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  1. Firstly I do apologize if this is in the wrong place on the forum: My partner received a letter from Judges Demand demanding just under £2,000 for unpaid nursery fees dating back 4 years ago or there about's. Now when the letter landed on the doorstep enclosed with it was a "Contract" which printed was my partners name and previous address. Overleaf was a signature that they claim is my partners which is far from her signature used on things such as driving license. Within this said contract there was a term "If payments are more than a week late then entry will be refused until the balance is brought up to date". My partner is insistent the correct notice was given to end the placement within the setting. A claim the client strongly denies. There was an invoice enclosed within this which stated figures only. Not detailing what the figure was billed for. We sent an email across to ask the following: Could your client please provide me with a true copy of the contract that you claim I've signed as the signature is nothing like my true signature. Evidence of this can be disclosed upon request. Could your client also please provide me with attendance records along with any correspondence that relates to this matter. Can you client explain why a debt of almost £2,000 was allowed to be accrued before seeking recovery of the amount. Surely as per term one if payments are behind then entry would be refused. Surely at £170 there must of been some common sense used as to when to begin recovery for the outstanding balance and not allow it to exceed a specific amount. They have said they would like to see a copy of my ID with my signature although have advised doing so would not alter anything to do with the amount they are claiming, To date they've now replied to say that they are unable to provide attendance records based on the time that has elapsed and they are entitled to claim the balance they've raised due to 6 years not passed. They also cannot provide us with any correspondence sent across to address this matter before passing it to a DCA. They've completely dismissed the quote around allowing the debt to accrue so high before pursuing her for monies. They've said that she's openly admitted liability for the amount therefore they want her to pay - All correspondence by email. Upon checking the emails there is no liability admitted whatsoever I'm keen not to just ignore this as I too received one of these that I was liable to pay and I stupidly ignored it now I've received a letter from the county court bulk center wanting me to answer. The one for me is significantly lower so I don't want to ignore this one. If anyone can shed any light as to which direction i need to go in. We only have around £10 per week disposable income between us once our debts are satisfied.
  2. Hello everyone You may think that I am a bit paranoid but I would like to ask your opinion and advice about a potential collusion case about a district Judge in the UK My story is about a non-fault accident which I was involved in 2014 and eventually took the company who hit me as well as the management company who was acting on behalf of me based on breach of our contract. Everything was all fine until the hearing date; on the day the defendants sent their counsels and the following is the summary of my experience with the judge (all bear in mind one of the defendant already admitted the fault and paid me the repair of my car - however the case was my broken digital device during the accident and my time off from work whilst my car being repaired) It was a small claims court and the case was dismissed by the judge and I was asked to pay both counsels fees (inclusive of vat) I was humiliated and I was questioned like in a police custody..., one of the counsel blatantly blamed me about lying however I had provided all the documents. Here is my notes of concerns taken during the hearing 1 - the Judge admitted that he has not read the case during the pre-reading time which was allocated and paid by the claimant (the claimant was asked to pay an extra hearing fee on top of the claim fee) 2- due to the fact that the claimant is representing himself; the district Judge "Sh....h" asked the second defendant's counsel to represent the "claimant's case" the second defendant's witness statement was prepared by Mr "Iq...l" 3- District Judge told all parties that as the claimant was representing his case, whilst both counsels of the defendants (one of whom was sent by Mr Iq...l) - were allowed to ask questions to the claimant; the claimant was not able to ask any questions to the counsels and has to answer all the queries, which I found it insulting and discriminating. 4- The first defendants counsel blamed the claimant without showing any prime evidence that the claimant was lying and the Judge did not stop the case which I believe that this behaviour is also classified as "defamation of character" 5- the district judge Sh...h who dismissed the case and awarded both defendants costs in a small-claims tracking, whereas the same individual who was the defendant in a different "FastTrack Claim" in A9Q..... Number and despite the other party not turning up to the case on the hearing date he was not awarded any of his costs 6- both defendants counsels represented their cost of £250 + VAT and £350+VAT and an individual was penalised to pay the VAT whilst both companies are already reclaiming this VAT in their books. 7- the claimant also had a prime evidence that showing the second defendant (accident exchange- witness statements by Iq...l) sending a "virus" via email to the claimant which is also a part criminal law; this was ignored by the judge Sh...h again 8- the judge dismissed the case based on there was not enough evidence; so how come he awarded the defendants with their cost based on the claim being "unreasonable" is still hard to understand 9- the claimant requested a copy of the recording or transcript through the court manager -- RESULT??? of course he was not given the copies but so many baloneys I would like to ask whether I am entitled to start an online petition against the judge?? And my legal right to take it to the human rights? Kind regards
  3. And they have the cheek to increase legal fees !! For the full story http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11476880/Judges-dismissed-after-watching-pornography-on-court-computers.html
  4. I received a letter today from this company stating that I owe thme £122. They said it was originally a debt from another company and had been £33. It was for a parcel I sent that weighed more than I had put on the form. The parcel was sent last November. I did not receive any letters from the original company, or emails, although they said the sent emails. I do not see how they can increase the amount from £33 to £122, when I did not even know about it. I would be very grateful for any advice on this. I live in Scotland.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22991447 Tribunals in London, Liverpool, Glasgow and Birmingham will offer feedback when they overturn rulings on employment and support allowance (ESA) on appeal. Critics of the test used to determine eligibility claim it is flawed. But ministers say 85% of decisions have been upheld on appeal since 2008. 'Learn lessons' All those in receipt of ESA - formerly known as incapacity benefit - and new applicants are having their claims reviewed in a process begun by the last Labour government and accelerated by the coalition. The Work Capability Assessment conducted by private contractor Atos has proved controversial, with campaigners saying that it has made too many wrong decisions which are overturned on appeal. The explanations provided by the judges will be analysed by the Department for Work and Pensions over the summer. Work and pensions minister Esther McVey said: "With recent changes to disability benefits we need to make sure the appeals process is transparent and working well. "We will use this information to learn lessons and improve the standard of decision-making and appeals processes. It will also be helpful for claimants to understand why an appeal has been allowed or dismissed."
  6. Both myself and my husband worked for a company who went Voluntary Insolvent. We received no notice, no final months pay and no holiday pay. The Tribunal ruled in our favor. The judge ruled i was to receive 2,500 and hubby just under 2,000. We have received a small amount each for no notice ie i received 430 my husband only 187 yet he was still entitled to a weeks notice.This was from the Government. We had a horrendous time getting them to pay and the Liquidator helped me a great deal. Now we are waiting for our Holiday pay and again they are coming up with all different excuses and dragging their heels. We will receive some Holiday Pay( as we have been informed by the Official Receiver who has been in touch with them that we are entitled to it) eventually but its a nightmare trying to get anything from them. I guess we can forget about the final month we worked for nothing. What was the point of going to a Tribunal? It has wasted our time and the Judges time because as they are Voluntary Insolvent they have no money. Am i right in thinking we will never receive the amount the Judge states we are entitled to?
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