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Found 9 results

  1. I needed to get my drive block paved, a friend had just had his done and was pleased. I called the chap and he came over gave me a quote and said he could start in 7 days. Showed me various pictures of work and his FB page. Gave him £1300 upfront via bacs for materials. He gave me his address on the quote and I have various text messages of him discussing the deposit and when he is starting work. He said he would be over on the Friday, then text to say his mother had died so he would need a couple of days to sort things out, then another text saying he was sorting funeral stuff off, final text was he was coming Tuesday just gone but no show and wont answer calls or texts. Found couple of things on the net of him ripping people off. I need the help and advice off CAG please.
  2. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nurse-walked-out-care-home-10166243 The Nurse was giving evidence at a Coroner's hearing into the the deaths of the 3 men. The tale told was quite shocking and I was surprised that the coroner reckons that neglect was not a contributory factor into their deaths !. I think I would rather go to Switzerland and take my own life than end up in a care home. I guess you cant tar them all with the same brush, but even those where residents pay very high fees are coming under scrutiny !
  3. I'm after some advice. My partner of 12 years walked out on me and our 3 children last Friday evening saying she was no longer happy with me. Didn't elaborate on the reason as to why she was not happy. I explained that if we were no longer together then we couldn't live together she immediatley offered to go. And did..... first few nights she would go out and come back early hours and sleep on the couch. Now she's gone all nights. She does come back everyday to see the children but prefers to spend most of the time with the kids out the way and us talking but going round in circles. I left them alone this evening while I went out for a short time so they could spend time together. I dropped her off at her friends house this evening. She wants to go out alot more of late to friends drinking Texting another man but swears on kids lives they are just talking and he's offering support I come in the house she's been going out Saying yes to children. Anything for an easy life No house tidying I have asked her again today where all this is going and she claims she does not know what she wants from life. At a work meeting yesterday she was instantly dismissed for Gross Misconduct. Although the hurt has been done I guess i'd take her back. She now has no fixed address and is staying with random friends on random nights, no job and no money. I worry for her. I've agreed to allow her to take children out despite no fixed address on the condition she brings them back to me at the end of the visit until she gets settled with a new place then we can discuss more permanent arrangements. I've also kindly requested that as I know my children have been with this man to play with his kids also from a broken relationship that whilst she still doesnt know what she wants from life could she refrain from meeting up with him and his children as I don't my children to become confused. Clearly as she's gone I've started a new tax credits claim and as tenancy agreement is due on 1st September 2015 the landlord has agreed to put it just in my name. Has anyone got any good advice for me as I still believe the reason why she's willingingly become detached from the family home is because perhaps she has done something with this new man whilst still together and now she is struggling knowing that. I've encouraged her to talk to her father whose wife walked out on them many years ago too leaving 6 children behind but she is very wary of doing this. I really don't want to lose my children because since last Friday we've got a really good daily routine going and the children are happy. Any advice would be welcome
  4. Hi all, I have had a torrid couple of months with a floor restoration company who are now taking me to court to reclaim money they feel they are owed. I have recieved the claim and returned the response pack with a robust defense. Yesterday I received a letter of notification to the small claims track and a request that I fill in the Small Claims Directions Questionnaire. I am quite stressed about the whole thing and nervous about court...not because I don't think I have a defence just because that's how the act of going to court makes me feel. So any advice you can give me is very much appreciated. Here are the relevant bits: I have a standard 3 bed 1930s semi detached. The wall had been knocked through between the dining room and the kitchen. The next job was to sort the floor out. Here's a picture of the floor : The job was to lift the boards from the lounge to make the necessary repair work in the kitchen/diner and replacing the boards from the lounge with chipboard (as this was going to be under a carpet). The floor guy came to quote the job up and said it would take two days for £850 + materials of around £120. When he was at the house he saw the screed where the old fireplace was however there was still laminate flooring covering the old kitchen floor. He went on a cruise in the caribbean and sent 3 young lads round. The young lads were surprised to find that the original floorboards didn't extend into the small, flat roof kitchen extension. There was chipboard here instead. The whole area measured around one square metre: On day two he phoned me up from the cruise ship asking for anther £480 for another days work to complete the job. He said this was due to the delays caused by the chipboard in the kitchen, that he had assumed the original floorboards were under the laminate flooring when he came to quote. I wanted the job done as I could not use the entire downstairs of my house and there was a big hole in my lounge floor. I offered to meet him half way and pay and extra £240. He got very angry and shouty and later that day sent me a text saying he'd take me to court if I didn't pay up and that he'd instructed his team to leave the job. I sent him a few emails explaining my side but he didn't reply claiming that he couldn't get emails on the cruise ship. I waited a month and then got another company in to finish the job. They charged me £600 to not only finish the job but re-fit the floorboards over the old fireplace which had been screwed in using 6 inch screws and were loose. I paid the original company £980 - £600. Now we're going to court. If anyone can assuage my fears about going to court to defend this please do Thank you.
