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Found 3 results

  1. Hi After receiving several PCNs for one of my work vehicles at the car park at my work. The car park is run by Premier Parking Solutions. After reading the advice on this forum all letters were ignored and thrown away, but today i have now received a letter from Kitsons Solicitors stating that they have been instructed to collect the debt of £600.00. It states that if not paid within 14 days they will advise the client to take further legal action. I have not found any other cases on the forum like this, so some help and advice would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I was parked in my boyfriends allocated parking space in newton abbot, but recently without me knowing Premier Parking Solutions had put up signs and you had to display a permit, my boyfriend didn't tell me until I got issued with a charge of £75 if you pay within 7 days or £100, I appealed and sent in a photocopy of the permit but they said I had breached the conditions of the notice and still had to pay the charge. I'm a student and really cant afford to pay it and my boyfriend is on minimum wage and cant afford to pay it either. It says on their website that they enforce the charge so I don't know if I can get away with not paying it. Can anyone tell me if they do actually enforce it and I would be better off paying it or not?
  3. I'm in the process of appealing a clamping charge levied by the infamous Premier Parking Solutions [PPS]. I've read all the stickies and spent a lot of time getting my head around the BPA's Code of Conduct and Approved Operator Scheme and, as far as I'm concerned, PPS fall a long way short of the standards demanded. I'm well aware they will, almost certainly, turn down my appeal at which point I will, happily, initiate proceedings against them in the small claims court. In the meantime, I was hoping some of my fellow CAGgers might share their thoughts on the signage pictured in the above photo; as you might imagine, I have my own thoughts but I'd like to know what you guys think. Thanks in anticipation of your help and co-operation Fred_Funk
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