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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, I am in need to obtain copies of many credit reports i have bought, using equifax. Over 5 years i was subscribed to them and nearly every month i was getting a copy of my report. The subscription i was paying stopped last month due to me not updating my card details. They tell me as soon as the subscription get cancelled, all copies of my credit reports in their archive gets deleted! I am in desperate need for these, which will show searches on my file and changes in my credit file. One part i am actually heading for is a time when a creditor (which i defaulted on) removed the default from my file, 2 weeks later added it back on but the name of the creditor had changed. I remember this clear as day because my credit rating shot right up and then when it was reapplied it came back down! How can i go about getting this information if equifax are telling me they dont have the documents anymore. I've even got a full list of my subscription with order numbers next to it. Thank you.
  2. During my fight with Arrow and Carter ref Halifax loan account etc my SAR docs showed on a computer screen shot from Halifax the following which may be interesting for all Caggers who have had old Halifax loans and problems etc This screen shot had been generated in relation to my CPR requests and SAR request (although Halifax did not highlight the fact there was no Default notice available) The below is a summary of the information only the rest of the shot was ref no's, date etc Category: MEM COLLECTION MEMOS Date actioned: **/03/2012 Description - email received from risk ops Comments dfn In 2004 we were on old version of CACS and the notes weren't archived for these loans DFN not available just for Caggers information it may help?
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