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Found 22 results

  1. Britain’s most advanced jets touch down on home soil READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/britains-most-advanced-jets-touch-down-on-home-soil
  2. Hi, I have a question about last wills and testaments. I am a dual French/British citizen married to a British citizen and we have lived in the UK for almost 20 years. We own a house in the UK (as joint tenants). We want to write a will that will say to whom we want our respective share of the house to go to once we are both dead. We have no children and won't be having any. In my case, I want my share to go to my husband but I want to make sure that when he dies, if I'm already dead, my share goes to my siblings in France, who are French citizens, and not to my husband's family or new partner for example. Could someone please help me and let me know how I can make sure that his happens? Are there specific types of wills for UK people who want to leave their assets to someone in Europe? I have received very conflicting advice from some solicitors. Thank you very much in advance! Sonia G
  3. A strain of influenza which hit Australia and affected 98,000 people, is set to come to Britain and could case our worst epidemic for fifty years. Will it or wont it.I am taking no chances how about you. The vulnerable groups include the over-65s, pregnant women, children from six to 24 months and those with long-term *illness such as *diabetes, heart disease and asthma. https://www.unilad.co.uk/health/deadly-flu-outbreak-in-uk-expected-to-kill-thousands/ Well i have not much time this morning to hang around. I am nipping off sharpish to the vets to have my Flu Injection. Adios must fly. Tawnyowl.
  4. Feel its not far off , sickening, especially when its being used to manage essentials https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/sep/18/britain-debt-timebomb-fca-chief-crisis
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/03/britain-world-beater-ripping-off-citizens-rail-fares-water-energy-bills British Gas increases its electricity prices will rise by 12.5%, starting next month. Just as the cold nights start drawing in despite the competition watchdog judged last year that British Gas and other energy giants were taking well over a billion pounds a year through “excessive prices” Thames Water divvied up £1.6bn in dividends to its small circle of shareholders Hinkley Point, at an estimated cost to British households of £30bn taxpayers still pay £12,000 a day for shut down pfi schools Tories currently trying to stealth sell off to the private sector for just 50 Million quid part of the NHS that SAVES the NHS 70 million pounds a year "These are all examples of the public losing control – over our bills, over our taxes, over our water and trains and schools. Will freeing ourselves of the shackles of the European court of justice or EU state aid rules or any other Brexiteer hobbyhorse allow us to “take back control”? On the basics that govern our lives we have lost sovereignty. Brussels didn’t sell us down the river: Thatcher, Blair and Cameron did."
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/dwp-shut-68-jobcentres-across-10747868 There is a full list of the branches to be divested in the link above.
  7. I end up in some strange places when doing a little research. Recently I came across this Debt Clock. Good heavens I thought, prodded myself a few times to check I was not having a nightmare. Then got hypnotised for about ten minutes till I had to lie down for a while to recover from the shock. Now I am certainly not an economist but wonder if this debt is true.And I know there are wise ones in these forums that can answer difficult questions. I looked elsewhere as well but for now this post will do. Just a couple of questions. 1-What would happen if we took the batteries out of this clock and said we cannot pay back this debt. 2-I see many towns sinking into debt and struggling like never before. Cutting back till they can cut no more. Absolutely skint to put it mildly. What would happen if a town said Thats it we are bust, we can do no more, it is affecting our town and its people far too much. 3-A silly question possibly, would a Government knowing that they are skint risk the health of a community in the outside hope that something like Fracking half the country away would possibly reduce this debt.Kind of desperation thought. I know at the moment to some reading my threads elsewhere possibly think I am obsessed with Fracking.Certainly worried for sure. Just another thought out there for people to have their say. Oh yes a link-That clock that is driving me mad possibly.Someone whip the Battery away. The UK national debt grows at a rate of £5,170 per second! http://www.nationaldebtclock.co.uk/
