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  1. Just a brief overview.. I received a PCN from ES Parking Enforcement about 10 days ago. I attempted to make the payment a couple of days ago now, both by calling the number provided and on their website. It is saying that the number I have entered isn't recognised. They don't seem to make it easy to contact them, as they provide no email address (just an online form, which stated for business correspondence only. . and directs you elsewhere if you want to dispute the ticket - IAS? - but I don't want to appeal it I want the correct reference number!) I don't know how to go forward with this. I have no 'proof' I have attempted payment, so if it did go further it would be my word against theirs. I was thinking of writing a letter requesting the correct PCN reference number from them, but how much information should I include on this letter? Should I put my car registration number and date and time of issue, or just the original number they've issued me and let them deal with it. I know that sounds awkward, but they don't seem to make it easy for you, and the more I have read about them the more anxious I am getting about their response, as I don't imagine they'll still 'honour' the £60 'discounted' charge as by the time I've written to them and received a response it'll be outside the 14 days. Do I have a right to refuse to pay the 'full' amount of £100 based on the fact they have (presumably) written the wrong number on the ticket? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. I received a Charge Notice from CP Plus yesterday for parking in the Stirling MOTO Services (just off the M9) for 7 hours and 39 minutes. It advises that you are only allowed to park for 2 hours free of charge before parking charges apply which you are supposed pay for by phone on the day. The charge is for £100 however if I pay within 14 days they will accept £60 (how generous). Also it advises if payment is not received within 28 days an initial debt collection charge of £40 will be incurred. Unfortunately I didn't see any signs advising of this otherwise I wouldn't have parked there. I was travelling up to Dundee for a meeting and agreed to meet a colleague at the Stirling Services to allow us to travel up together in one car, leaving my car parked at the services. My colleague also didn't see any signs advising of this. I've read a few of the threads on here for similar situations and can see that most of the time the advice has been to appeal the charge however in most of the other cases the reasons for a prolonged stay have been a lot more helpful to an appeal (eg pulled over to rest for a few hours due to long drive). I've also noticed in a lot of the other threads that people are advising using POPLA as a tool in the appeal however as this is in Scotland am I right in saying POPLA doesn't apply? Do I still have grounds for an appeal? I am the only named driver on the insurance for the car so am I able to play the "I'm not legally obliged to name who was driving on the day" card? Can anyone offer any advice as to what my course of action should be? Thanks in advance
  3. Following advice from the forum from a few years ago I sent the recommended letter (template provided)to Gartnavel Hospital and copied in CP parking. I have heard nothing from the hospital but continue to receive increasingly threatening letters from CP. They say they have forwarded my case to Debt Recovery Plus who have written " if the amount is not paid by the date shown (24/07/2014),or if a payment pan has not been entered into by that date, we will recommend that court action be taken to recover the outstanding balance," Losing my nerve. Can take the hit if they take me to court for the £40 but what if I had to pay court fees?
  4. Bailiff has called at door - TE7 to submit immediately - its Friday night and I am worried - advice please I am completely new to posting on a forum and somewhat stressed - I shall try and be as succinct as possible and would ask for the Site's parking fine guru's to reply before Monday am. In essence: Thank you for reading : *Nov 13 - 'free' Xmas shopping parking day announced by local borough council As a local resident I inadvertently parked for a few mins., in an area not included. *Apcoa issued penalty - £35 pay now or £70 in full *... sent a £35 cheque which was returned by Apcoa in Jan (I think) saying they could not process without more details - a reference number was missing despite me returning the slip with the cheque? *I did return the cheque again, with what detail I had, but by this time it was outside the time for a reduced payment. I sent a covering letter explaining the circs and that I would now consider the matter closed * Apcoa Letter posted to me dated 3.6.14 rec'd asking for £77 - 11.6 I emailed them saying I had paid and sent a letter and Still considered the matter closed. I did show my email address and they did not reply. * roll forward to this week (3.9.14) It appears now that the matter was passed on and has ended up with Equita who called in person at my Tenant's house with a compliment slip (!!) in hand detailing a debt now totaling £387!! * Tenan't contacted via my mother whom contacted me - I called the Bayliff IMMEDIATELY and he said only action was to call Glos C Council in the morning. * GCC only refer online back to Apcoa who were useless on the phone giving me 3 numbers for Equita and the Traffic Enforcement Agency - none of the numbers worked! *I found for