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Found 11 results

  1. Dear all, I have recently received a letter of intention to prosecute due to an offence that took place in November. I had decided to try riding the train without buying a ticket as I had realised that there where no barriers at the station near my house and the barriers where always open at my University station(Incredibly stupid I know). I was caught by I believe a loss protection officer for southern rail, who took my statement and cautioned me. The issue being that I panicked and lied to the loss protection officer, claiming that I didn't have time to get a ticket at the station and was in a hurry. I understand from reading other posts here that the best course of action is to send a politely worded letter, offering to pay a fine so as to avoid prosecution. My question is, what is my best course of action? To tell the truth in my letter, or to repeat the lie I told the loss protection officer? The offence listed is : failing to hand over a rail ticket for inspection. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello,, Today I received a notice of intention to prosecute from Govia Thameslink Railway after an incident on Northern Rail back in January. I am extremely extremely worried about this incident and it is causing me great upset. I have read around on this forum and have prepared my response below to the notice of intended prosecution, please can you offer any advice on what I should / should not included and also indicate what the repercussions of this could be? Is there anything else I should do like ringing them etc? Any help is massively appreciated! RESPONSE: Dear Sir/Madam, I offer my most sincere apologise for my shameful actions in this case. In all other circumstances of my life, I had until this point - upheld a strong degree of integrity and character. As a young lady starting out my career, a criminal record would completely devastate my current and future employment prospects. I’m in my first job working in London and had been using carnets to travel to and from work. During the week of the 8th January, I was in the midst of moving house and with everything going on more stressed than normal. On the 10th January, I caught an extra early train at 6:21am from Letchworth Garden City to attend an earlier-than-usual meeting. Due to it being much earlier than I would typically travel, I hadn’t prepared a carnet beforehand like normal, but instead planned to complete a blank one on the train. In complete stupidity, I didn’t check there was a blank one in my bag and whilst on-board, I realised to my horror I had forgot to pack the empty carnet. In panic, I searched through my bag and could only find a previously used carnet. In a complete error of judgement, I stupidly changed the dates on the carnet to the 10th January. This was a terrible thing to do and I am extremely ashamed of my action. Upon arriving at Kings Cross, I was questioned by the ticket officer and at which point, I admitted whole heartedly to what I had done, apologised profusely and explained the circumstances. The officer thanked me for my honestly telling me he would leave a mark on my file, but advised he would have to report the incident. I made a grave mistake. I have never done anything like this before and certainly will not do anything of this nature again. I am extremely sorry for the way I acted and the damages this action has caused others. I am more than willing and able to make immediate payment to cover the unpaid fare and any other damages or administrative costs I’ve caused. I’m also happy to sign up to an annual ticket so this event can never happen again. I appreciate your consideration in this matter.
  3. Hi, NPower have sent me a letter headed "Your outstanding balance and Noticeof Intention to file a default on your credit file". I think this debt possibly goes back to 2014, when I moved into my current property and NPOWER were supplying the property at that time. Is there any way for me to find out why I owe them this money? They have given me till the 12th of october to make the full payment of £196.54 or agree to a payment arrangement. Please advise? Thank YOu!
  4. I have been an HSBC customer in three countries and I've never seen anything like this. Everything we do with HSBC UK seems to have a negative affect on our credit rating. I've never defaulted on a payment, and was planning to buy our place in a few months time. It's way beyond illogical, it's just plain ridiculous. I opened an HSBC Advance package a few months ago, as I was told that getting a credit card would help my credit rating, and help me secure a mortgage. I was offered a credit card limit for a few thousand pounds, but as I was not planning on using this that much, I opted to limit this to £1k. Recently, after checking my credit report, I noted that this "lower" limit is hindering my credit rating, so I tried to increase this, but now HSBC won't do it, as it's not yet passed 6 months since they did the credit check. I was never told that this lower limit would affect my credit score initially, so now I have to wait a few months to raise this. P.S. I was only told this after calling 3 times, and trying to do this twice on Internet Banking. my wife arrived in the UK (from being a loyal HSBC customer in Malta) in January. Upon arriving she opened a basic bank account with HSBC UK. Having waited the full 6 months to get upgraded to a standard bank account, she was told that she's not good enough to merit this. This is a professional earning over £30k per year (for the past 5 months), having a good credit history elsewhere within HSBC. This might be because as we got married a couple of months ago, she changed her surname earlier in the day (with the same person), thereby erasing any history HSBC had of her, and told her to wait for another... (wait for it) ...6 months. These people are beyond simply ridiculous. In the meantime, we were discussing how much of a mortgage we would be able to take. So obviously they told her that they wouldn't give her anything, even though we have over a 15% deposit, thus limiting severely our options. Furthermore, it seems that every HSBC person we speak to gives us advice which actually hinders our credit score and chance of getting a mortgage. Apart from that, we have been waiting for over a month for this bloody appointment, as they're always too busy... Please note that every time we speak with them, they do credit checks on us, affecting negatively our credit score, and any way I try to improve this score, I'm blocked off by my bank. This is a bank, I worked with in the UK (even though I wasn't here all the time) for almost 8 years, and who to this day treat me like I never existed and have to introduce myself like a new client every time I speak with them. They don't recognize my holdings elsewhere (including another HSBC Home Loan - yep, another mortgage, that's right...). Furthermore, my wife is in a position that she can't build a credit history with them, even though she already has one which they clearly trust elsewhere... My impression is clearly that these people won't help us buy a place, but actually hinder us in the process , by lowering our rating through useless checks which they do not proceed upon, even though we'd be very good clients (we're a couple of professionals, with over £60k of proven annual income). For that reason, we have no option but to look elsewhere where to bank. Clearly, we're not good enough as we're neither Mexican drug lords nor tax dodgers for HSBC Switzerland!