  8. Where are we going with Renewable Energy in Great Britain Just starting a thread on renewables.Just a few articles. Please add articles and comment if you like.I will add some more articles as time goes by. Had to start somewhere, hopefully with your ideas, knowledge and thoughts, posts we can see what is happening in Great Britain and elsewhere. See where we are going, how we are doing compared to the rest of the world. Who wants it who does not. And for what reasons. Is investment falling or rising? How many jobs being created, things like that. Ever since someone gave me an upcycled solar light I thought I have a feeling this is not in everyone's interest. Free power.Perhaps the powerful ones would not like this idea. Do you know? Renewables growth breaks records again despite fall in investment. Falling costs allowed the world to add record new renewable capacity even as investment fell, according to a new report. https://www.carbonbrief.org/renewables-growth-breaks-records-again-despite-fall-investment UK breaks solar energy record on sunny March weekend Amount of electricity demanded by homes and businesses one afternoon was lower than it was during night for first time ever https://www.carbonbrief.org/renewables-growth-breaks-records-again-despite-fall-investment Sustainable Energy – without the hot air.Loads of links to interesting articles. http://www.withouthotair.com/ G.B. National Grid Status Data courtesy of Elexon portal and Sheffield University The meter, you will soon get used to it.For someone like myself it may take a little time but interesting. To see what is happening throughout the day. http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/index.php Well to tell you the truth I do not know that much about renewables, wind, solar, tidal and all the rest. Sustainable energy etc and hope you will add your knowledge, thoughts and add to this thread. I said I would start a thread on renewables etc and have started one as promised. And if you are outside looking in, bursting with information or wanting to say anything you can join and have your say we are a friendly lot in the forums. Link here.http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php Thanks for reading anyway. I wish you a good evening wherever you may be. Tawnyowl.
  9. For the full story : - https://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/learner-drivers-to-be-allowed-on-britain-s-motorways-within-months-a3610466.html Interesting, are they being taught to drive on a motorway.. or Park !!
  10. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/britain-and-belgium-mark-360th-anniversary-of-the-grenadier-guards
  11. This sounds like a nice commemoration. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34250794 HB
  12. Of particular interest is the Energy companies apologist group saying it will improve when smart meters are installed and they are rolling them out to th whole country NOW.. Rather strange when many of the complaints were after correct readings were given. Seems they are just trying to justify smart meters, not actually address the issues. ... Other than that just the same old same old - 3times proper size billing, multiple different bills, dozens of emails/calls not fixing issues etc etc as has been going on for years. Link to BBC site detail and player added: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06kn2pq
  13. I've seen a program on TV Benefits Britain I think, where High Court Enforcement agents demand payment of a debt from an obviously broke mother who gives them £50 of the money she needs to feed her kids. The debt had multiplied to about £3K from the original £1K. My first impression was that as with most TV featured bailiff and High Court programs that the agents were far kindlier than they are in normal, non TV, circumstances. Secondly, I thought that inability to pay was a defence against collection by HCEO's. Has that been dispensed with in the most recent legislation.
