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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone Unfortunately, my husband has gone and got himself another PCN. This time it's one that was stuck on his car I haven't seen any photos of the situation yet - I think they will be uploaded tomorrow at the earliest as he only received the PCN today. I was trying to upload the pdf but this website says that I have the incorrect file extension Is anyone able to help me understand what I've done wrong? I tried following the instructions about uploading files. Thanks
  2. hi, i parked on wakefield street outside flats 92 - 96 in east london part of newham council. now the contravention says: Parked in a special enforcement area (which first of all it isn't as there are no parking restrictions or bays) adjacent to a footwa, cycle track or verge lowered to meet the level of carriageway. The kerb does not meet the carriageway in fact there is a good 4 - 5 inch difference between the kerb and road, also it is very unclear that it was a dropped kerb in the first place. I was parked out side the entrance gate of the block of flats which has no where to cross over to so even if it has a lowered kerb a pedestrian would not be able to safely cross over on to the other side of the road. there are aboyt 4 other flats on the same road further up and none of them have a dropped kerb to the entrances so this is the only one. i will upload a pic but i didn't think to move my car and then picture it but feel like i should go back with a ruler and photograph the difference in the kerb and road just to prove how un-noticable it is. any body have any ideas on how best to tackle this? all the other kerb drops on the same road meet the carriageway and i have pictured them too. now just to figure how to upload a picture! thank you and i look forward to your response i have 14 days in which to appeal otherwise i'll be paying the money grabbers £130!!!
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