myself the TE7 info on line and have downloaded the form. On another Thread I did see some advice about not posting them and also getting the form back quickly. As its now the weekend I have no choice but to wait until Monday am. I've gathered copies of what I have and will attach to the emailed TE7. As it is Friday and time was running out I called the Bayliff back and told him I have researched using a TE7 form myself and that I want his assurance he will hold actions until I get an outcome. He has given me until 1700 on Tuesday but said if my car gets spotted it could be clamped or removed! I rang the Bayliff back last night with an update - his advice was that I should have paid the fine and then argued the fine - when I explained I had paid the fine - he eventually gave me until Tue 1700 but warned me the warrant is open and I could be spotted in my car and still clamped! Notable additions are: that my name has changed from the one on all their correspondence (legally via deed-poll) and that I have moved house twice in the last year. DVLA do Now have my up-to-date details (not as a result of this action but because I noticed my Ins Broker had not updated my Car Ins Docs). Thanks
  5. Hi ,I have been looking at other posts and I am unsure what to do. On Friday I parked at Orpington Station car park and paid £6 in advance online for my parking ticket. It said my number plate will automatically be picked up but to be sure i printed out my receipt to leave on the dashboard. I returned to my car that evening to find a parking ticket! I asked the man in the station and he told me that they have special 'sections' that you have to park in before 9.30am. However throughout the whole online booking process i was not told this and the worked at the station said theres a sign as you drive in but thats it! I looked for the sign as you drive in but could not see it (probably due to overgrown bushes and builders advertisement boards etc). He told me i should appeal it as i did pay and a lot of people dont realise about the areas, expecially if its their first time parking there. However from looking on here everyone seems to be saying ignore it? If i ignore it what is the likely outcome that will happen? would anyone suggest appealing it?
  6. hi all, firstly im new to this so please bear with me. I received a Parking Charge Notice in Exeter from Premier Park. I bought a valid ticket and it for one thing or another blew upside down. I appealed the decision and it got rejected (from reading other posts this seems to be the norm). One error i seem to have made is that i put my name and address on the letter and said it was my car. I didnt say i was the driver. Do you have any advice. Should i appeal to POPLA or is this a waste of time. Do i ignore it? I have seen this mentioned a lot but these posts are a few years old. Does their advice still hold firm? Hope all this makes sense
  7. Morning all I have been brought to the forum as a result of an unwanted and unnerving visit from TASK Enforcement to enforce a warrant for a debt of £202. This was as a result of an unpaid parking fine from Lambeth Council The car belongs to my sister but I was driving at the time. i made unsuccessful appeals to the council and then missed a deadline when replying to the courts who had increased the amount to the £202 it now stands at. Mt sister no longer lives with us but the bailiffs insisted the would seize goods unless receipts could be provided proving ownership. To the best of my knowledge this is the first contact we have had with the bailiffs. they have certainly never attended prior to today. The total fee of £655.34 was reluctantly paid and was broken down as follows on a 'Notice of Seizure of Goods & Inventory' PCN owing £202 Letter £11.20 Levy Fee £58.95 Attendance to remove Goods/Vehicle £305.50 VAT £77.69 Total £655.34 The attendance to remove Goods/Vehicles seems extortionate and completely unreasonable. The amount was paid, no goods were removed and it is the first time they have visited. Is this the norm and a reasonable charge Is there any advice/steps i can take to try and recover this money from them
  8. I'm new to the site but just came across and need some advice. I'm one thats usually very good with finances so this is all new and scary to me. Anyway, about 3 months ago I received a parking ticket, I didn't pay it as I was disputing it due to it being a bank holiday. The rejected my claim but stated I could dispute again, however, due to new job and finishing uni (excuses) I just kept putting it off. The original fine was around £70 and then went to £112. Anyway still putting it off I received a letter from Equita. I barely read it and stuffed it in a draw to deal with the next day. However, 2 days ago a bailiff turned up on my door. Luckily no one was in but my sister came home later to find a hand delivered letter. I called the bailiff and he told me my balance had now gone up to £414+ and I must pay now unless they'll come tomorrow and increase again around £150. I was absolutely stunned. But to cause any further costs I unwillingly paid and then decided to try and fight it rather than fighting further costs. I am waiting of a breakdown of the costs but as my claim will probably get rejected again I take it I'm not entitled to claim anything back? But surely these costs are ridiculous and I've been overpriced? It will be the last time I put something off anyway. This has crippled me. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.