  5. Hi All, In late November last year, I was stopped at London Waterloo, having walked through open turnstyles without a ticket. On 5th January this year I received a letter from SWT Prosecutions Department asking me to submit any mitigating factors to them within 14 days, which I did. Then a couple of weeks ago, a summons arrived, with 2 charges: 1) Did travel, or attempt to travel, upon a railway without having previously paid the fare and with the intention to avoid payment thereof, 2) Did contravene Byelaw No.9(2), in that you did without permission from an authorised person, enter or leave railway premises without passing through the manned or automatic barrier, in the correct manner. Background. In August 2014 my family moved to Farnham, Surrey, having lived in London for 15 years. From then on I began commuting into London Waterloo from Farnham, buying a weekly season ticket each week. On the day in question, I'd got on the train before realising mine had expired. Usually a ticket inspector checks everyone's tickets and offers new ones to people wanting to purchase one. The train was unusually busy, and I did not see him before arriving at London Waterloo. On approaching the ticket barriers, one was open, so I stroud through. At that point I was detained by a very hostile ticket inspector, who alledged I'd barged through behind a fee paying passenger, and the rest is history. My gut feeling for a defence here, is that the title of the first charge, simply isn't true. I never had the 'the intention to avoid payment thereof', and renewed my season ticket later that day in order to commence the return leg of my journey. I spoke to the Prosecutions department recently, who said settling out of court was unfeasible. They also said that they'd looked into whether I was a season ticket holder, but nothing turned up - as I only buy weekly tickets, as can't afford the lengthier ones - and coupled with the fact that I had barged behind a passenger, a prosecution was appropriate. The honest fact of the matter is that the gate was open, and I barged behind no-one. I simply - and niaively - said to myself, I'll renew my ticket later, which I did. I can deal with the Byelaw infringement, but have relatives in Australia and the US, and am likely in the future to need CRB checks, so am keen to avoid a conviction. I've left this rather late, as have to be in Court at 10am on thursday, so am desparate for any advice anyone can offer. Jamie
  6. I had a weekly ticket, but forgot my photocard. My ticket was taken from me (still had 4 days left on it) and I was questioned by an RPI guy. Unfortunately, I have no recollection of what I said to him because being forced to stand on a crowded train platform caused me to have a panic attack. I think I was so desperate to get out of there that I just agreed to everything he said. A few months later I get a letter saying that I had 14 days to give my side of the story. I wrote back apologizing for my error and I also sent them the photocard. I have had panic attacks and chest pains ever since this happened and I'm so scared that this will go to court. I know I've brought all of this on myself but I really need to know how much trouble I am in. Thanks.
  7. Hey guys and girls, I've spent a few hours yesterday and an hour this morning trying to find an intent to defend a claim from my energy company npower, I believe they changed my contract illegally and they refused to really discuss the matter so after being fobbed off i just refused to pay. I owe over 2k on each account that should be a dual fuels account (my issue). each time they called i would advise to take to court to secure any futher compliance from me... ~I am dyslexic bi polar adhd and spending a couple of hours yesterday and today my anxiety has just sky rocketed. I will how ever be applying for bankruptcy just can't for another 4 to 6 months WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR A TEMPLATE FOR MY INTENT TO DEFEND A CLAIM AGAINST ME! My i say thanks in advance! I am so stressed all i really want to do is sign the back of the form they sent me with a one line instruction of my intention to defend but somehow think it may fall short of what is needed...
  8. I have received a notice of intent to prosecute from FFC for the offense of 'Failing to hand over a rail ticket for inspection' The letter provides me with area to provide a 'response from passenger' - Tell us what happened from your point of view. Is there any reason to provide one as I am not disputing that I did not provide a ticket? Reason being I had thought I had touched in my Oystercard. Cost of the journey was a single stop so less than a couple of quid. Going to court seems excessive for a first offense. How best should I respond to the letter?
