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Found 4 results

  1. I bought a car in December, and found it was faulty the day after purchase. It had several issues and it turned out it was unsafe to drive for more than one reason. I sent a letter of rejection to the garage, and in that letter I told them they needed to pick up the car as it's not roadworthy at all, or we would hire a company to tow it back to their garage at their cost. They flat out refused to accept the rejection, so we took it to the card issuer, who has just approved our chargeback. We have kept the car unused in the driveway while waiting for this decision. We now need to get the vehicle off the property. We're moving thursday, and I really doubt the landlord wants a broken down car in their driveway until the garage decides they will pick it up. Because we stated we would hire a company to return the car if the garage didn't do it themselves, do I need to inform them again, or can we hire a tow company to collect the car and instruct them to bill the garage? Or do I have to send a letter all over again, telling them to pick it up?
  2. A man who attacked a bailiff with a pick axe handle has been jailed Martin Pritchard admitted assaulting Josef Minoli who had come to his house to collect unpaid magistrates court fines. He had received a telephone call from his stepson to inform him that the bailiff was at the property looking to collect the debt. When Pritchard arrived back at his house in Wrexham, he became abusive telling Mr Minoli to ‘get the the f*** out”. He then hit the bailiff in the midriff with the pick up handle causing him to fall to the ground. The enforcement officer had been on his phone to the police during the attack. When officers arrived, Pritchard had already fled the scene, but was picked up later. Mold Crown Court heard that Pritchard had arrived back at his house with another person, assaulting the bailiff and then beginning to count down as he held the axe handle over his head. The debtor had been before the court on a number of previous occasions. Mr Pritchard's Barrister stated in court that her client had lost his temper because his step son was alone at the house. The court fine was paid later that day and this, together with the fact that Mr Pritchard’s mother was unwell and that he helped look after her children, was taken into consideration by the Judge. He was jailed for 5 months.
  3. I often pick my daughter up after work from the town centre bus station. It's a one way system and I have to drive through a car park to get to the bus station. She's usually walking through the car park when I get there but a couple of weeks ago she (or the bus) was 15 minutes late and I waited at the exit of the car park. Today I received a parking charge notice from Parking Eye for £100 as I was in the car park for 17 minutes in total. The notice is addressed to my husband, as he is the registered keeper, but I am the main driver. At the time my daughter was also insured as a named driver (we'd added her to the policy for 30 days to get some practise) and in fact, although I drove into the car park, she drove out. The photos on the notice show the 'L' plates on exiting. I've read through quite a few of the stickys and posts on here and think my best course of action is to write to Parking Eye as the registered keeper but I'd like advice on what to put in the letter. My husband was out of the country with work at the time, is it worth mentioning this or should I just say he is not obliged to name the driver? I would never intentionally not pay for parking but feel £100 is totally excessive. In future I will drive straight out of the car park and wait on the road for her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. At this moment in time,I really wish to exchange my brother!
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