  9. My wife parked in the Priory Fields Retail Park in Taunton which is isolated from the town centre. She spent 3 hours 26 minutes shopping only at that retail centre and had not realised there was a limit of 3 hours. I find it highly unlikely that this would stand up in court as we can prove by receipts that she never left the retail park. ParkingEye have clearly been employed to catch out people who just use the car park. My wife is considering writing a letter of appeal to them but I feel that we should write and tell them that we will not be paying as we can prove she never left the site. Does anyone have similar experience of this scenario?
  10. I was parked in my boyfriends allocated parking space in newton abbot, but recently without me knowing Premier Parking Solutions had put up signs and you had to display a permit, my boyfriend didn't tell me until I got issued with a charge of £75 if you pay within 7 days or £100, I appealed and sent in a photocopy of the permit but they said I had breached the conditions of the notice and still had to pay the charge. I'm a student and really cant afford to pay it and my boyfriend is on minimum wage and cant afford to pay it either. It says on their website that they enforce the charge so I don't know if I can get away with not paying it. Can anyone tell me if they do actually enforce it and I would be better off paying it or not?
  11. At this moment in time I am not 100% sure but I think my brother was driving the vehicle at the time which is owned by me, the 'contravention' occurred on 26/11/10, it is now 15/01/11 they "ticket" was issued one day earlier. The letter I have received from "PMSL PARKING" which is a joke in its self.. states I have received this ticket as a road "Legra Avenue" in Hoddesdon was "accessed" by my vehicle they also state that numerous signs and posters were placed there notifying the driver of the consequences, however after checking myself on Google maps street view I can see the makeshift signs which have been printed and strapped to lampposts. They then kindly included a photocopy of a newspaper cutting including a section from the Mirror about a person "caught" by a private eye camera which I find unrelated, unprofessional and this also makes me feel that this is some sort of fake company [problem]ming money out of people, they even decided to kindly keep in a advertisement about a cruise through Baltic capitals and St. Petersburg.. however I think its a bit late now as the newspaper is dated 2009:) They then included a A4 sized paged statement about this "private road" and that you cannot use it for access, if the so called contravention had occurred I do not understand why they need to give me this information, there is also no pictures or evidence attached and I would have to pay £5.00 if I wish to receive evidence, I am also practically not allowed to challenge it as they state if I appeal and it is not successful I would have to pay the full amount? I assumed that you would get another 14 days reduced rate?? Could anyone who has some knowledge in this area give me some advice on what I should do, I have scanned all the paperwork they have sent me and uploaded it to photobucket the link to my album is > http ://s1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc502/01emino/ Thanks in advance
  12. Please advise! Hi all... Worcester council Parking ticket was issued which i didnt want to pay (less than a third of my car over hanging double yellows in my dead end street) and the ticket went from £35-£110. This then went to Bristow & Sutor who sent letters... i think. At the time i had no income and didnt open my mail as i had lots of debt with other creditors. I am now on tax credits (£50 a week) which is my only income as my business is not making a profit yet. The fee's went to £320 in no time as a ballift left a letter at the door one morning at which time i made calls to them to find this out. I made arangements to pay this off at the lowest rate they offered (£25/week) and started making them. During xmas i missed 3-4 payments and then tried to call to make arangements to catch up. They informed me this would not work and told me i had to pay the full amount be day end or the account would be passed back to the ballift to seize goods etc. before this call i made a £50 payment online thinking this would show my intent... shouldnt have! A week later i made another payment of £70 followed by a call to them again to try and make arrangements to make the last "catch up" payments the next Friday (about £70) to get back to the £25/week. they told me it was all to late and it was now in the hands off there ballifts! Again my £70 payment to show my intent before the call... shouldnt have! I then decided the fact i had been advised it was with the ballifts to not make anymore payments since they WOULD come to my door. 3 weeks had passed without any door knocking or letter and i got a text from them. After calling them i found, to my shock, the balance which i thought was under £200 was now £430!!! i was told someone tried the door on the 28th jan (someone was in all day without a visit or letter) and this incured another fee of £230. At this i will not make anymore payments and would rather pay hundreds of pounds in lawer fees if this will end the nightmare. Sorry for the lenght but please help me. Regards HATE Bristow & Sutor!
