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  1. I have received a PCN for an alleged offence at the same location, https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?487668-G24-Parking-charge-while-shopping-B-amp-M-Stores-Falkirk&p=5170354#post5170354 dating the parking offence as 30th November. It alleges the driver overstayed the permitted 2hours by 11 mins I now live in England but as the alleged offence happened in Scotland am I correct that Scottish Law applies, so pursuing the keeper is illegal?
  2. Hello CAG members I wonder whether anyone could help? I recently received a parking charge notice from G24 that refers to a date roughly three weeks into May for the car park outside B&M Stores in Falkirk (Scotland), with an issue date a week after. The car park is free but timed seemingly to 2 hours and in this case a 20 minute overstay has been flagged. I haven't as yet responded. Although I own the car, the driver, a gentle and vulnerable person who pays their taxes and wouldn't bother a fly, could easily have picked this letter up before I did, which really bothers me. And as I'm dealing at the moment with same person being bullied in bereavement by the BBC licensing people, I'm really not a happy bunny right now. Unfortunately the forum won't let me post the notice as an attachment or link. It's exactly the same one in format and text https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?478877-CPCN-Meadow-Street-retail-park-falkirk-Scotland Here's the text as near as I can get it: On the rear they refer to an appeals procedure using the Independent Appeals Service and an Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme, and say, "If you appeal this charge then you will lose the ability to pay at the reduced rate." Then further down it says: I'm not very familiar with law stuff so obviously I'll be having a search around the forum but my initial questions for now are: - Is this really enforceable? - As of 2018, do they really have the right to get my details from the DVLA? Thanks a lot for your help. BD.
  3. Hi guys and girls, I have received a parking charge notice through our fleet company (Global) who have added an administration fee of £36 on top of the requested £100 (£60 if paid early..) fine. The reason for the ticket is unauthorized parking out of hours, it was around 11:58pm - 12:13. I had just got a quick bit of food and pulled over in the closest car park to eat.. now I have received this fine i have revisited the site and can see very poor signage that doesn't really tell or indicate to anyone entering that the car park is not available out of store opening hours.. There is one small non-reflective sign deep within the entrance on the ANPR cameras (which I didn't notice or see in the dark..), you don't see much signage until you are quite far into the car park and there are no bollards or gates to stop entry. It really feels like they have put minimal signage to catch people out like this.. I have three options I guess? 1) pay the fine, 2) contest via their website appealyourcharge.co.uk, 3) do nothing and wait for more admin fee charges from our fleet service. I have images of the site which I will link once i have reached the criteria to be able to post. does anyone have any advice? It looks like a private firm so am I under any obligation to pay this?
  4. Hi all, A good friend of mine has received a letter from G24 asking for £100 for stopping at a car park for 199 minutes when the free parking was only for 120 minutes. Please can I ask what he should do? So far, his other half wants to pay it to 'get it out of the way' but, fair play to him, he is holding firm until he gets advice....so here I am Please help if you can.....
  5. Hi I have been trying to fight a PCN i received after parking in Wickes in June this year. I wrote a letter downloaded from another forum, and then appealed directly to Wickes who emailed G24 to say we were in the store and to cancel the fine. I thought that would be the end but received another letter with an increased fine for £100. I wrote again and included a print out of the email have just received another letter stating the appeal was too late. The letter gives me two options, pay the fine or debt recovery (or court proceedings) The letter concludes by saying G24 may engage with IAS alternative dispute resolution scheme at their discretion. I have tried to appeal with them but keep getting an automated message telling me to contact G24, but so far my emails have bounced back. The email from Wickes was later then the deadline but i thought it showed clearly we were not at fault . I cannot afford this fine and am very worried . Do i have any options?