  5. I have worked for a hotel for 3 years now. Starting backing in 2012 as the 2nd chef and waiter. They open march 23rd and close on November 3rd. And i only recently found out thst she used to unemploy me but not give me a p45. At the time i didnt realise. This happend 2 times in the last few years. On the 23rd march 2015 i got promoted to head chef. And got a pay rise. More hours. 50+ a week, but we get understaffed. It ends up with me and a baman running this hotel on our own for 3 months. After us asking the bosses to get us some more staff. They employed a new head chef to take the stess off me as im only 20 years old. This new chefs standards were so low for him been 50 years old. And his attitude towards me after 4 days i couldn't take it. Big argument. I told my boss im leaving he responded with "Ok". I have no contract. And still have not been given my P45. This happen on 10/06/2015. Im off to the solicitors to make sure im not in trouble with tax. But nees some help on questions to ask. And if im in the wrong or if i can claim any money.
  6. Sorry for the long post but here goes! I am due to start a new job on August 3rd and am working my current job up until then. I have had issues with my current job which have been highlighted to the store manager on numerous occasions. I have been signed off sick due to depression during christmas last year and returned to work to be given an incident report for 'not listening to management' which had never been raised with me prior and i disagreed with. I had another manager changing rotas last minute and then giving incident reports for not turning up when my rota stated i was off (this was later pulled my a new store manager) and various other incidents which have caused me a lot of stress. On sunday there was an incident where a customer didnt have a trolley token, i didnt have one and neither did the other two checkout operators. I apologised and told her i couldnt give her money out of my till in case it didnt come back (some staff do this for regular customers but i will not) i told her if she found someone on shop floor they could assist her. She then found the manager who proceeded to query whom shed spoken to and made comments i couldnt quite hear. When he returned from getting her a trolley i asked if there was an issue, and he started telling me i should have gave her the £1. So i said its my till and id get in trouble. He continued to argue with me as he walked off up the isle. The customer i was servinng at the time was disgusted with him. He later pulled me into the office telling me i backchatted him and he was my manager i do as he says, and made allegations of previous times when id 'shouted over customers' at him. I asked why he was allowed to speak to me like crap but didnt expect it back. There was a heated argument and in the end i lost it and told him to cash up my till i was going home and walked out of the shift. I went into work today and my shifts had been crossed off and my manager told me i couldnt work, walking out was gross misconduct, as was refusing to follow my managers orders (she showed me the following orders in the employee handbook though he never actually told me to give her money for me to follow, just stated i should have) I told her that i would have been in no state to work on the shop floor because if a customer was an arse (which i get daily) i was worried id snap. Im angry that they seem to play the gross misconduct card as and when the please. The manager in question had had previous complaints against his regarding his temper and the way hes treated a staff member (shes also leaving because of him) and he has allowed a staff member to remain on shift whilst she was intoxicated. To me that is gross misconduct on his part and the staff members. Im guessing i dont have a leg to stand on as i walked out but any advice would be great. I didnt want to leave under bad terms Thanx Rachael
  7. Hi I know I've done the wrong thing in moving home and not informing any of my creditors but I was just so ill and stressed. my husband and I lived in our home which was mortgaged with our 3 daughters. I work but my husband is on benefits (ESA SG, DLA MRC and LRM) We had a secured loan and charging order but due to my husbands illness and lack of money we decided to give up our home and rent. Our home was repossessed and we have moved but not informed any of the creditors. do I just wait for them to find me? Or do I contact them all to tell them my new address. I'm scared they will write to my employer and get an attachment of earnings. We are finally starting to feel happy again and are children are settling nicely but I'm worried this is all short lived. Can anyone offer me any advice on how to proceed. Many Thanks
  8. Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out in this situation. I jointly own a home with my wife but last week she just left. A few days later she text me saying she needed some space. There was no row or anything like that and she just went. I have a full time job and it's the school holidays so can't go into work as I have the kids. They are all under 6 years old. I haven't spoke to work yet as I don't know what to say. Should I go and get a sick note off my doctor... Would he give me one for stress in this situation. I have been pretty hands on with the children since birth and always done the cooking, washing, cleaning, school runs, etc around work. My wife would just lay in bed all day and let the children trash the house. She became extremely cold with me and it was a daily battle to get her motivated to look after the children. She wouldn't get up with me in the mornings to help get them ready for school. I would worry all day at work that she wouldn't be caring for the children. My wife didn't have a job and when I was off or returned home from work she would disappear for hours saying she was going round a friends house. If she went out on a night out she would take drugs and I would find them in her handbag when she returned. This was frightening with the kids around. It was cocaine and she said she only did it when she went out. Now she's taken off and left me in the house I don't know what to do. I will become a full time dad and give up work but I am worried financially. I don't want her to all of a sudden 6 months later think it's her right to steal the children away from me. I don't mind letting her see the children but want her to be in sound mind and not on drugs. She gets the child benefit paid into her bank account but now she's gone that's rightfully my children's money. How can I go about changing this into my name and account.. Would it be better just to get her sister to ring pretending to be her and changing the bank details over... What would you recommend. My in-laws are being extremely supportive but I'm worried further down the line they may change their minds and force some sort of intervention or kidnapping off the children. I want my children full-time and to be the main sole parent if it comes to that. What steps should I take from here onwards... Thanks in advance for any help
  9. This was Saturday night I was duty manager and had a member of staff tell me that he was going to smash me through the front door after being proven wrong after accusing me of theft this all happened in the space of 60 seconds. I walked out of the business and submitted an immediate resignation ( heat of the moment) after being physically threatened, I had a phone call Sunday asking me to work and was told because of the points on my resignation that a investigation would have to be started. The business is having a change of management today and previous manager departed site yesterday and the other manager is currently suspended. This is a large brand in the hospitality business
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