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  1. Hello I am new here and desperate for some advice. It's complicated but will try and keep it brief but below is a summary. In August 2006 myself and my now ex husband needed to refinance an existing loan with GE Money a broker referred us to Blackhorse and we were offered a secured loan of £40k. We were categorically told that we could only take the loan if we had the PPI as well even though we said the repayments were way to high to afford. We were convinced by the Blackhorse rep that this was our only option like idiots we signed. The loan agreement states Regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Total amount of loan with PPI was £52,075.05 (we did query this as we were told absolute max allowed to borrow was £39,000 the balance is cost of PPI). 10 year repayment period. Interest rate of 11.9%. A year on and we realised that the PPI should not of been sold to us as we had our own insurance through our employers (we had told the Blackhorse rep this before signing)! After a bit of a fight £10,373.35 was credited (so it shows on my statement). Another year down the line and a divorce. I got into payment difficulties and missed a few payments (I always made Blackhorse aware of when and why). PPI came to light again as when Blackhorse credited the original amount they had failed to refund the payments we had made and the interest. In 2009 Blackhorse finally credit the account again with a refund of £3,561.31 only after I had refused to pay anything until they did! I carried on paying reduced payments to Blackhorse as I was struggling on my own with the loan and main mortgage but had accrued arrears made up of missed payments and charges of £23,435.47 Blackhorse went for a SPO in November 2012. Blackhorse wrote to me the same month to say they were charging me 11.292%. I have carried on paying the court agreed sum however on occasions I have not been able to pay the whole amount on the due dates and payments have either been split, late or not the full amount. I always called Blackhorse and made them aware if paying extra when I could and for once they were helpful! In October 2014 I received my annual statement and was shocked to see that even after paying over £7K the balance of my loan had only gone down by £145! I queried this and put in a complaint to the FOS. Within in 4 days Blackhorse rang me and said "good news - no more interest, when I queried why all of a sudden they said "good will gesture"! Roll on to May 2015 when I receive letters from Blackhorse and Skye to say loan was sold on. I rang Blackhorse and asked why they said no longer "allowed" to operate those loans" however everything with my loan would remain the same. I then called Skye when my first payment was due 1st July 2015). Made the first payment via debit card however the rep entered the wrong post code so had to do again. Again was reassured smooth running of account by Skye. Checked bank account later that day to find I missing two lots of large payments! Rang Skye oops sorry a mistake we don't have the money it's in limbo, called my bank who confirmed the wrong payment was in limbo and would have to wait until it wasn't collected to recredit my account. My bank then blocked my cards as believed it was fraudulent due to high amount twice! This took almost two weeks which meant I incurred bounced direct debits bank charges and £253 liability order for non payment of council tax! Skye just said oh we didn't have the money physically so tough, On making my next payment the lady I was speaking to said about setting up the payment plan by direct debit. I explained I was unable to do that as sometimes I have to make split payments as money was very tight. She said send in your pay slips, statements and expenditure and income and we can see if we can get you a more comfortable payment. She asked was was comfortable now I said the amount but what about SPO. She said well it's a fresh start with us and took the reduced payment. She confirmed to make the reduced payment until they had reviewed my finances. I made the reduced payment (split) this month on 29th. Thence stepdad I received a call from a rep who told me she had reviewed my finances and the history of the account from Blackhorse and as there are still £9,315 owing on the arrears and as my finances clearly show I ve no extra finances to clear these - they suggest I sell my house to clear the whole balance on my loan otherwise they will possess. I was shocked! She said they are no ,onger able to help me and I have until Monday to respond. Sorry this is so long but thought the whole history would be helpful. Sorry I forgot to mention I have paid £45,102.41 to date and the balance on this loan is ......... £42,676.88, the lady who called from Skye in Friday also said the the original term of the loan was up last month and that I had breached the SPO as when it sent to court a new agreement was put in place (news to me as I never signed any new agreement) that the loan would be extended by 4 years to allow for all arrears and payments to clear however I would need to be paying over £900 a month to do this - I currently pay £700 which is £80 more than agreed by court.
  2. Hi I have recently finished paying a loan, originally with Black Horse now with Skye. I have made all contractual payments under this agreement. (well actually I overpaid by 1 instalment) 90 payments of 278.26 for agreement 91 payments of 278.26 made The balance of this account is now stands at 775.04 This amount derives from 15 charges of 25.00 & 7 charges of 30.00 A charge of 15.00 to change the date of the repayments. Also now a charge of 12.00 from Skye in March this year for an alleged instalment payment missed. All information is obtained from a SAR sent to Black Horse in February 2016. Skye took over receiving payments for this account in June 2015.At that point I had 7 payments to make, although due to a communication error with my other half 8 were made. All these payments made in full and on time. So as far as I was concerned this loan was finished, but was aware account had incurred charges during a bad period for us 2009-2011. I have never accepted these charges & made Black Horse aware of this & of our financial problems at that time hence paying for a date change in repayments to try and rectify problem but didn’t work & I continued to be charged. I have recently received a letter from Skye quoting that I have missed a payment of 278.26 in March and have subsequently been charged 12.00. Against better judgement a phoned Skye and asked how can I have missed payments when all contractual payments had been made +1. They hadn’t a clue what anything was as they had only received a balance figure from Black Horse & said they would look into it. Another telephone call to Skye now reveals that this balance is made up of charges & interest. Some of the interest occurred from the start of the loan (draw down of funds in July 2008 & the 1st installment being paid in August 2008) and it was then pointed out that the amount owed now 775.04 is now capital. I repeated that I did not agree with the charges and would not be paying them and that I would be taken action to reclaim these charges & would send a letter this weekend. The only problem is what letter would I use to address this situation, it’s been quite some time since I tackled anything like this & I know things have changed somewhat as regarding reclaiming charges. I spent a little time looking at COBS(unfairness) is this a route to take & do I take up this fight with the original lender as I have read a post from Bankfodder regarding all duties still remain with them even if sold on. The reason I ask this is Skye told me to deal only with them and not with Black Horse. I work away from home during the week and can only deal with this at the weekend and as we all know these amounts soon start to get out of control so I need to deal with this as quickly as possible. If any info is required I have all letters statements and telephone transcripts. Any information or guidance is much appreciated. Thanks
  3. hi ,we have a secured loan off just under 5,000 from Black Horse which is now been taken over by Skye Loans we purposed to pay it at 150.00 per month but they have refused and added charges off 53.00 can any one help please
  4. hi all, apologies in advance if posted in wrong place or incorrectly. I had a secure loan with future mortgages and that in turn was sold to engage credit which has been sold to Skye loans. Are they allowed to do this ? and is Skye loans a mortgage company? I cant find much info on them at all. Also I had PPI with Future and want to reclaim but not too sure how to or who to at the moment. Any assistance would be welcome. thanks Highjinks.
  5. Hi, Ive just come across a thread about BH selling on to Skye, so have started my own.. . I only have 4 months left on the loan after 5 years. I had an agreement with BH that I have in writing, that if I continued to pay the monthly repayments on time (2 years ago) that the added interest, due to a few missed payments and an added 6 months to the term of my loan, without my knowledge, (even they could not see who had done it or why just that the dates had changed ??) that they would remove everything.. they had already removed over £1600 of wrongful charges, plus the payments they say they have received are not the same as the payments to them from my bank, they has less paid, I had asked for a SAR but not recieved this as of yet and the account went to Skye Loans with a different account number etc on 1st June ..worried now that the above will not stand , how do I best deal with this, will Skye loans have to honour the agreement I have in writing ??
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