  6. Hello all I recently received a parking charge notice from G24. I had recently had one from parking eye where by browsing these forums I was not the driver on either occasion and was able to understand how to appeal to them at the stage I was at and was successful overturned within days. I made the mistake of thinking the same process would work this time and my appeal was rejected. I was invited to appeal to the IAS and conducted my appeal based on their code of practice. They seemed reputable and that the charge was groundless as there own code of practice was in my opinion not adhered to. I have received an email today that this appeal has been dismissed with the below response: Dear xxxxxxx, The Independent Appeals Service (IAS) has received a decision from the Independent Adjudicator regarding your recent appeal. Please see below for the full details. Parking Charge Number (PCN): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Vehicle Registration: xxxxxxxxxx Date Issued: 19/08/2015 Appeal Outcome: Dismissed The Adjudicators comments are as follows: "It is important that the appellant understands that the adjudicator is not in a position to give legal advice. The adjudicator's role is to look at whether the parking charge has a basis in law and was properly issued in the circumstances of each particular case. The adjudicator's decision is not legally binding on the appellant (it is intended to be a guide) and the Appellant is free to obtain independent legal advice if they so wish. The guidance to this appeal makes it clear that I am bound by the law of contract and can only consider legal challenges not mistakes or extenuating circumstances. I am also only allowed to consider the charge being appealed and not the circumstances of other drivers or other parking events. In this appeal procedure the onus this is on the Appellant to prove their case on the balance of probabilities. On considering images provided it is clear that sufficient amounts of signage existed on the site at the time of issuing the Parking Charge Notice (PCN). The Operator shows evidence that the maximum amount of time allowed is 120 minutes and that the Appellant’s vehicle was on site for a total of 152 minutes. As it appears to be accepted that the Appellant was on site in excess of the maximum parking period I am satisfied that the PCN has a basis in law. Various documents have been provided by both the Operator and the Appellant, all of which I have considered. I am satisfied to the required standard that the signage on site complies with currently regulations. I am satisfied that the Appellant has been made reasonably aware of the terms contained within these signs. The Operator is able to show their signage at the entrance and throughout the site. By staying on the site for longer than the 120 minute maximum period the Appellant agreed to pay a charge. The Appellant queries the level of the charge. The Operator does not pursue the Parking Charge following a breach of contract. The Parking Charge has been issued pursuant to a specific contractual term and therefore the question of loss is not a relevant consideration for this appeal. In my view the parking charge is not excessive for two reasons. First, because the amount being sought by the operator was clearly communicated to the appellant by way of the signage on the site. If the Appellant considered the charge to be excessive, the Appellant had the choice to reject it by either not parking or parking in accordance with the terms. Second, the amount being claimed by the Operator is in my view justified given the operator's running costs. It is also in line with industry standards. For further guidance on this point the Appellant may wish to consider the judgment in PARKINGEYE LIMITED and BARRY BEAVIS [2015] EWCA Civ 402 I note the Appellant’s comments regarding the driver of the vehicle at the time of issue however it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the te rms of parking are complied with and whilst sympathizing with the Appellant, once liability has been established, only the Operator has the discretion to vary or cancel the parking charge based on mitigating circumstances. Accordingly this appeal is dismissed. " As your appeal has been dismissed, the Independent Adjudicator has found, upon the evidence provided, that the parking charge was lawfully incurred. As this appeal has not been resolved in your favour, the IAS is unable to intervene further in this matter. The Operator must now allow you 14 days to make payment before they commence any action to enforce the charge. Should you continue to contest the charge then you should consider obtaining independent legal advice. IMPORTANT: The following information relates to appeals which were submitted on or after the 1st April 2015: If you wish to view the evidence that was relied upon by the operator then you may log back into the IAS system and view it, but by doing so you agree to the following terms: You agree that the operator’s evidence, including any comments, documents or photo’s are made available to you in strict confidence. YOU MUST NOT DUPLICATE, PUBLISH, SHARE OR REPRODUCE THE INFORMATION IN ANY WAY without the prior written permission of the parking operator. Without