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Found 4 results

  1. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nurse-walked-out-care-home-10166243 The Nurse was giving evidence at a Coroner's hearing into the the deaths of the 3 men. The tale told was quite shocking and I was surprised that the coroner reckons that neglect was not a contributory factor into their deaths !. I think I would rather go to Switzerland and take my own life than end up in a care home. I guess you cant tar them all with the same brush, but even those where residents pay very high fees are coming under scrutiny !
  2. Hello Everyone, I hope this has gone in the right thread Im really hoping for some great advice here, - Although i'm confident i will receive it, Im writing on behalf of my sister. Here is some background information which will help picture our crisis. My sister is 27, a qualified staff nurse, caring, loving and kind.She has fibromyalgia a chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder When she first started nursing she was put on HDU a high dependency ward, A highly stressful ward when first qualified. In time my sister became depressed and was put on anti-depressants, But also moved wards to somewhere she was happier.She was on these for 5 years, In between this she had a long term boyfriend, Whom she loved very much and was her one and only boyfriend so never knew any different. He cheated on her 3 times She found out and left him, Then when she was at a low ebb he wore her down and begged for forgiveness, This went on for a year until she finally gave in. Whilst they had been apart he had found another girlfriend who became pregnant, My sister accepted the child and they were ok for around a year or so, Until she read through his emails and found out he had been messaging and meeting tran-sexuals. This obviously devastated her, she questioned his sexuality and couldnt understand what was wrong with her. She had to go for all the sexual health tests, saying thats she felt dirty and that no one would ever want a relationship with her again as he had passed herepes on to her. In November 2014 she was signed off sickicon due to the fibromyalgia and trauma she had just suffered. She was put on Sertraline antidepressants. as well as this she was also take Amitriptyline, for pain( but is also used as an antidepressant) Zopiclone as she had trouble sleeping, gabapentin a painkiller used for the nervous system, and Diazepam. 2 months ago she came out in an angry rash on her face, She went up to A and E with my mum, Whilst waiting to be seen she fainted, and banged her head that hard she was knocked unconcious. Her mental state has since got gradually worse and we now have the crisis team coming out regular with a physiatrist who has now diagnosed her with hypomania, and was very close to being sectioned if it hadnt have been that my parents are both at home every day. Her mood fluctuates between aggressive, emotinal and manic, She often wanders off without telling anyone and is a danger to herself, She is very confused and cannot be left alone. You cannot have a conversation with her because they are so random you cannot make head nor tail of them. She is still off work now and it has been 7 months. She is too poorly to go back to work but The hospital are pushing and pushing and now has a final meeting on the 22nd june for a final outcome as to what it to happen, My parents have not told my sister this yet, but she wouldnt be well enough to attend this anyway. Her sick pay has now reduced to £81 a week and she cannot afford to live. She has a large amount of outgoings that need to be paid for, She is still living at home with my parents but they are both self employed with very little income coming in to this house. My parents outgoings are around £1,200 a month and my sisters the same. Here are my sisters outgoings Credit card with Barclaycard £160 a month-* Due at the end of June Credit card with halifaxicon - £130 a month Overdue by 2 weeks car finance payment £110 ( Due the next fortnight, Taken over 4 years with Black horse. 1 year owned. Gap insurance for the car and service plans £60 due around the next fortnight Phone bill 02 £40 month RCN ( royal college of nursing payment ) £20 monthly Due in the next fortnight Tesco bank Loan £300 Due in the next fortnight Halifax bank Loan £300 Due in the next fortnight Overdraft £1,200 Santandericon So in a nutshell If you could help with the below questions i would be so grateful, As i really want to help my parents and sister but im not sure where to start. 1: What rights does my sister have with regards to her job as a nurse? Can the NHS sack her? 2: What can be done about the incurring payments due to be paid with credit cards, loans, finance etc can be done? I really appreciate your time taking to read this and any help would be so gratefully received. If i have missed any information out that would be needed please ask.
  3. Hello, A friend / colleague was struck off. She can not work as an RN since being struck off. After speaking with her earlier today, she has no intention of returning to the nursing profession (private or NHS) since the ordeal of the case against her. However - she does want to clear her name of any wrongdoing. At court, she was found guilty of neglect, a patient fell out of bed. In her court case, there are some concerns. 1. Her barrister didn't bring any of the witness statements from her colleagues which showed that the owner was infact lying and covering up in relation to her repeated request for maintenance. 2. On the night of the incident, my friend had to work a double shift (since there was no staff). 3. No attention given to the fact that the nursing home had approximately 10 or so managers in the 2 years prior to my friend accepting management position there. 4. No attention given to the fact and evidence that my friend requested a repair to the faulty bed, email sent to bed manufacturers, entry made in maintenance book, nursing home owners informed of bed. 5. At court, it was discussed that my friend disposed of the bed. It was then discussed that my friend was actually disposing of evidence. There are a few other inaccuracies and concerns for court case. Friend has given about £8,000.00 to the barrister dealing in the court case but feels that the barrister did not perform to the best of his ability since a lot of witness statements were ignored. I know the owner of the nursing home (he is a GP). From what I understand, various other managers worked at the nursing home and left simply because repairs and maintenance was ignored. My friend has worked in other nursing homes which were due to be embargoed. She is a very well known nurse and I know that some nursing homes actually have headhunted her because of her abilities to turn a bad nursing home into a good nursing home. I have worked with my friend in a hospital and she is one of the few nurses I would consider to go beyond their minimum required duty when dealing with patients. I have not worked with her in nursing homes, though, on two occasions i did have to make a visit to nursing home where she worked. After reason for my visit concluded, she showed me around the home as she was proud of the fact that she turned it from being closed down to that of a much higher standard. This nurse should not have been struck off. Is it possible so she can make an appeal? Clear her name? She feels that if full explanations and evidence was shown in court, then she would have been found not guilty, whilst the GP who is the owner of the home is found guilty? (Off topic, but I know of far too many GPs who own nursing homes) Any help / advice appreciated, thanks!
  4. Not sure if it's been posted here yet, I haven't seen it but apologies if it's here somewhere... From the Daily Record.
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