  14. Imagine some Eurocrat with his finger on the nuclear trigger. If the EU gets its way, it may soon be a possibility. There is a saying amongst diplomats that the EU is an economic giant but a military pigmy. This accusation stings the Europhiles so much that they have decided to address this and create a European Army. As if an army of bureaucrats wasn’t bad enough, now they want to have an actual army as well. Post Lisbon, the EU has harboured fantasies of being a militarised superpower able to project its ‘values’ throughout the world. It now oversees operations with 2,800 troops deployed. Many of these missions, conveniently, have a ‘dual purpose’. That is, that appear to be civilian-military co-operation when in actual fact they are heavily militarised and weaponised. They are also in some of the world’s most sensitive trouble spots like Kosovo and Gaza. British participation in an EU army was agreed at St Malo in 1998, where Tony Blair agreed in principle to an EU army. He did this because he was trying to be seen as a ‘good European’ in light of his desire to be a future EU president. Also, he believed that by agreeing to an EU Army, he could use that as a good will gesture to get France to agree to sweeping CAP reform, knowing that CAP was an unpopular scheme with the UK electorate. France (shockingly) did no such thing, but Blair had already committed. The German think-tank, the EU-funded Konrad Adenauer Foundation, has argued that Germany can get its Euro Army by a different tactic. Instead of going for a Euro Army at one fell swoop, it aims to create ‘islands of co-operation’. That is, to persuade smaller countries in Eastern and Central Europe too co-operate with Germany in creating smaller building blocks of a Euro Army which at a later date can be put together. Given Germany’s economic dominance of these countries, it can easily ‘persuade ‘them to co-operate. In mid-2012, the Foreign Ministers group of the Future of Europe Group produced a report. This is a group of 11 foreign ministers from important EU states, but not the UK. The report calls for the creation of a European Army, with a veiled threat to a UK veto in the Council. The report states it wishes to “introduce more majority decisions in the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) sphere or at least prevent one single member state from being able to obstruct initiatives”. Guess which member state they mean! Clearly the core EU states know how unpopular a Euro Army would be in Britain, so are making moves to render Britain’s opinion irrelevant. So much for our famed ‘influence ‘in the EU institutions. In October 2013, a spokesman for the British Foreign Service told the international security journal, Courcy’s Intelligence Brief, that “today there is in London a genuine desire and commitment to making CSDP (Common Security and Defence Policy) as effective as possible in supporting international security and protecting Britain’s and Europe’s borders from potential threats. We are now increasingly aware of the helpful role the EU can play in bringing to bear the common will of 28 of the world’s most advanced economies.” This suggests that amongst the Whitehall Mandarins there is a growing appetite to form a Euro Army. The successor to Baroness Ashton is Polish diplomat Radek Skorski. He has said that since America is no longer willing or interested in security crises at Europe’s borders, the EU has to militarise itself so as to deal with these crises. He argues that the EU’s Operation Atalanta against Somali piracy saw a drop in attacks of 70%. In actual fact, the drop was due to aggressive Russian, Chinese, Indian and American anti-piracy patrols. They have a slightly more simple method of dealing with armed pirates, and it doesn’t involve briefing them in detail on their human rights. This reminds me, when I think of the young men and women who died in the British Army. One source of comfort for the family members is that that died fighting for Queen and Country. Very few British mothers would be comforted knowing their loved one died for Herman Van Rompuy and the Single Market.
  15. The weather and how it affects us here in Great Britain. I must admit having worked in construction and now roaming the beaches each day collecting driftwood i tend to keep one eye on the weather forecasts and one eye on the stormy seas and the other eye on what i am collecting. This winter the Atlantic has in my mind spoilt the fun for those of us who could be called coldies. Snow has been forecast week after week only to be blasted out of the way by the jet stream and its warmer air. However for the first time this winter models are suggesting and seemingly agreeing at the moment for a dumping of snow for many places even the South towards next weekend. Could change but the first time things seem to point this way. Well i will leave that bit now,forecasting has been very tricky this winter, a few degrees out and everything goes pear shaped.And has.And makes you look stupid when you warn all the neighbours get your sledge out,best bearskin coat and huskies ready for action.Only to find you need your boat instead. Or tea shirts and shorts and barbeque as it is balmy. Now when i was a kid winters were winters,icicles hanging from the gutters of the house,sometimes a foot long or more.About 30 centimetres for you youngsters out there. You went out of the house very carefully,tending not to slam doors. In case a avalanche of snow landed on your head sliding of the roof. or worse.Snow lay for weeks,and this was on low ground not elevation. Frost on the ground and in my house on the inside of the windows never mind outside. Used to write names and draw on it first thing in the morning. As you breathed out the breath used to freeze as you exhaled landing on the floor with a tinkle as it broke into pieces. Enough of that,why have i written this.Well i am sure some of you are coldies,looking out sometimes when it snows, Perhaps watching the lamp post light to see the snow drifting by. Enjoying the countryside and towns when things are suddenly transformed into a winter wonderland. Have you ever been caught out by the weather as i did late Autumn. On the Shoreline,nice enough ,all of a sudden no place to hide,spotted the sky darkening.wind got up and hailstorm from hell arrived,all in minutes. Horizontal wind and ice pellets that stung worse than the pea shooter my brother used to fire at me when a kid. Have you ever been caught in a weather event ,perhaps the thunderstorm,lightning from hell, a blizzard,seen a unusual event. Are you a coldy hoping for some snow before winter fades away.Or looking forward to the first real warm day of spring soon. Next weekend perhaps.