prejudice to any other right arising from breach of this agreement, you agree to indemnify the parking operator and the Independent Parking Committee Limited in respect of any costs or other expenses howsoever caused for any breach, by you or any others with whom you provide this information, of this confidentiality agreement. You can log in at http://www.theIAS.org by entering your email address and the password that you created when you first registered the appeal. Yours sincerely The Independent Appeals Service Independent Appeals Service 4 The Stables Red Cow Yard Knutsford Cheshire WA16 6DG w: http://www.theias.org e: [email protected] The Independent Appeals Service is a trading style of the Independent Parking Committee Limited, Registered address: 4 The Stables Red Cow Yard, Knutsford Cheshire, WA16 6DG. Registered in England and Wales (08248531). The content of this email transmission and any documents attached to it are confidential and are intended for the named recipient only and may contain information that is subject to legal privilege. If you have received this email in error or are not the named recipient you are expressly forbidden from copying, storing or further distributing the contents of this transmission by any means. Disclosure of the content of this email transmission or its content may amount to contempt of court or a criminal offence. If you have received this email transmission in error you are requested to notify the sender and delete the email and its content forthwith. The Independent Appeals Service does not accept service of documents by email. Any advice anybody can provide about how to proceed with this would be appreciated. I have attached my initial appeal to G24 and the one I sent to IAS I also have good photos of the car park etc. Can anyone advise whether or not credit reports etc can be affected by these fines?
  7. Hi folks, I've received a PCN from G24 Ltd and have written the below letter in response. I think I'm pretty well on top of it, but any extra advice warmly welcomed. Thanks, Peter+ -------------Letter Follows-------------- I have received a communication from you which arrived on the 26th of August 2015 claiming a breach of contract between the driver of the vehicle registered XXXXXXX of which I am the registered keeper. At this point I accept no liability and do not accept any breach of contract. I do not admit being the driver of the vehicle at the time in question. In order to proceed in this matter, please address the following issues. i) The alleged breach of contract occurred on the 11th of August 2015. The Parking Charge Notice to Keeper was delivered through my front door on Wednesday the 26th of August 2015 by the Royal Mail. This is a period of FIFTEEN DAYS. The Protection of Freedom Act 2012, Schedule 4, Paragraph 9(5) states that the Notice to Keeper must be delivered WITHIN FOURTEEN DAYS of the alleged breach of contract. Please provide me with a proof of date of posting. Please note, I will not accept as sufficient evidence an internal date of issue – you must provide me with clear documentary evidence that the Notice to Keeper was handed over to your specified agents for delivery on or before the 23rd of August 2015 in order for me to accept a reasonable presumption of delivery two working days after postage. ii) You state in your Notice to Keeper that the property on which the vehicle was parked belongs not to G24 Limited but rather to your client. Therefore, in order to pursue this matter please provide for me: a. The full legal title of your client b. Evidence that your client holds claim and title deed to the specific place where the vehicle XXXXXXX was allegedly parked. Please note, this must be either the original title deed to the land OR a certified copy of the title deed. I will not accept a photocopy as necessary proof. If you require any of this documentation to be returned to you please provide sufficient paid postage and packing material for its return. c. Evidence that a contract exists between you and your client in this matter of establishing a contract for parking on your land. Please note, this must be either the original contract IN ITS ENTIRITY OR a certified copy of the original contract IN ITS ENTIRITY. I will not accept a photocopy as necessary proof. If you require any of this documentation to be returned to you please provide sufficient paid postage and packing material for its return. iii) Please note in regard to ii(b) above, reasonable evidence will need to be submitted that the vehicle registered XXXXXXX was actually parked on your property, not simply that it passed through the entrance to your property and exited from your property whilst actually being parked on a third party’s property. iv) Please outline the costs involved in calculating the charge being demanded under the breach of contract (£100). Where a claim for loss of revenue connected to lack of ability for customers of your client to park at their store is to be made, please demonstrate that for the time in question – 10:48:06 11 August 2015 to 12:04:47 11 August 2015 – there were no other parking spaces available on this site and that therefore such a loss was actual. v) Please provide documentary evidence of how you