 'up'. The website is saying that our cabinet is connected but having spoken to Sky (our current ISP) they tell me that our max speeds are still just 1.5 to 2 mbps. Are there any more detailed roll-out plans available / are any of you able to shed a little more light on what impact, if any, the roll out will have on those of us in properties well off the beaten track?
  8. Hi guys just joined after stumbling across this site when researching mysterious lost entitlements on UK Driving Licences, looks like there's loads of info on here to point me in the right direction. Al:-)
  9. Wales and West Utilities (May 2011) Investigation into compliance with obligations on regulatory reporting under the gas transporter licence Ofgem is investigating Wales and West Utilities’ (WWU) compliance with obligations on reporting of information to Ofgem on WWU’s mains replacement programme under its gas transporters licence. These obligations include those under Standard Special Conditions A26 (Provision of information to the Authority), A30 (Regulatory Accounts), A40 (Price control review information), D9 (Transportation activity incentive scheme and performance reporting) and Special conditions E2B (Restriction on revenue in respect of the Distribution Network transportation activity), E3 (Allocation of revenues and costs for calculations under the price control in respect of the Distribution Network), and E6 (Information to be provided to the Authority in connection with the transportation system revenue restriction in respect of the Distribution Network) of its gas transporter licence. (From 1 April 2008, due to amendments following the gas distribution price control, the relevant requirements referred to in part E2B, E3 and E6 are now held in Special conditions E5 (Mains and services replacement expenditure adjustment), E17 (Allocation of revenues and costs for calculations under the price control) and E20 (Revenue reporting and associated information to be provided to the Authority in connection with the distribution network transportation activity revenue restriction).
  10. I live 350 miles away from my elderly Parents. My dear old Mum has recently taken a backward step her fight with Dementure. It started three years ago after she had had a stroke. She recovered well from this and made good progress until last year when she had a heavy fall and broke a hip. Again she was getting over this well but since Christmas has had having a number of small fits, a lot of trouble with her balance, her words and becomes increasingly preoccupied with very small things. She was taken back into hospital two weeks ago after another small fall. Since then she has been moved form rest/respite home every three or four days while they (NHS) get her meds sorted out. The problem I have there seems to be no effort to change the meds, they appear more interested in keeping her quite and subdued. She would be better off at home if I can get my Dad some home help I suppose the first thing I have to do is have a chat with her GP. I want to make sure me 'ol dad knows she is getting best care. Their 84 and 85 btw Lex
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