  9. Please PLEASE can someone offer me some advice. I have had a small business account with British Gas for over 10 years. In 2010 I received an invoice from BG for several thousand pounds saying that my bills had been estimated for several years and here was a bill for what I owed them. Up until this point I always paid the bills they sent me and un be known (yes I agree this was my fault for not reading the bills properly) I hadnt realised they were estimated The recession had hit however and I was unable to pay this HUGE bill so I contacted BG. My turnover fell to £14k! It was really bad. This took several months of backwards and forwards between us to sort out and their "Special Credit Solutions Team" allocated me my own account manager and they agreed for monthly repayments. This amount they agreed was the minimum amount they would accept and I was bullied into agreeing to repay at this amount. I wasnt asked to produce or prove my zero income and my lack of work. These payments started, but then I stumbled 6 months later due to lack of work and monies. I contacted my account manager who said not to worry they would sort it and get back to me. They asked me for an up to date meter reading which I gave and they explained they would sort it. This didnt happen. I then received a notice of disconnection and called BG again. They repeatably said "Dont Worry" ignore the letter and they would sort it. Next I find that they have a Warrant, entered my premises at 5:00pm on a Friday evening, changed the locks and left me with a note to contact for new keys and another bill. This contact number went through to an telephone number that was unmanned. As we had work to carry out over that weekend we called a locksmith who changed our locks so that we could then gain access. I called BG on the Monday morning discussed this and the ongoing issue with their Warrant Dept who said that they would speak to "Special Credit Solutions Team" and get back to me. I was asked if I would like to file a complaint and I said yes and was given a Reference number for the complaint. I was told the complaint procedure could take up to 8 weeks for me to get a response but in the meantime they would get the Special Solutions Team to contact me and sort it out. I outlined that I was told to ignore the letter to disconnect my gas and that my account manager said they would sort it and get back to me. I also explain to the Warrant Dept that I have queeried if my meter was faulty because the offices were unmanned and had been for several years. There were no staff present on site and I was not happy with why my meter readings were this amount when I had not been working there at all. I asked if my meter could be looked at. I was told they would have to check to see where the meter was and that were not sure if they still had it. Nothing happened and I heard nothing. I called again at the beginning of May and the Warrant team said they would get my account manager to contact me and sort this out. Again I heard nothing A month later I email them and am told "I will look into this for you and reply as soon as I can. It is in the hands of a manager, please be reassured that we are dealing with your account." And again I still hear nothing. Then I receive a letter and several answerphone messages from a debt collection agency threatening me and then two weeks later I've received a formal demand for payment. By now another £500 has been added as administration fees! So, I'm writing to ask what I should do. As far as I'm concerned I filed a complaint with BG. I've had no response. I've had no letters, email, or telephone calls from them. They then appear to have passed this over for collection, even though I am told that this was being sorted by their Special Credit Solutions Team. Can I contact the Ombusman about this case, or do I file another complaint with BG? I need to get this sorted as we have no gas on the premises. (This happened back in April) I would like my meter testing but they dont know if they still have it, and havent let me know when they said they would. Look forward to some advice PLEASE
  10. ive been sent a notice of intent to prosecute. and im not sure what to do. i was travelling from hatfield to kings cross with a std ticket and i sat in first class. The only reason I sat in first class was because the train was overcrowded and I had been waiting for the train for over an hour. I walked down to the end of the platform got on the train and sat down. I really wasn't aware that you could be prosecuted for doing so. when the ticket inspector asked to see my ticket i showed it to him and this is when he told me that i would be fined for sitting there. He asked me to pay upfront but i didn't have the money so i asked if he could send it to my house so i could pay it that way. He did caution me and ask me a list of questions which i answered but he didn't say anything about this going to court. However what i did do is give a fake name which the inspector called to check and passed. Im not sure how because that person does not exist in that house. name but my real address. This was not because i didn't have the intention of not paying but because i didn't want to get in trouble when the letter got sent to my house. Im not really sure what to do now. I didnt get on the train with the intention of sitting in first class and not paying i just stupidly sat there. I was just tired and cold and wanted to sit down. any advice would be appreciated as im not sure if i should call them, write to them or to ignore this as its not addressed to me. Im a student with very little money and i accept what i did was very niave but i would really like to settle this out of court. thanks
  11. Hello everyone I wondered if someone had some advice on what i should do, the problem is the following. I was out of the country for nearly two years and suffered a succession of financial problems, work came and went as did accomodation. As a result of all the stress i neglected to contact the Student Loans company about deferment. It is very expensive to call them from Holland. Well I actually sent them a fax about this time last year explaining my situation and asked them to contact me via email or reply to the fax number, but they didn't, they just kept calling my parents. Now I am back in the country and i want to sort it out but i worried that it might have gone to the debt collectors. Can anyone tell me what to expect after this time? CHeers, S
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