have acquired my personal details as the registered keeper of this vehicle. Where a submission to the DVLA has been made, please provide evidence of the submission and your legal right to make such a submission. Please also note the following. vi) Where any further demand for money is made from myself as the registered keeper of XXXXXXX for this alleged breach of contract WITHOUT first providing the reasonable evidence of the existence of a contract as requested above in points (i), (ii) and (iii), I shall consider such a demand for money HARASSMENT as defined in Section 1 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and shall contact the Police accordingly. vii) Where any further demand for money is made from myself as the registered keeper of XXXXXXX for this alleged breach of contract WITHOUT first providing the reasonable assurances in sections (iv) and (v) above, a repeat of this letter will be issued. I reserve the right to charge G24 Ltd the cost of £25 per letter issued. Your delivery of a letter to me without the material requested in sections (iv) and (v) will be considered an acceptance of these terms. Sincerely,
  8. I've been parking on a retail car park for months now to enable me to go to work, but suddenly this week I've received to PCN's for 2 consecutive days on the 6/7th April asking me to pay £100 for each. Lots of people have said to ignore the charges and I've looked on different forums who also say ignore it but reading on the CAG forums other people are saying to challenge it. Not sure what to do. Feeling very confused and stressed about the whole thing, as never had any parking charges before. Have driven back to the car park to check for signs and there is a small sign saying customer parking only on the way in but no other signs near the parking bays. As I’ve been using the parking for a few months now didn't realise that I would be hit with fines, until these sudden PCN's came through the letter box. When you drive out there’s a sign to say that if you over stay your 180minutes free parking that you will be fined £100, but this is not made clear when entering the car park. Tbh I've never taken any notice as the car park has always been for free... .. as other colleagues have been using the car park as well. Don't want to pay 2x £100 as i do not believe it was made clear that they had brought in parking charges. .. and also believe that £100 is ridiculous. Please can anyone offer me some advice to my best course of action? Stressed driver!
  9. Hi guys. This is my first post here and so be gentle !! Last week I received a demand letter from Debt Recovery Plus (DRP) stating they are writing to me of behalf of their creditor (G24 Ltd). It states they are writing to me due to no response received to their previous correspondence and are demanding I pay £160 parking charge ! The thing is, this is the first I've heard of the parking charge/fine (dated 5th Nov 2015). There has been no correspondence received. I have also revisited the site (England) to inspect the disclaimer sign, which states the fine is £100, or £40 if paid within 14 days. Naturally, I rang DRP and explained I have had no previous correspondence and as such was completely oblivious to the parking fine. He then said "Well you're now outside the 28 day appeals window" !!. I then questioned him as to how I can appeal a situation I had no knowledge it existed !! To which he had no answer, obviously. At this point I also had no evidence of the offence I had allegedly commited so I asked for this, which they emailed me at the weekend (two images of my car parked outside the lined bays). I replied to the email thanking them for the evidence but also stating that I will not be paying £160 because I received no initial paperwork and was not given the opportunity to settle the matter at the reduced rate. I then received a reply which I will copy below, which says they still want the £160.... Start of letter........ Thank you for youremail regarding the above Parking Charge Notice (PCN). The time to challenge the charge has now expired and therefore access to the Independent Appeals Service (if applicable) is no longer available. However, in order to resolve this matter, I will offer the following comments as to why this PCN was correctly issued and is still payable. My findings The site in question is subject to terms and conditions, which are stated on signs throughout the area. Those signs state that all vehicles must be parked in authorised areas. On the date in question, the vehicle was parked in an unauthorised area and a PCN was correctly and legitimately issued as a result. Correspondence Please note that a PCN was sent to the vehicle’s registered address for notification purposes. If there has been a problem regarding the delivery of this document, this is a matter to raise with your postal service. Under The Interpretations Act 1978: Where an Act authorises or requires any document to be served by post (whether the expression “serve” or the expression “give” or “send” or any other expression is used) then, unless the contrary intention appears, the service is deemed to be effected by properly addressing, pre-paying and posting a letter containing the document and, unless the contrary is