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  1. Hi Everyone, I have had a lot of debt because of my ex in the last few years, When it all started coming through i realised the severity of it all and contacted Stepchange and through them, but i actually managed and contact tall the companies directly, i used the same template letters and sent letters to all companies offering a certain amount. This has been going on for just over 2 years now and everything has been going ok, everyone gets there fair share everymonth. The problem i have and which i would like to get some clarification on (i have read through a few other similar threads and other websites for info but i feel mine is only slightly different) Basic info: - Debt Recovery Company: Whyte & Co - Total amount owed: About £1900 with fees - Total amount owed minus fees: about £1500 - There are 3 different council taxes owed - Have already been paying Whyte & Co for the last 2 years for Housing Benefit Some points to mention: - Very 1st time i was informed of this was in January 2016 - Been in contact with 1st Bailiff from the second i got the 1st letter - Been in contact with the office as well - Been in contact with 2nd bailiff also - Whyte & Co informed me in February that they are transferring it all over to the 2nd bailiff to avoid confusion and for him to liase with me in regards to the 3 x council taxes owed. - Now after speaking with office today i am now confused slightly and was wondering if i have anything i could say to them or croydon council In Time order this is what has happened so far: (i keep a diary of every time i speak to someone someone, roughly what we speak about and not down times, dates, ref's etc... Names) - Tuesday 26th January 2016 - Received a letter from Whyte & Co: - Whyte&Co-09-01-2016-5142646.pdf dated 09/01/2016 regarding Croydon Council Tax from .. address ... - 27th May 2011 to 31st March 2012. Addressed to me and Partner. - I called up, spoke to a lady @ 10.35 and informed me this is not the same one that i had already being paying for. - ref: ******** for £770.26 - I got given bailiff mobile number and spoke to him minutes after phone call with Whyte & Co. - After speaking with him he said to call back tomorrow morning when he picks up all the relevant paperwork. I then spoke to Bailiff various times but either he did not have my file with him or he was not scheduled to work that day. (i didnt speak to Mr S after this) - February Wednesday 17/02/2016 - called Whyte and Co due to the letter hand delivered on the 16/02/2016 - Letter here: whyte&co-bailiff letter-16-02-2016.pdf - spoke with Whyte & Co and explained what has happened regarding past history and confirmed about 2 people being on a letter and if unable to contact one of the people then accountability falls to the other person, in this case it is me. - I said to him i have direct debits setup to pay all my debtors each month, setup via stepchange debt charity, i said to him i can pay a monthly arrangement, he said will have to contact croydon council and speak to me tomorrow. - From then on i was emailing the office on the email address listed on the website and to which i have emailed before. (please see attach Gmail - Ref_ Mr Vannerly.pdf - At Lunch Today - Called the office after getting this response and tried to explain to the lady and she was trying to shut me down, i explained what was going on and that: - Whyte & Co has not called me once since i last spoke to him regarding paying a monthly installment - She was saying that "we dont know what was said between you and Whyte & Co" etc... - I went on to say thats exactly why i was emailing you regarding if you had heard anything from Whyte & Co as he was speaking to Croydon Council. (see email trail) - After alot of back and fourth she said that it is now with the office again and Whyte & Co is not dealing with it anymore and it will be with another enforcement officer and the only thing to do is to complete a "Control of Goods" and i will have to proove via bank statements etc about paying a monthly installment - This sounded completely wrong and after looking through other threads i wont be letting anyone in my house Am i right in thinking that something is not right in regards to the amount of time from when i 1st spoke to and was communicating with Whyte in January till now, that they are trying to get control of goods without accepting what i already offered to the bailiff? Is this allowed? is there any legislation or governed rules that have a set of allocated time between such events to get to certain stages? - Even the second letter i revcieved from Whyte & Co doesnt even have my name on it, surely thats something to go on? - This money is owed and i am more thatn willing to pay, my ex is off the radar and i would think that even the Police or S.A.S would have trouble finding her due to her mountain of debt and what she has done to me. I think i have covered most of it. Thanks for taking the time to read and i appreciate any help that you may give, if you require any further info please do not hesitate to ask regards, J