  13. I recently received a parking ticket for parking in a red route bay outside my house in south east London. However, I am convinced that when I parked my car there it was not inside the red route bay. In other words, I believe that the bay has been extended around my car while it was parked there. Looking on the road, there is a clearly visible line where the bay used to go up to. I'm very conscious of this are as it's right outside my house. I challenged the ticket on this basis (firstly, that the car was not in a red route bay when I parked it there; secondly, that as a resident of the street and in the property directly opposite the bay, I was not informed of the change to the bay). However, Transport for London have rejected my challenge on the grounds that there have been no recent changes to the bay area. I have photos of the clearly visible old boundary, the spray paint marking the new size for the bay, and also an image from Google Streetview, taken in 2008, showing the previous, smaller size of the bay. However, I don't have any proof that the bay size was recently changed - in other words while my car was parked there. So it's my word against there's until they can prove when the extension took place. My questions are: 1) Does anybody know how I can find out the date when this extension to the bay was made? I know the red route bay was originally installed in December 2007, and that it was still in the smaller size in Spring 2008 according to Google Streetview. Should I contact my local council (Lewisham) or should I contact Transport for London as they manage the red routes? Are either of them likely to give me the date? 2) Does anyone think I've got a chance of winning my appeal??
  14. Hi I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on my problem...I received 2 parking tickets within a week of each other about a year ago I am unemployed due to the fact Im mentally disabled I have Bipolar and ADHD anyway I couldnt afford to pay either of them and because Ive been very unwell this last year I will admit I have just tried to forget them as it was all too stressful. Anyway I have been receiving Letters from Equita but they are addressed to the wrong surname I think this is because an error was made on my registration documents a long time ago...I have re registered the car since the parking fines occurred in my correct name and when I sent the registration forms off I actually filled it in wrong and did it as a change of owner instead of change of name. So the car is now registered to me but in my correct name as a new owner. What I would like to know is this...if these warrants have been issued in the wrong name and the letters Equita are sending are in the wrong name can they still take my car as it is registered to my correct name now and was registered after the parking tickets were issued so in a way its like the car has changed hands. Also as they have the wrong name does that also mean I am not liable for the debt so they cant take any of my belongings either?? Id really appreciate if someone could get back to me ASAP so I know what to do when they show up. Thanks in advance
  15. Hello, A few months ago I visited this forum as I (well my wife did as she was driving the car) received a parking notice through the post. I took the advice of the forum and basically ignored the letters. Then I basically stuck my head in the ground! It has now got to the stage that another company have got involved which are demanding £178.13, the company is Newlyn. To say I am worried not is an understatement as they are saying in their 2nd letter about going to County Court and (in bold) stating 'Considerable further cost to you'. Are they allowed to do this? The cheek of it is that they have spelt my name incorrectly in all correspondence that they have sent me! Anyway, could someone please advise to what I should do now? oh, and your earliest reply would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Rob
  16. I have just received a PCN for “62- Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway”. The parking signs on the road actually said it was ok to park on the footpath but only in marked bays. I parked on the road but not in the marked bays. Unfortunately I didn’t see the latter bit as other roads adjacent to the road didn’t have the “only in marked bays” bit. I wasn’t parked on a yellow line or anything, neither was I causing an obstruction, I would have caused one if I hadn’t parked on the footpath like other cars as it is a very tiny road. Am I likely to be successful if I appeal this fine on the basis that the sign said it was ok to park on the footpath? Am I right in thinking the offence should be something else like “not parked in marked bays” instead of what they have said? I've only paid a PCN yesterday for turning right where not permitted except by buses due to my taking directions from a friend that only knows the bus route. I'm quite angry at myself as it is. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks.
  17. Hi all, I came across this site via an online search and thought you might be able to help me. I've just received today a letter from Waitrose in Brentford prompting me to pay a fine of £70 for parkign there last week. Apparently I had over-stayed at their carpark by an hour. Now when parking there I was under the impression that the carpark was free as there were no obvious signs notifying me of the 2 hour parking limit. I hardly feel that paying this fine is fair at all and only just realised I over-stayed because of the letter (I haven't had a chance to read the letter because I'm at work and my family notified me of the fine via phone call). I apologise if this issue has been discussed on the forums; I'm at work so I haven't had an opportunity to search through many topics. I will sincerely be grateful for any help you can provide me on this matter. Cheers
  18. @font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Yesterday I received a parking charge notice from UKPC in a cinema car park. I have paid for 2hrs parking and on my return, to my horror I have seen the ticket on my winscreen. There was no upright plate to indicate that it was a dissabled bay and only when I have moved my car I have noticed not very clear sign painted on the ground. When i parked it was dark and wet and I honestly not noticed it and could have easily park in another bay. Is there a point in apealing against it? Any help will be appreciated.
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