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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I stupidly got a laptop from Buy As You View. First mistake there! I got it 12.3.14 my circumstances have now changed and im unable to afford it now. I moved house rang them and told them. They came banging on my door saying id absconded which isnt true since i told them. He threatened me with police and gave me 24 hours to pay £81 or he'd come take the laptop. Now after complaining and having a different man come round i payed. Now im unable to make the next payment what is the best course of action? I have read through the contract there is only my signature on it. Also they are charging me £1354.06 for a £250 laptop as i now find out. Now there is someone due round today to take payment. do i just hand the laptop back and a notice to end agreement i got from CAB or what? i cant do with the stress when they come round threatening and trying to push thier way into my house. I have a 3 year old to think about. Thanks in advance
  2. Hello Lowell have been pursuing me for old catalogue debt from Catalogue firm empire stores for some time, i had a letter back months ago saying they could not obtain an agreement because it was such a long time ago, but to my amazement i received a photo copy of a customer shopping card with my name and old address fom the 90's on it no signature or date and are demanding payment forthwith. By the way the handwriting is not mine. Can someone tell me if this constitutes an official agreement,a ny advice would be gratefully received thankyou
  3. Hi, I am new on here so please bare with me, to cut along story short. I have worked for my employer for 6 years as a sales rep.I have been very successful and have an umblemished work history with them. I had 6 months maternity leave during 2011 and returned at the end of the year. A new manager started in April 2012 and requested a meeting with me 3 weeks in to their employment following a very brief day double working with me, infact 2 hours with me. I was advised the meeting was regarding the sales figures i had been requesting for several months of sales achieved versus targets but when i arrived to meeting HR were present. I was told meeting wasnt going to be very nice and then new manager began to rip me to shreds saying she had concerns about my ability to do the job (that i had been very succesful in), that i had no product knowledge and that they were going to put me on an "Improvement Performance Procedure", HR stepped in and said or there was another route i could go down which is a "compromise agreement". I refused the CA and said i would not be pushed out of my job by someone that had spent little time with me. The meeting ended with no steps in place to help me improve and just a date in the diary for 4 weeks ahead for my review meeting. Following the meeting i continued to do my job for a week in which time i was advised that the rest of the sales team had accepted their CA's and left the company. I then contacted HR and advised i was unhappy with the way the meeting had been conducted and that they had failed to follow their own procedures and would be willing to explore a CA. I was immediately put on leave and a week later received my first draft CA. I visited a solicitor and we refused the amount offered as it would not compensate me for loss of my job, car, healthcare, pension etc. They came back with another offer a week following and it was nearer to the amount i was happy to take but not quite there so my solicitor sent a letter with a counter proposal whch was instantly rejected and an ultimatum that i had 2 hours to sign, scan and email back a signed copy of the agreement or return to work the follwing working day. I did not sign the document or send it back as the document was completely incorrect with past dates, wrong figures, typo's refering to me as a he and not a she and advised i would return to work. The following working day i returned to work and put a grievance in against my manager for bullying and also a grievance for non payment of bonuses. I later received a call from my manager saying my review meeting would still take place at the end of the week (even though nothing to reveiw due to time on "leave") and that it would most likely end up in a disciplinary and then dismissal. I took some notes from our conversation and then added these to the grievance. The following day i rang in sick and have now been off for a week. During this time my solicitor has contact my employer and said i would reconsider a CA aslong as it was fair and reasonable but they have just replied to say no the offer is not available now. I just do not know what to do, they have made it obvious they are not happy that i am the only person that has refused to agree to their CA and are now going to try and get me out on capability based on a very brief meeting with me at a customers premises. I know everything they have done is underhanded and i should stand up to them but i have tried and it is making me ill. Any advise would be gratefully received!!!
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