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Found 1 result

  1. I wanted to ask if anyone could give me some advise on unpaid Spanish Community charge debts. We handed in our keys back to the bank in Spain 2007 and we understand the bank did not repossess the property until 2009. We purchased the property in 2005 and paid some of the community fees but the amount they are saying is well over what they are saying. The Uk debt collector contacted me last year and I disputed the amount but I have received another letter today saying we are still liable as the property was not repossessed until 2009 we are still liable for the unpaid community charges from 2005-2007. We have not received yet any official Spanish court information for the unpaid community charge or any letters from a UK court. Does any one know if they can take UK proceedings against us as we have not got this amount of money to pay this amount and are also disputing the amount as well. If any one has any advice please could you reply
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