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Found 3 results

  1. I went over to Ashton Moss on Saturday night, it was about 8pm, pitch black and hailstoning. Due to works being carried out, a big chunk of the car park was closed off I parked on a road which goes around (but within the perimeter) of the car park. This road did not contain single or yellow lines, there wasnt any marked bays along this stretch, i thought I was ok to park here, as did all the other people along there too. On returning to my car, I find a ticket has been served to me for "Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space". maybe i shouldnt have parked on the road, yes there was a sign but i didnt see it until i returned this morning to look, (it was dark and hammering down on Saturday night) and as the carpark layout had changed, i was stressed as it was and as there were no yellow lines, presumed I was ok to park there, can i refuse to pay the fine as the reason i was given it, isnt correct, there was no bay or space markings for me to not park correctly. Can i appeal on these grounds or will they just change the reason for the ticket
  2. Hi, I've read some of the other threads relating to UKPC and wanted some advice. I parked my parents car in a UKPC in Ashton Moss for about 10 minutes while I collected some food from a restaurant around 8.20pm. Upon my return I had a parking charge notice attached to the windscreen stating I parked without displaying a valid permit - effectively claiming I parked in a staff area however there were no visible signs stating it was a staff area - only a broken white line. This was on the 16/08 and I have now received the notice to keeper dated 16/9. One item I noticed on this is that my car colour is listed as Red on the NTK - the original ticket states the colour as Black so they have changed information between them. The NTK also shows a photo of my car with a sign on the restaurant wall in front. The sign was not lit and viewing it on their photos site it states staff parking only. There is however another sign about 10 ft away on a lampost stating to park in marked bays but there are none in this are. The attachments below show a layout of where I parked.. The broken white line runs between 2 bollards and the signs are circled 1 & 2. My car was where the blue x was. [ATTACH=CONFIG]53396[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]53397[/ATTACH] Should I appeal on the basis of poor signage - ie no signs advising staff only are as well as GPEOL as its a free car park so a £90 charge is madness, or should I refrain from mentioning the latter till I appeal at POPLA? Many thanks Donal
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