  2. On 28th May I read an article in SCOOP that at first glance appeared to be rather unimportant. I was wrong. On closer reading, the news article is of serious concern for a variety of reasons. The link is below and in brief, concerns 2,500 letters that were sent to debtors by the enforcement company; Whyte & Co. Crucially, the letters were sent to the debtors in the week before the 'run up to the local and European elections. (more on this further on). One resident complained to the newspaper that the letter arrived on 21st May to advise that the debt had to be paid by the day before (20th May). The letter also 'helpfully' enclosed details of a parking fine 'surgery' that Thurrock Council had hosted a few days earlier. If this was not serious enough....the debt to which the letter referred to was a parking ticket issued by Thurrock Council three years earlier (June 2011) !!! As many regular viewers will know, Whyte & Co were the enforcement company featured so unfavourably by the recent TV series: PARKING MAD. The program exposed the way in which Whyte & Co operate 'Roadside Operations' with the assistance of the police using ANPR equipped vehicles. As the TV programmes confirmed, Whyte & Co were NOT seeking to locate the debtor by using their ANPR equipped vehicles. Instead, they were seeking to find (with the assistance of police) the VEHICLE that had been driven by the debtor on the date of the alleged parking contravention !!! Accordingly, if Thurrock Council is contracting with Whyte & Co to retrieve such historic debts are they also allowing them to use ANPR equipped vehicles to assist with their enforcement? http://www.yourthurrock.com/2014/05/28/vote-winner-thousands-received-bailiff-letters-in-election-week-in-thurrock/
  3. hi, around march 2013 i emailed my local council asking them about a letter i was sent saying i ignored to pay a ticket and the fact i thought i had paid it. below is that reply from the council back in 2013 Thank you for your email recently received. You have stated that you remember paying a £25 charge on the automated telephone system and our records show that a payment of £25.00 was made on 11 December 2012 f or Penalty Charge Notice ****** With regards to this Penalty Charge Notice, a Notice to Owner form was sent to you on 1 February 2013, this form allowed you to appeal formally to this office and clearly states that: “If neither payment nor representations have been received within 28 days of you receiving the Notice to Owner your right to appeal will be lost and a Charge Certificate will be sent to which increases the amount of the Penalty Charge by a further 50%” However, you failed to make a formal representation and the Notice progressed onto Charge Certificate, thus losing your right to appeal to an Independent Parking Adjudicator. You were subsequently sent a Charge Certificate on 11 March 2013. The Penalty Charge Notice is now due to be registered as a debt at Northampton County Court, which will incur the added costs of £7.00, increasing the total charge to £82.00. You then have the chance to make a Witness Statement against the charge, details of how to do this will be provided at the time. I must therefore advise you that if you fail to pay the Penalty Charge Notice or make a Witness Statement when the opportunity is provided, a Warrant may be issued to the bailiffs to recover payment. You will also become liable for the additional fees of the bailiff. Yours sincerely ------------------------------------------------------- well i never got anymore letters from anyone a year on i have forgotten about it to be honest but then i was given a letter that was sent to my old address not the address me or my car is registered to now from whytes & co quoting the above parking ticket and saying amount i owe council is £82, i knew that amount was going to come one day but below that a compliance stage fee £75 total to pay £157.00?. i have emailed them and included the original women from the council who emailed me the above reply asking why has this cost jumped up so much and why are they sending such important docs to an old address and not the address i and my car and insurance and licence are registered to and since charging so much cant they afford the £3 to search me on dvla to get things right? surely these people should check they have the right address if sending out letters with such charges and threatening about "taking control" and taking my car? i dont want debt or this rubbish so i made one payment of £10 friday via the website and have for the moment set up a S/O for £10 per week so i am seen as paying towards the £82 and allow for some reply from this whyte and co about this other £75 and why they are chasing old addresses. i did deal with another ticket in past with jbw and they were great fun to deal with but i knew what they could and couldnt do and i told the council i hold them responsible for having them chasing me for money for a ticket and after a load of email wars i managed to get the council to tell jbw to accept my offer of 10 p/w even though i offered jbw £20 a week but they refused. i am not sure at what stage this current ticket is at due to not knowing what letters i have not been sent and if whyte and co are yet another firm with heavy worded letters of threats but no actual power. thanks again for any advice you may have.
