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Found 4 results

  1. Hi I have received a letter today from Marston High court enforcement about an alleged parking ticked from Kirklees council in my old car from 18 months ago. If I ever received a parking ticket I've paid it straight away, no way would I just leave it. It states I now own them £173 with fees for a debt I have no clue about, I don't have any recollection of any unpaid parking fine, I've had no reminders or letters, just this through the door today. What do I do? This is really annoying, if it was a debt id ignored or knew anything about I would say fair enough, but I am clueless and certainly had no more letters on this. I moved to this new home 3 years ago, so it can't be anything went elsewhere. Please advise Thanks
  2. I am trying to get my finances in order and have been reading up on forums about those who have had successes dealing with DCAs, but unfortunately my accounts don’t seem to make sense. I have four default accounts on my credit file, showing a D sign every single month on my account, but I have three payments from DCA going out of my account two I know why I am paying but PRA I don’t know what its for, and the two bank account overdrafts I have defaults for I don’t know what is happening with them and what to do. Should i send out CCA letters to all creditors including barclays and natwest? On my credit file are these four defaulted accounts Lender Idem Capital Securities Current Balance £1,868 I am paying this via direct debit reduced monthly installment at the moment, this has been passed from Agilent to Moorgate and now to Idem and I it was so long ago now I cant even remember who the original company was who I took a loan out with. Lender NWB Current Accounts Current Balance £1,691 It says I am paying £5 per month but I cannot see any standing order or direct debit going out of my account for £5 per month, so I have no idea what is going on with this account. Both Barclays & Natwest overdrafts have been passed over to DCA I am sure of it, but I am unclear on who they are or what is going on with these accounts. What shall I do? Do I chase up with the actual banks to see what information they can pull up (send SARS) Lender Barclays Bank plc Current Balance £1,590 Similar to my Natwest account, I do not have anything on my bank account showing I am paying them, yet it shows I am paying £18 per month, once again I do not know how to handle this and whether I have a DCA I am paying, I haven’t received any letters for a while and I don’t have a clue what I should do. Lender MKDP LLP Account Type Credit Card Current Balance £264 Finally I have a PRA Group direct debit set up for £8.86 per month but yet again I don’t know what debt this is for now, as it seems to have been set up some time back, with moving and getting married last year I lost a lot of paper work and I cant remember what DCA is for what account and why now. DCA payments: Idem Robinsons Way this is on my credit file under MKDP (are they the same company?)But there is nothing on my credit file saying I am dealing with Robinsons Way PRA Group £8.86 No clue whatsoever why I am paying this and for what account.
  3. I bought a toilet lever for a fiver first one broke after six months, got replaced, this was replaced on the 5.9.13, now on the 2.9.14 the same thing has happened. The very rude duty manager said I they cannot help because '' it was bought last year''. When asked about my statutory rights he still said no. Please can someone advise me on this before a take it further which I intend on doing. Many thanks in advance
  4. hi all, this is my first thread because i was looking for help online and seemed to naturally be directed to this forum. In about 2006 i took out finance on a car for approx £8000. After about 7 months i had the car company come and take the car back as i could not afford the repayments! Shortly after that i had a letter saying i still owed them about £5800!!! I have ignored this debt and the occasional letters ever since because i simply think it is absurd! Over the past few years this debt has been passed to 2 or 3 different debt recoveries and 'solicitors' etc but i have never responded to a single letter in about 6 years. In the last 3 - 4 weeks i have had about 5 or 6 letters from MMF. The last letter threatening door step visit if i do not respond to the letter in 7 days! I have no permanent job, i live with my parents, i certainly have no possessions of any value except for my clothes and car worth about £500. I have no savings and can not afford to go bankrupt even if i wanted to because i can not afford the fees. i think this debt is absolutely ridiculous but i am not sure wot to do or how to handle it! I really dont want them turning up at my parents house. Any advice on what i should do? Is there any way of getting this to go away? Thanks in advance
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