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Found 7 results

  1. Jail for travel agent who failed to explain missing thousands READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/jail-for-travel-agent-who-failed-to-explain-missing-thousands https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/former-travelogue-travel-agent-boss-15327351
  2. Hi, I live with my husband, we are both self employed, I had a baby in September and receive Maternity allowance. I was also receiving Working Tax Credits and Child Tax credits, around £80 per week. My husband is currently quiet with work so we asked the council for rent help, they told us they can no longer help and we need to apply for universal credit. We did this (horrendous application system!) and in the meantime our working and child tax credits stopped, we were never informed this would happen, i wish i had just left it as it was. We were relying on that money and now it has just stopped! We both had a job centre interview yesterday which is part of this ridiculous process and my husband has to go back yet again with business details. He only earns around £5000 per year , they basically want to see if it is worth him running his business, if he earns enough, if not they will make him look for other part time work - how on earth can he do that around a self employed business that is on demand (ie it depends when his customers want him!). This is all if we want to claim universal credit. So, i assume they will say he does not earn enough and will have to find other work....we do not want to do this so my question is, if he says no to looking for other work, will we just get no help....even with a new baby. Am i correct in thinking that £5000 per year approx will not meet their requirements? Just wanted a little bit of advice before we see them again. The whole new system is ridiculous, i have worked and paid tax all my life yet when we need a bit of help we have to fight for it, yet people who dont want to get a job, try their hardest NOT to get one, receive all the help there is out there!!! Any advice appreciated
  3. Hello all, I hope I'm posting this in the right place. For many years I've worked as an employee of a large organisation, a couple of years ago I started occasionally working for an agency (very small numbers of hours usually earning less than £500 per annum). The last 2 years combined Gross income for these jobs has been less than £35k p.a. The first problem I had with HMRC was earlier this year, when they initially sent me my Tax codes they had me earning double my Income. I nearly had a heart attack when their letter seemed to suggest I owed £17k, I did get to the bottom of the problem; I changed jobs and location and their computer seemed to think I was working at both. This may or may not be related to my new problem. On returning home from work today I received a letter giving me a new tax code for my agency work, the new code equates to me paying higher rate (40%) tax on any earnings from that employment. From what I can glean from the website it may be due to my current employment status. Although still working full time for one organisation I have 2 roles, which have 2 separate payslips, working for the agency is now viewed asa third job. Can anyone confirm that HMRC would automatically expect 40% income tax on these earnings, even though my total earnings are comfortably under the threshold? The HMRC Website is as clear as mud, and as for the telephone lines............I do intend getting to the bottom of the issue by writing to them, but want to have the right info first. Thank you very much for any help.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22991447 Tribunals in London, Liverpool, Glasgow and Birmingham will offer feedback when they overturn rulings on employment and support allowance (ESA) on appeal. Critics of the test used to determine eligibility claim it is flawed. But ministers say 85% of decisions have been upheld on appeal since 2008. 'Learn lessons' All those in receipt of ESA - formerly known as incapacity benefit - and new applicants are having their claims reviewed in a process begun by the last Labour government and accelerated by the coalition. The Work Capability Assessment conducted by private contractor Atos has proved controversial, with campaigners saying that it has made too many wrong decisions which are overturned on appeal. The explanations provided by the judges will be analysed by the Department for Work and Pensions over the summer. Work and pensions minister Esther McVey said: "With recent changes to disability benefits we need to make sure the appeals process is transparent and working well. "We will use this information to learn lessons and improve the standard of decision-making and appeals processes. It will also be helpful for claimants to understand why an appeal has been allowed or dismissed."
  5. i renewed my fixed term tenancy agreement on April 2012 for further 12 months. There is a break clause stating, the tenant shall be entitled to terminate this tenancy by giving notice to the landlords follows: 1.2.1 the period of the notice to be a minimum of one calendar month 1.2.2 the notice period will expire on the last day of a period of the tenancy and must be served in writing. 1.2.3 notice must be served in accordance with the attached tenancy terms and conditions. could somebody please explain the 1.2.2 as i don't understand. can i move out by giving them one months notice as this is what i would like to do at this stage. thank you
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