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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I have read quite a few stories on here which has helped me in writing a formal complaint letter to the CEO Les Matheson and also CC'd to Customer Complaints but i have a funny feeling I am going to have to take my case to court. My story is below.. (I can email my letter that i have already sent to the bank to anyone who is willing to give me some advice or post the contents on the board if needed.) Story: In 2014 3 different cheques of £4,000 odd were paid into my NatWest account. They all was sent back to me at my home address where the bank had let me know that the cheques had bounced and were fraudulent. At the time i received the letters i immediately called the bank and let them know i didn't pay these into my account and that they should check the CCTV at the branch the cheques were paid into my account. As per usual, NatWest wasn't any help and closed my account and put a 1st party fraud marker against my name. I have tried on several occasions to contact the bank explain i am a victim of fraud but there has been no success i have been sent automated responses about how they won't be providing me banking facilities when the subject has always been about the CIFAS marker i how i would never want to bank with such a bank again!!! I contacted the FOS which was a long hefty process they upheld the fact that NatWest was right in filing the CIFAS marker what does confuse me is the lack of evidence to show that i was compliant with the fraud on my account. I then took it to the MET Police who couldn't get the CCTV from NatWest as it had magically gone missing . The FOS had made me aware that there was standing orders set up on my account for the money to go into other accounts that weren't mine when investigated by the police, they wrote an official letter stating that they have investigated haven't found any connections between me and the IP address i thought this would be helpful - it turns out the FOS think they're a higher authority then the police!! I have filed a complaint to the CIFAS in regards to the fact that there no evidence that would be upheld within a court of law against me for these cheques being paid into my account as NatWest didn't make sufficient checks. CIFAS has upheld the listing and have told me that there was enough checks for the listing to withstand which really does confused me as there is no way in hell they have any incriminating evidence that shows I have agreed to these cheques being paid into my account neither have I physically gone into the bank myself. What advice i am asking for is after my final formal complaint letter i have sent, would you suggest i wait for a response? I did say that I will wait 10 working days before taking further legal action against the bank. How would i go about the county court process and do you think my complaint will be dismissed within court or is there grounds for me to win this case? I'm so stressed out i have been dealing with this for years upon years and I haven't had any luck and after coming across this board via a google search I was given a sense of hope! I look forward to hearing from someone!
  2. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?446548-Re-How-to-defend-against-a-charging-order-for-council-tax-%283-Viewing%29-nbsp
  3. Hello guys. I need some advise on a loan I took out in September 2012. The was from a Credit union for £2,000. The terms of payment for the loan was very excruciating at £190.00 per month. When I enquired I was told it was because of my citizenship but luckily my British citizenship was already in the pipeline so when it came through a month later I approach them for a lower repayment rate which they agreed to at £70 per month @ 26 months. By the time of refinancing the loan was already down to 1382.03 and according to the new refinancing terms the total payment will be £1782.03 to be completed by January 2015. I have paid from from January 2013 till present making altogether 24 payments of £1680 leaving £102.03 to pay. So you can understand my absolute incredulity when I requested for an update on the account and I was informed that the loan will not as initially mentioned end in January but in June! the person in charge then said it was a mistake they made in their calculations. But by my calculations and statements I don’t see why I should still be paying till June 2015, it really beats me as to why and neither can they give me any cogent explanation to explain. Any advice please as to how to resolve this? Will be most appreciated..
  4. http://www.trustpilot.co.uk/review/www.creditexpert.co.uk
  5. Sorry folks on really reading into this it is not true!!!!!
  6. I have not been anywhere near these hollowed parking forums for quite some time- nice to see the regulars about. Hello everyone! Now, this silly law that came about in Oct- this doesn't affect the usual "ignore the beggars, they'll go away eventually after threatening you with eternal torment in hell for overstaying by 3 mins outside Mr Nobbys mars bar shop" does it? I don't think it does myself. Cos, that's whats coming. a big fat ignore. I G N O R E. who are they..... oh yes A S parking.
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