proved, to have been effected at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. Your obligation to notify the DVLA of a change of circumstance Regarding your details, I must stress that it is your obligation to ensure any of your details held at the DVLA are correct. If a delay in communication has resulted from a failure to do so, our company cannot be held accountable. What you need to do now Please ensure that £160.00 is paid by 24th March 2016. Payment can be made online or by phone. Go to 'link removed' or phone 0208 234 6775. You can find full details of how to pay on the reverse of the letter(s) sent. What will happen if you do not pay what you owe If the amount is not paid by the date shown above, we will recommend to our client that court action be taken by them to recover the outstanding balance. What if you do not agree Although any correspondence that does not provide further evidence will be noted and retained, I cannot guarantee that we will reply to it. End of letter...... Surely they cannot force me to pay £160 when they cannot prove I received the initial PCN ? It also rages me that they say if I haven't received the initial PCN, then I need to contact my local postal service ! They're the sender, it's not my duty to ensure delivery and how can I query unsolicited mail ? Any help/comments guys would be much appreciated. Kind regards
  10. Bardan can you let this know how this goes seems very stressful have they given up now or are still after you? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452658-G24-continued-threats-5-mnths-on-do-I-stand-firm&p=4937339#post4937339
  11. Hi all, I haven't been on here for a while but thought I would put this on here in hope of some advice. My father who is the owner/keeper of the car that received the PCN and my mother who are both holders of Blue Badges and in their late 70's/mid 80's. I was the one responsible for parking in the disable bay which as far as I am concerned had a perfect right to do so, but inadvertently forgot to put the badge on display due to having to physically lift a mobility scooter out of the car and help my mother into it. My father in a panic over this PCN started to fret about finding the £100 to pay it. I told him not to pay and write and tell them what happened and to give the details of the Blue Badges. As you have probably guessed they still want their pound of flesh. I have now received a letter telling me I can appeal to IAS. Any help will be greatly appreciated. WIDYCHI
  12. A car somebody sold a few months ago has been receiving invoices from these people. The amount started from £100 then went upto £140 and then a few months later went down to £70. I attach the correspondance and hope it helps someone. As of yet court is being threatened. Before anybody asks. Commercial collection services LTD are running from the same address as the now defunct CCS ENFORCEMENT SERVICES which was a bailiff company taken over by rundell and co when they went pear shaped a few years ago.
  13. I was not the driver but the driver and their family went to Freeport outlet village Braintree on 2 April and parked in their car park which was believed to be a free car park. Travelled 45 miles approx to go there. Today I received in the post what's headed a Contractual Parking Charge Notice with issue date 9.4.15, and showing images of the car entering at 13.05 and leaving at 19.45, by which time the car park was of course fairly empty. The notice is addressed to me as registered keeper. I was not in fact the driver. The charge is £100 for "over staying" by 20 mins !! It states permitted free parking 360 mins and actual parking period 400 mins. the letter states the vehicle was parked on private property at Freeport Outlet Village, Charter Way, CM77 8YH: "By entering and parking the vehicle on our client's private property the driver agreed with G24 Ltd (the creditor) to be bound by the terms & conditions of parking shown below. The terms and conditions were clearly displayed at the entrance to and in prominent places within the car park. In accordance with the agreement, by leaving your vehicle in the car park in breach of the terms and conditions of parking the driver is hereby required to pay a parking charge the sum of £100. within 28 days of the date of this contractual parking charge notice. Term breached : exceeding the maximum duration of stay permitted at the Freeport Outllet Village....CM77 8YH. Term applicable : that a sum ( the parking charge) of £100. is payable. To date the contractually agreed parking charge has not been paid in full and we do not know both the name of the driver and a current address for service for the driver. If the parking charge is paid within 14 days of the date of this contractuial parking charge notice it wil be reduced to £60. If no payment is recieved within 28 days G24 Ltd wil forward the outstanding debt to a debt recovery agency and the dirver may incur additional costs for late payment. You are now invited to : pay the unpaid parking charge or if you were not the driver of the vehicel to notify us of the name of the driver and a current address for service for the dirver and pass this notice to the driver. Please be warned that if after a period of 28 days beginning with the day afetr that on which the notice is given i) the amount of the unpaid charge specified has not been paid in full and ii) we do not know both the name of driver and a current address for service of driver, we will have the right to recover from you so much of that parking charge as remains unpaid. Please see the reverse of this notice for further information on how to pay........ TO AVOID ADDIITONAL COSTS, PAYMENT MUST BE MADE PROMPTLY. Any ideas on how to respond to this? What if, for argumentss sake, the driver is now residing abroad? That is not the case but I'm just curious to understand how this would be dealt with in that situation. Is it worth doing a land registry search to find out who is the owner of the land and writing direct to them to object to payment? Just not clear on what basis I would argue it's not payable. Although no money was paid so on what basis was there a contract? Would be grateful for input. Thank you. ps where's the spell checker?
  14. Hi, i am new to all this,so please be patient with me. Well I parked at Sports Direct car park in St. Helens on 2nd January this year and received a contractual parking charge notice dated 9th January on the 13th. They want me to pay 100 pounds as I was longer than the permitted 60 minutes. I arrived at dusk and left in the dark and didnt even realise it was limited to 60 mins,as I was looking on what was the manned booth when it was the DIY store, and there was nothing on the booth. I parked right round the side of the old DIY store . Browsing through artices from 2009 to 2013, the general advice given appears to be to ignore all correspondance from G24. I have been trying to compose a letter to send , but now I think perhaps I should just keep quiet and ignore their ltters. Is still the way to proceed??
  15. hi im new to this site and would like some advice on a parking fine/notice iv just received. iv received a parking charge notice for 70£ from a company called G24? saying if i pay in 14 days it will be 42£ but iv spoken to a few people and they have told me to ignore it as because it is not the council basically it is just a scare mongering letter with pretty red borders and they can not do anything but send a few letters etc.and they will give up. i was parked in a bannatynes car park at 21:33 till 01:17 and apparently the permitted free parking mins were 180 and my stay was 224. i dont know weather to pay the 42£ an just get rid of the hassle or ignore the letter and apparent letters to follow. im going to go back to the car park now to see if i can find the notices or any signs here i parked. but would appreciate some help or feedback from somebody who knows more about this kind of thing. would appreciate any feedback or help. thanks
  16. Received my first parking charge notice today .. its from G24, was about to pay it when i decided to research into it a bit more and found that many people do not pay fines from these types of companies. The notice states that i went over the free parking of 150 minutes, my parking period was 207 minutes.. they have cctv pictures of my car entering and leaving the retail car park (with the time and date). Also i am sure there is a sign entering the car park about the terms and conditions etc. So my question is should i pay or not? its £36.00 if i pay within 14 days or it goes up to £60.00 after 14 days. Many Thanks in advance
  17. A friend of mine showed me a very interesting Parking Charge Notice yesterday from G24 who give their address as Po Box 3320 Gerrards Cross Bucks SL9 8WT First of all it is addressed to a Scottish resident and offers the recipient the opportunity to appeal to the newly formed Parking on Private Land appeal body. A very charitable gesture you may think, particularly as the Protection of Freedoms Act does not apply in Scotland. However, having read further into this very colourful and picturesque document there appears to be a sting in the tail. The section relating to POPLA states that if the appeal fails then the driver will lose his right to pay the reduced amount and may incur ADDITIONAL COSTS for LATE PAYMENT. I must say that having read this statement words ALMOST failed me as the bloody appeal is bound to fail as Scottish residents do not have access to POPLA, this is something that is clearly stated in the BPA code of practice. Furthermore, if this particular document is issued nationwide then how many people in England and Wales have actually paid without appealing for fear of additional charges being added should the appeal fail? This also begs the question, what happened to the cost of the appeal process being met by the PPC industry? An additional question surrounds the discount offered by G24, in the case of the document available the charge is £95.00 reduced to £75.00 if paid within 14 days. Now if we apply simple mathematics this represents a discount of 21%. This is interesting on the basis that Section B 19.7 of the BPA code of practice (England and Wales) and section C 34.6 (Scotland) clearly states that the discount should be no less than 40%. I wonder how many people have already paid the inflated figure as well as avoiding the appeals proccess? I understand that this issue has now been raised with the relevant authorities.
