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  1. Hi, I live with my husband, we are both self employed, I had a baby in September and receive Maternity allowance. I was also receiving Working Tax Credits and Child Tax credits, around £80 per week. My husband is currently quiet with work so we asked the council for rent help, they told us they can no longer help and we need to apply for universal credit. We did this (horrendous application system!) and in the meantime our working and child tax credits stopped, we were never informed this would happen, i wish i had just left it as it was. We were relying on that money and now it has just stopped! We both had a job centre interview yesterday which is part of this ridiculous process and my husband has to go back yet again with business details. He only earns around £5000 per year , they basically want to see if it is worth him running his business, if he earns enough, if not they will make him look for other part time work - how on earth can he do that around a self employed business that is on demand (ie it depends when his customers want him!). This is all if we want to claim universal credit. So, i assume they will say he does not earn enough and will have to find other work....we do not want to do this so my question is, if he says no to looking for other work, will we just get no help....even with a new baby. Am i correct in thinking that £5000 per year approx will not meet their requirements? Just wanted a little bit of advice before we see them again. The whole new system is ridiculous, i have worked and paid tax all my life yet when we need a bit of help we have to fight for it, yet people who dont want to get a job, try their hardest NOT to get one, receive all the help there is out there!!! Any advice appreciated
  2. I'll refer back to the PPI claim first http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?415458-Welcome-PPI-claim-pre-2005&p=4480621 Welcome have made an offer and we have accepted, for the PPI only. This is all part of the same agreement, but needs to be dealt with away from the PPI it seems. Welcome tagged on a Mortgage Indemnity Fee and various insurance policies that I feel were unwarranted and certainly not explained to us at the time. Now we know the situation about PPI mis-selling, they could have slapped anything on and just told us to sign at the bottom. We were naive back then... So, in November 2003 we took out a loan of £12,000 at the local Welcome Finance office. The lady who saw us did all the form filling and ticking of boxes, we were just asked to sign at the bottom of the agreement. The loan was paid off in March 2006, so no debt involved to cloud the issue. We were charged £125.00 'Old Homecare', £175.00 'Old Lifecare' and a second £175 'Old Lifecare', plus £1,320 'Mortgage Indemnity Fee' On the 'Customer Declaration Form' the lady from their office had written at the top that the first named should be 'Mrs Hillards' NOT 'Mr Hillards' - Please send new form. They never did, and the SAR we sent resulted in them sending a copy of that form, complete with the notes that nobody actioned. !!! At the time I was self-employed so the 'insurances' were no good to me, they should have all been in my wife's name, PPI as well. Halfway down the form changes to the insurances where it shows we had 0 units of medicare, lifecare was ticked and a note '1st & 2nd app' at the side, homecare was also ticked. We did not sign this form, we were waiting for a replacement, they never sent it. That alone tells me the documentation does not support their side of things, if we didn't sign for it, why did they take it ? On another page of the documentation they show the insurances, with them all in my name - yes, both 'Familycare' policies are in one name, not '1st & 2nd app' as requested. So, I am about to create a new spreadsheet to detail these items, with the percentage of monthly payments and the final settlement payment - and send in a claim. Someone commented in my PPI thread, with regard to the MIF "Why anyone thinks the OP would be entitled to it back escapes me." - quite simply, we never agreed to it on the paperwork that Welcome still have on file. The form is not signed by us, but marked that it needed to be re-issued, which they clearly failed to do. On that basis I think we have a claim, if not for mis-selling then simply 'getting it wrong' and not sorting it out, as well as the form not being signed.
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