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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I have a question about last wills and testaments. I am a dual French/British citizen married to a British citizen and we have lived in the UK for almost 20 years. We own a house in the UK (as joint tenants). We want to write a will that will say to whom we want our respective share of the house to go to once we are both dead. We have no children and won't be having any. In my case, I want my share to go to my husband but I want to make sure that when he dies, if I'm already dead, my share goes to my siblings in France, who are French citizens, and not to my husband's family or new partner for example. Could someone please help me and let me know how I can make sure that his happens? Are there specific types of wills for UK people who want to leave their assets to someone in Europe? I have received very conflicting advice from some solicitors. Thank you very much in advance! Sonia G
  2. Hello Was hoping for some insight or advice on my situation. I've just checked my credit report and have found two sets of "beneficiary trace enquiries" made by Erudio Customer Management Ltd. The first ones were in mid-march against my current and previous address. Then again two months later in May, also against my current and previous address. I have read up and found out Erudio bought the old style students loans. I do have two of these. One from 1997 and then another for 1999 which has been treated as a separate account by the SLC, but must be linked as the only reason I got the '99 one was because I had started on the old system. The last correspondence about these loans was in 2013 when I applied to defer them in the March, which was confirmed in April 2013 by the SLC. This correspondence was to my old address. Then I have an annual statement from SLC dated September 2013 sent to my current address. I have not had any contact with Erudio so hadn't realised my loans had been sold. I've looked into what a beneficiary trace enquiry means and have read on the internet that it is used to trace people who have moved address without informing their creditors, however the last statement from the SLC was sent to my current address so don't know why they would need to do this, as I have kept the SLC up to date with my contact details. Also I am confused as to why they haven't made contact with me after carrying out these checks if they were searching for me. In normal circumstances I would just sit tight and wait for them to contact me but I am in the process of buying a house and am worried if this will affect it. I have checked all my credits reports and cannot find anything other than these searches. However I am scared in case between exchange and completion they put a default on my credit file, the mortgage offer gets withdrawn and we lose the deposit on the house. I have also read that they do 'backdoor' CCJs, so that's now another worry if they only have my last address could they be putting a CCJ on their without me knowing. Is there anyway I could find out about this if they were, other than waiting to see it appear on my credit report? I have a good report at the moment so would be gutted if they knackered that up for me. Not sure what is the best option. I don't want to contact them and offer to start paying as I fear extra outgoings I didn't know about when I completed my mortgage application might make them withdraw the offer. But then I don't want a default or a CCJ to suddenly turn up and have it withdrawn then, especially if its after exchange and my partner loses all their deposit money as well. Any advice on what would be the best approach, or what Erudio are likely to do next after carrying out these searches would be much appreciated. Thanks for taking time to read this.
  3. Hi, I Recently Thought of Getting My Credit Reports , On My Equifax Report there is a Search enquiry by a company called Shop Direct Finance Limited called a on both my current address and a previous one , this has been done sometime in November 2015 , looking online it seems to be connected with Littlewoods, Now interestingly I had an account with them till 2008, when I was abroad for a while (now visiting on a short stay here for about 6 months) they had apparently put some buy now pay later debt letters had arrived at home ( I hadn’t purchased any items -never used the account ,so though it may be dormant) they put it in my credit files , after writing a few letters to and fro saying I can prove they weren’t mine they apologised ,closed the account and subsequently removed it from my file ( it was only on Equifax if I recall correct) I only took action in 2010 that's when I found out . I would be greateful to know if this has a connection or what this ” Benificiary Trace Enquiry ” means? Thanks ..P.S : I also have to mention I do have a couple of defaults on my file as I continued to pay from abroad till the funds here fettered out . I have never heard of a "Beneficiary Trace enquiry " could they be up to no good again?
  4. I know I have another thread going on since mum died and will reply asap but this is something regarding an incident that happened recently. So here's the thing. Mum lived with a distant relative (This relative was a horrid b*tch to say the least. Let's call her A). I lived there until around a year ago when I couldn't take anymore of this family member and moved. Anyway. With mums will I am executor and sole beneficiary (Everything left to me, personal goods and money unless I passed away before her). When mum died, all of her belongings were left at this distant relatives home. The ashes were delivered there and I went back today to find out what was happening. They (This distant family member and her sister) had made plans to do with my mums possessions without consulting me. They planned to give half to some other distant family members (mum wouldn't have wanted that) and even arranged to collect the rest to give to charity. I wasn't consulted once, had no say and when I explained mum wouldn't have wanted that to A, I was met with some verbal abuse and effectively told to sod off. I explained the case to A's sister as I had their number on my phone, who was pretty nasty and told me i'm not allowed back to A's house unless she accompanies me. Followed by a form of a verbal abuse. So now it looks like the legal stance of things. Am I correct that because I am executor and sole beneficiary, every single thing mum owns is now mine? and anything done regarding mums belongings and ashes would count as theft if it is done without my permission (i.e... Taking with the intent of permanently depriving the owner of their property). It's sad that it could go down that route with A who has never considered my opinions and her sister who has her head up A's wotsits. Thanks
  5. I wonder if someone can help me with this? There are a number of restrictive covenants against my property that prevent a range of activities from building a shed, converting the garage and running a business to not keeping poultry and not hanging out laundry on certain days. Some of them have what I think are clear beneficiaries; there are some that grant right of access to areas of my land to my neighbors, for instance. My question is this: for the more general ones (like not keeping poultry!), who is the beneficiary? I'd like to get some or all of them released and would like to know who to get agreement from.
  6. I recently discovered I am named as Executor, along with two cousins, in the Will of our, now deceased, Uncle Donald (we are all his nephews, though not siblings - Uncle Don and his wife died childless). There was quite a substantial six-figure estate, including property and money and I am a beneficiary. My two cousins have dealt with the estate as directed in the Will, as far as I can see, though without involving or consulting me for some reason and I have been allowed no dealings with it, although I have had my allotted share. In fact I did not realise I was supposed to be an Executor until recently. I discover though, that no Probate was sought by, or granted to, either of my cousins and the estate seems to have been distributed - all done and dusted - without it. I am very concerned about the legality of all this. From all the reading I've done, it seems Probate is necessary when the estate is over a certain amount - I think £5000, though I've read different sums so I'm still unsure. I'm not close to either of my cousins, having had hardly any contact since childhood, so I don't know how trustworthy they are - sorry, but you hear such tales. I'm worried in case it turns out this has not been carried out to the book, that my inheritance is not legal and I may be liable for something in some way and even have to hand it all back! Uncle Don left me some property which I want to sell but, although it's all now in my name and everything, Land Registry etc, I'm very nervous about this lack of Probate business. Can some kind person please put me out of my misery and explain Probate to me, in words of one syllable if poss. Is it actually a legal requirement? How could it have been done without? Thanks.
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