  4. I have an old unpaid PCN from Lewisham. Long story but it can no longer be paid online (I did try). However I heard nothing until a letter had been posted by the usual run and gun type (i.e no knock on door etc) a couple of days ago with the usual scare tactics (you must pay now or the amount will increase). I'm not in a position to dispute the original bill and accept the fine plus reasonable costs, however Whyte and co are asking for what looks like £393 in fees! No actual visit, no letters prior, just a hand delivered note unsigned asking for a total of £595 including the cost of the fine. I am most definitely filing an SAR as these cannot be right according what I read. But what I want to ask is the following 1.Does an SAR request put action on hold? 2.Should I write to Lewisham offering to pay the fine plus stat fees (a lot less than what has been asked) 3. Finally if writing to Lewisham how could I word it? Note I am no longer the registered keeper of the the car which was HP anyway
  5. Today I had a visit from Whyte and Co bailiffs. Unbeknowst to me I had a pcn stat declaration rejected by Northampton county Court. They wanted £517.84. they gave no breakdown. They never sent any letters, claiming I had lost my right to any notification of rejection or correspondence from them as I appealed. I paid them all I had (£600, and they are returning every Friday for £100 until the balance is cleared. I had to pay them as they were threatening to clamp my work van. I am being sent an N244 form by the court, but am sure they have not behaved in accordance to rules. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. I received a hand delivered letter today from Whyte & Co stating that I owed rent from the my last tenancy at a previous address (around £1000). I don't dispute the amount and I'd like to set up a repayment plan as I definitely can't afford to pay everything upfront. Based on my passed dealings with bailiffs, I have a feeling that they will reject a repayment plan since I won't let them in in to do an inventory of my goods. (I'm pretty familiar with what bailiffs can and cant do as long as I don't let them in). I also have a feeling that if I contact the council directly and try to negotiate a repayment plan, they'll tell me that I must deal with the bailiffs directly. I'm going to try the council first, I just wondered if anybody had an opinion on the best way to deal with this... Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi, *Please move this thread to the appropriate section if necessary* I received a letter from Whyte & Co a few days ago stating that I owed £473.65 (£551.15 with their fees added on) worth of council tax. They came to my flat a few hours ago saying that the fee had gone up to £569.15. I didn't open the door and told them (through the letter box) that I'd be willing to arrange a repayment plan. They said they'd only be willing to do this if they could come in to see and list my goods. I refused this and they basically left. I called their office and they pretty much told me the same thing. I then called the council (Greenwich) and asked them about any liability orders against me and this was the only one. The council tax I owe is from the last property I was living in; I wasn't aware that I owed the money and I didn't receive a final letter from the council regarding this. The council told me that once it had gone to the bailiff then there is nothing they can do on their end. What do you think I should do at this stage? Is there any way I can get this returned to Greenwich Council? Are the charges from Whyte & Co fair and am I obligated to pay them? I've attached the documents I've received from Whyte & Co. Thanks in advanced.
  8. Hello. Whyte and co are dealing with my pcn fine (Newham Council). While I do not deny I need to pay this, their charges are somewhat dubious. They are charging £175 for ATR, even though this was their first visit. They now insist this was their third visit, which I do not think is true. They also say they do not need to provide evidence of former visits or letters sent (None received). Is this true? Thank you to all the helpful people on this site, and a Happy New Year.
  9. so.. I made an old post I can't find.. and it's all escalated a bit since then.. to summarise, I got a parking ticket in Worthing a while back,never recieved it, moved house, never recieved the NTO, the first I knew was when a letter went to my mothers house from Whyte and co saying I owed them £430! I appealed to the TEC who refused the appeal.. at every stage I have corrected my address and still all correspondence (even the reply from the TEC which had my correct address crossed out and the wron one used instead) goes to her house.. I have just had a hand delivered notice through her door and in a panic phoned up and paid £150 with a£150 due next month to a bullying woman who was not giving an inch.. I'm not sure what to do next.. they told me on the phone that if I want a breakdown of charges it'll cost me £10 as it's done manually!! I still haven't had a letter to my correct address!!!! this whole thing is killing me! I don't know what to do next... oon another note, the bailiffs say that wrong address came from worthing borough council?! and my mother would have to show proof of occupancy to remove the address from the debt!! when she phoned up to complain that it was the wrong address the woman on the other end of the phone said she 'wasn't listening' and put the phone down on her (she's 60 and was only trying to explain what had happened!)
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