  16. GERMANY has provoked fury after a much followed TV show, Heute Show, has sent presenter Lutz van der Horst, to the streets of London, campaigning for the organisation called "Krauts for Brexit", which advocates Britain not only leaving the EU but also the Champions League. I don't know what these arrogant Germans want from us, but I tell you what, I'll do the opposite of what the Germans want and I'll vote IN!
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/07/28/tesco-ribena-ban-reaction_n_7885776.html People have taken to twitter and other social media and it seems they are NOT happy
  18. Battle of Britain chapel to 'the few' threatened with closure to save £50,000. Winston Churchill said St George's Chapel of Remembrance on the site of the former RAF station at Biggin Hill in Kent should be a permanent shrine to ‘the few’ who gave their lives during the Battle of Britain. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11324206/Battle-of-Britain-chapel-to-the-few-threatened-with-closure.html Please open the link and click on the e-petition link in the text or click below to go direct: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/73191 The chapel floor is made of wood from wartime aircraft propellers and stained glass windows commemorate the dead, whose names are inscribed in a roll of honour.
  19. Just been on BBC1.Small piece on private parking tickets,regarding a disabled driver.Sums up the farce of PPCs/POPLA. BPAs Patrick Troy says his bit... should be on iplayer soon,last item.
  20. I came across this having seen it on the BBC Breakfast news. I've just moved into a place where it seems passing cars, especially in the evenings, think that passing Burger wrappings out of the window and cans or anything else they don't want to take home is acceptable. It's not. I spent 30 yrs+ on a private estate where this kind of thing didn't happen, we certainly didn't wake up in the mornings to find a heap of old car parts or tyres left or building rubble fly-tipped. We do here and it's disgraceful. What is it that makes it acceptable to dump rubbish on someone else's space? These guys seem hell bent on making sure it doesn't go on - let's help them. http://www.cleanupbritain.org/ We all need to educate our children that spitting on the street where others walk, dropping chewing-gum on the floors which we all walk on, dog fouling (don't get me going!) and throwing wrappers, fag packets or anything else onto other people's streets is just not acceptable and should be disposed of responsibly. In some countries you'd go to prison for dropping litter, let's help these people help us enjoy our environment. Thanks A1
  21. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/broken-britain-its-never-been-better/article4461053/
  22. Join Sharkstoppers and Help Fight Back Against Britain's Legal Loan Sharks: Your Campaign Pack Today Ed Miliband, Leader of the Labour Party, and Tom Watson, Deputy Chair, joined me and over a hundred campaigners from across the country to launch our campaign pack to help communities fight back against the damage Britain's legal loan sharks are doing to our country. This Government has so far refused to act to tackle the high cost credit companies who are pushing families into crippling debt across Britain. But that doesn't mean that we can't take measures to protect them and help make the case for caps on the cost of credit. Produced in association with the Movement for Change, the Co-operative Party and the Red Card for Wonga campaign, this pack is designed to help with ideas and actions you can take either on your own or together with others to stand up to these companies. You can download it from my website here: Legal Loan Shark Campaign Pack Download Link. Please join us in acting together to fight back against Britain's legal loan sharks! Stella Creasy Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow p.s. Please also share this email and campaign pack with your family and friends too! http://www.workingforwalthamstow.org.uk Stella Creasy: Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow
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