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Found 2 results

  1. There is a press report on SCOOP today regarding the much publicised recent eviction that took place at a quaint cottage in Glossop belonging to a maths teacher. The following is taken from the newspaper article: This is the moment bailiffs smashed their way into a teacher's quaint home to evict her after an alleged row over roof stones. Footage has emerged online of enforcement officers hacking at the door of Rekha Patel's home in Glossop as they try to gain entry. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/moment-bailiffs-smashed-maths-teachers-8240906 PS: As is frequently the case, the press article failed to provide the 'background' information !!
  2. We three family’s Adults 7 and Children 8(including 1 infant) stayed in syke cottage Cloonaquinn, Manorhamilton, County Lietrim (Ref 25928) from 27th of July 2013 to 03rd of July 2013. During our stay the following things which make our whole holiday miserable:- 1) No regular water supply in all shower rooms and bathrooms. 2) No curtains 3) No Wifi 4) Says in the website sykescotages.co.uk “outside you will find a quiet garden complete with furniture” nothing was there at all, no furniture and no garden. 5) Not enough towels or tissues for big three families. 6) Most important: very old oven with gas connected not a hygienic to cook food. 7) Says in the website sykescottages.co.uk “Front patio garden with furniture” no patio garden with furniture. 8) Fridge and Freezer were not working properly. 9) Centralized heating was switched on only when told the owner several times. There are so many small things it can’t be explained in the house. I spoke to Syke cottage agent, they will get back to me after they speak to the owner of the house. I will wait and see after a week... Syke agent said to me "if they can't resolve it, we have to contact directly to the owner"
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