  18. So, we have had a letter from G24 stating that we stayed in a car park for over 4 hours on a recent Saturday with photo's of us going in and then out again. Whilst we did enter the car park at 12.30pm, we also left (having met my parents there) about 7 minutes later. We then went back to the car park at about 16.50 to visit Toys R' Us to buy a game. They have then included the photo of us leaving the second time and arriving the first time. I sent them a letter stating all the details of what happened on the day, and they are still pressing ahead with the penalty charge notice - can't say i'm surprised, but as its blatantly a complete lie and verging on fraud (if indeed it isn't fraud or deception) i'm wondering what we should do with regards to the second letter.
  19. Hello Im pretty sure that a ticket and request for £95 payment is something to be ignored here but I just wanted to make sure. Can someone advise please. Ticket was given while in private car park for a shop called 'sports direct' I have taken a picture of the sign and it can be seen here http://i550.photobucket.com/albums/ii434/urbancolour/IMG_2632.jpg Any advice will be good please Thanks
  20. I recently used a retail store and have received a G24 parking charge notice demanding 75 pounds (50 pounds if I pay early). I know that G24 is one of the [edited] companies who partake in this [problem]. i did overstay by 30 minutes. Some questions if anyone knows answers please: 1. Change in registered owner - I am in process of applying to DVLA to change the registered owner, not sure if will change it to my partners name at my address or my father who lives overseas. I am tempted to change it to the overseas address? Is this a problem? 2. Options - Other than ignoring G24, what are my options? i have prepared a letter using Tim Kevan's brilliant template on bloodspot. But If I am about to change the registered owner details should I even bother? 3. Credit rating: I know everyone says ignoring this demand will not affect my rating. However, the experian report has a section which can be used to add details from debt collectors. Experian say this information is not available to credit lenders but used to ensure only appropriate individuals are chased for debt. Will the PPC be able to add any details of this so called debt, though not enforceable, to my credit file?
  21. Hi guys, yes im another victim of these people. just wanted to check with all you that this is total tosh and is to be ignored. For a start anyway, we didn't go to this car park until 2:45pm, we know for a fact so the car going in isnt us.! i know exactly what we was doing that day and what times. i was still at home until 1:30pm yapping to a friend on fb! and, you cant even make out the reg! should i send them a letter saying they cant prove the driver or the actual car reg or just ignore them and any other threatening letters they will send? Many thanks in advance, Amy.
  22. Hi All, Need some advice regarding the below so please bear with me. We had parked at Meadow Hall Retail Park to do some shopping, we had parked in a disable bay ( just for information ) and we shopped at PC World, toys r us, Hobby Craft and B&M, we then decided to have some thing to eat at Pizza Hut as a family, now they stated that we were parked for 214 minutes and only allowed a 180 minutes so we breached the duration of our stay. I am not happy with this we took our time, we did not rush, they have not stated who there client is as we were parked on their clients private property so for the sake of 34 minutes they want to charge us £25 pounds if we pay early or £50 You advice is greatly appreciated
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