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Found 4 results

  1. I sent a CHAPS payment on Thursday from my account with the Yorkshire Building Society as I needed the money in my own business account with Santander that day to make a foreign currency payment. I paid £23.50 for the fast service and was promised the money would be in the Santander account later that day. It's now Tuesday morning and still no money in my business account. Numerous phone calls to both institutions just sees them pass the blame onto the other side. Is there anything I can do quickly to get this sorted. All i'm being quoted is that the 'chase' they can put on the payment can take up to 30 days. I don't have 30 days and need my money now, and it seriously puts a shambles on it being a same day payment service.
  2. just wondering if anyone can help im trying to buy a house at the moment and last tues 21/4/15 wanted money transfer from my account to my lawyers account by chaps got a phone call from yorkshire saying its complete i then called my lawyer to make sure but it hadn't,d appeared next day contacted bank in person said it had bounced back into my account was a very strange answer i thought but was assured it would be done by end of day (22/4) but surprise surprise it wasn,t and still hasn,t been transfered yet (25/4) all they can say its a computer glitch
  3. Can anyone give me info on Marlin capital europe now marlin finaancial sevices now ("marlin") they have my loan of nram which i pay every month .think they are the same as all these credit guys thanks chris
  4. At midnight tonight I have a bond maturing at Natwest. I want to close down the account and Natwest have offered three ways of doing that. 1. A CHAPS transfer to my regular high street bank. 2. They order me a bank card and I take out a bit each day. 3. I request the full amount in cash. As I'm leaving the country for 6 months on Sunday the last two options won't work. Therefore I'm told I have to use the CHAPS method, but the fee is £23. Surely there's a way of doing this without a fee, from what I can gather CHAPS is a premium same day service. I would imagine the bank could do a BANK GIRO CREDIT or a BACS payment. The bank says they will only do a CHAPS but I don't believe this and I don't see why I should have to pay for it especially when my money has made so little interest in the first place. I'd really appreciate help on this matter. £23 might seem like nothing but it's a lot to me.
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