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Found 6 results

  1. Seems I'm poison to the mortgage companies, and truthfully I don't know why I'm such bad news. Please, really need help if there is anyone out there? Saw house, fell in love. For sale at £195k seller accepted an offer of £170k On sale for a while and it does need work. Salary is in excess of £70k Loans total £300 per month, as do two credit cards. Never been as much as a day late on any of them, that's in over 4 years. Default in July 2015 for utility company, I was in dispute with them regarding charges that didn't apply. CCJ July 2017 for £1,400.00 paid in full December last, zero balance. Utility company granted Consent Order stating to the court that they don't object to a Set Aside, as in their words "The defendant was not liable for the charges at the time the claim was issued". Covering letter from them and form N244 with fee submitted to the court for set aside. Problem is that will take weeks, and I'm under pressure to proceed with the house purchase, but can't get anyone to consider me. Need 90% loan to valuation. I'm 58 years old looking for a 15 year mortgage term. Two brokers, one of whom is massivelly praised on various review sites. Placing mortgages with "High Street lenders" for folks with on the surface far worse records than me, say they can't help. Time is running out, am I really that poisonous?
  2. At the beginning of October I booked a one night stay at the Black Horse Hotel in Otley via Laterooms for the night of 15/10/2016 at a cost of £80. The terms of booking are payment on arrival and if you cancel less than two days before arrival you forfeit the cost of the first night’s stay. On 13/10/2016 a pending transaction of £80 showed up on my account On arrival at the hotel I was asked to pay, which I did. This resulted in a second pending transaction of £80 appearing on my account, which, when combined with the £80 from two days earlier reduced the available balance by a total of £160. Effectively, in terms of my available balance, what they’ve done is charged me a cancellation fee two days before I was booked in case I didn't show, charged me again for accommodation when I checked in but not refunded me the cancellation fee at the same time. The manager was unavailable at check-in I was assured they would be around in the morning. Unfortunately, in the morning, the manager refused to speak to me directly but said, via a member of staff that; it was just how the Laterooms did things, it wasn’t them that had taken the money, that it was security in case I didn’t turn up and that it didn’t matter because the money hadn’t left my account. Fortunately this hasn’t caused me any problems (at least not yet) because the balance in my account is high enough to cover both payments but I’m annoyed at being deprived of the ability to spend my own money and it certainly would have caused me problems if it had been nearer the end of the month. Leaving aside the dubious morality of the hotel’s behaviour have they actually done anything legally wrong or actionable? I suspect not because, when the transactions go through the £80 reserved on 13/10/2016 will be cancelled and I will have made no loss. The only thing perhaps is that, although on 13th it was certain that I was going to be liable to pay the hotel £80, either for accommodation if I turned up or cancellation if I didn’t, neither of those events could happen before 15th so it was only on 15th that my card should have been processed PendingTrans.pdf
  3. Hi all, I am writing a SAR letter to Barclaycard as the first step towards reclaiming over limit and late payment charges. I've spent a couple of weeks reading various threads here that have been very helpful. I am trying to find the best address to send my SAR but am confused by conflicting information, some of which may or may not be out of date. London? Northampton? Knutsford? If someone could point me in the right direction I'd be most grateful - I don't want to stumble at the first hurdle! Thanks, John.
  4. I'm not sure where I should post this if I need to move it to another part let me know please Looking for anyone with dealings or knowledge of woolwhich lending criteria. Situation is we currently have an off set lifetime tracker (0.03 above base) mortgage with woolwich at the moment soley in my husbands name. We are looking to move but porting the mortgage to keep the deal we have and will need to borrow additional to buy the new property, I now need to be added to the mortgage so my salary can be taken into account for the additional borrowing, but I checked my experian report and it shows 2 settled defaults one egg credit card £1800 which comes off June this year (defaulted June 2008) and one for o2 £280 which comes off next year (defaulted Sept 2009) with a score of 770-fair section My report shows other satisfied credit paid off and closed with no missed/late payments on them, I have a dfs 12 month 0% sofa loan £316 left finishes june this year, no missed/late payments and a Halifax credit card balance £1860 which is close to its limit but make the minimum payment every month with no missed or late payments so my total owed is shy of £2200 but I'm at 97% of my available credit based on my credit card balance, pay more off I know didn't realise how it effected credit scores until now . I earn £22k take home with minimal outgoings, £600 give or take monthly. Our LTV will be 68% Now, woolwhich lending criteria says Adverse credit as detailed below must be declined: Any unsatisfied CCJ and/or More than 1 satisfied CCJ and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or Satisfied CCJs totalling more than £200 and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or More than 3 satisfied defaults* and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or Satisfied defaults* totalling more than £200 and the latest is registered within the past 3 years and/or Any outstanding default, irrespective of amount. *Includes partially settled defaults Does that mean because my defaults are over £200 I will be declined, or the fact they are over 3 years ago am I likely to be ok? Thanks Also posted on mse so if anyone uses both
  5. Just rejoined BT from O2 starting to regret it, would'nt have done it if they were'nt offering Infinity at the end of this month. Email from Equifax saying my Credit file had changed significantly sine last report. Checked it - paid the £5 odd. Am very alarmed and not pleased (actually ) to see my account being marked as being 6 months in arrears - nonsense I have only been with them 7 days! This has resulted in an "Excellent" score being reduced to "Very Poor". Fortunately I am not looking to remortgage in the near future. However, has anyone else had this experience? Can I sue for defamation? Obviously I have emailed them asking them to correct the report.
  6. Hi folks, I'm in a position to pay off a lump sum on my credit cards. I currently owe approximately £4000 to MBNA (Virgin); £3,300 to Barclaycard; £4,000 to Ulster Bank; £9,500 to Halifax and £6,000 to Santander. There has been some history of late payment on all accounts but nothing too bad. Barclaycard has already closed my account although obviously I have to keep paying it off. Halifax have just sent me a letter telling me they are closing my account in 2 months time. I want to make full and final settlement deals rather than partial settlement deals, how can I best go about this? Will they accept them? What percentage should I be offering as a Full and Final Settlement? Has CAG got a template letter you can direct me too? How can I get them to accept these without the settlements having an adverse affect on my credit rating? All help and advice gratefully received.
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