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Found 9 results

  1. Makes you wonder if this is just restricted to the one hospital !! https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-investigate-nhs-waiting-list-fiddle-0skjz03rt?shareToken=9b3148be41ddfe207c14ef73011774a0 Human and/or IT errors.... ready made excuses.
  2. Hi admin, couldn't find a Payday Express forum, could you please move this conversation to correct place for me. OK I have made a complaint to payday express re a loan provided even though my credit rating at the time was shot to bits with lots of defaults and other pd loans. They have come back to me and said they have'nt been able to look into my complaint due to a heavy workload. So now I want to take my complaint to FOS but need help on how to word my complaint now that PDE have failed to respond within the weeks they were given.
  3. Please can someone offer some advice! I have worked for my Company since 2012 and as a single Mum, have been in receipt of housing benefit since that time. Last month, I had a conversation with my local council who told me that I have an overpayment of housing benefit totalling almost £4,000! This, I admit is my fault as I failed to inform them of a change of hours in my job. I was told that I would no longer receive any housing benefit until the overpayment was paid off. I supplied the council with wage slips and P60's for the last 3 years and thought that was that. The company I work for is small and this morning I have opened the post and there is a letter enclosing an EQ1 form which basically implies that I am being investigated for fraud! Can anyone please offer some advice, I've gone into meltdown!
  4. For the full story : - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32876422
  5. about time too http://www.fca.org.uk/news/fca-proposals-to-tackle-issues-in-gap-insurance-market
  6. Hi All, I'm currently with Bank of Scotland, well for the next 56 days anyway. I'll start at the beginning: I received 3 payments amounting to over 5k split between my current account AND ISA account. I was not expecting these payments (initially thought possibly sent by family - unfortunately this was not the case) and so contacted Bank of Scotland to notify them of this. I was told to either move the money into another account as to ensure that I wouldn't spend the money or leave it where it was (which I did) and wait for a letter notifying me the money would be taken out and paid back to the original sender. The next day or so I went to the bank to withdraw money, card was swallowed by cash machine I then went into branch to discuss this - was asked to bring in more ID, did this and was then told my account had been frozen. Turns out the payments were not made in error but rather fraudulently - They were FPI payments so I assume they were paid from the other party's online account. I was told I would receive further information the next day on the issue. The next day I am told my accounts will be closed as they believe I am behind the fraud. At this stage I did try to discuss why they thought this and how could I prove otherwise etc but was met with only the phrase (along the lines): "The account will be closed and no more offered" I did also ask if I would have any type of markers against my name now which would affect me and was told no initially and then when I probed further was given a "maybe" Doing some research on my own I see that in these situations bank will apply for a CIFAS which is very serious as it can affect employment and access to other accounts from different banks. I am of course extremely worried by this whole mess as I fear it could now affect my current job which is in Insurance - who of course will be unlikely to keep someone on with a fraud marker; as well as any future employment I may seek. To the best of my knowledge none of my account information has been stolen or compromised - It seems to me from my conversations with several Bank of Scotland staff If I was to have lied and said my card was lost etc I probably wouldn't be in this situation of being blamed. I accept it may be possible my online account was hacked or card details copied/cloned but as I said to the best of my knowledge this is not the case. Any advice on this whole situation would be greatly appreciated, as well as any information you may have on CIFAS and how long it lasts - If it is applied for I will of course appeal this and if anyone else has any experience of this Id like to hear from you also. Thank you all for reading this rather long post. -Sofail P.s before anyone asks, NO I am not a fraudster. I am innocent and another victim of this fraud in this whole situation.
  7. Hello All, As of last Wednesday my two barclays personal accounts, one savings account and business account are collectively showing to be £3,500,000 in debit and the funds 'To Reconcile' (their teminology) to Coventry OPS 05 ADV. A formal complaint was logged last Thursday and I am yet to recieve any formal reponse. Collectively I must of spent a total of 16 hours on the phone, being passed around to one department after another given a range of excuses from technical error, account review and fraud. I have done quite a bit of research and understand it may be linked with anti money laundering checks as I had a payment of £50,000 paid into my account roughly four weeks ago, since then I have had to make two large payments of £15,000 and £9,000 all of which are justified business expences which have invoices and receipts. The situation is now seriously effecting my livelyhood and the people who are dependant on me and my business. Barclays have left me with no access to any funds and are fully aware that I have no other banks accounts where I can access funds, effectively leaving me without food, and basic essentials for over a week. If anyone has been through this before and could some indication of the best steps moving forward it would be greatly apprecated. p.s. I know there are similar threads on here of Barclays withdrawing funds for investigation but from what I can tell none have had there account showing as being as overdrawn as mine. Thank you.
  8. I ordered an item from a seller on Amazon back in March. I had forgotten about it as i tend to order a lot of things from there. I was checking through my orders last night and came across it and realised i had never received it. I sent an email to the seller explaining this and requesting a refund on the money i paid. I got this response: Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we require to be informed as soon as possible if an item has not been received, as we have to be able to investigate the whereabouts with the courier company in order to determine how best to proceed. As this order was placed so long ago, it has exceeded the time in which we can track the item or launch an investigation or claim, and so we would not be able to see if the item was delivered or lost etc, and cannot replace or refund the item. Even if the item had been received it would now be outside of it's warranty period and so we would not be able to take any action on this. I sincerely apologise for this, and for any inconvenience caused This seems a bit strange and i had a similar experience about two years ago and a longer time had elapsed when i figured it out, when i contacted the company they apologised and explained the item i had ordered was no longer in stock and refunded the payment i had made. Do courier companies have time limits as to when lost items can be investigated with them? The company i get deliveries from most often is Royal Mail.
  9. Why it is important to keep the complaints to OFT rolling http://www.independent.co.uk/money/loans-credit/payday-loans-firms-raided-by-watchdog-8201373.html
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