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Found 4 results

  1. Hi sorry to jump this i cant seem to find the post new thread. My freind has a court letter relling her that lowell will instruct bayliffs unless the debt of £178 is paid by the 9th to our local count court . Can someone please advise on what to do next . Again sorry for jumping post
  2. My step daughter has received a Notice of Enforcement from Chandlers, Bromley. This is for non payment of council tax when her and her husband were together in 2014. She has not had any letter from her Council regarding this non-payment (though, on phoning the Council they said they sent them). She is now a single non-working mother and the claimed debt is now in the £1k mark. The letter was delivered at 8.15 this morning. As she has a young baby she was up at 7 a.m. The bailiff did not knock at the door. She has phoned the council who refuse to accept payment as they say it's in the hands of chandlers. Any advice would be most welcome. thank you
  3. Bailiff has called at door - TE7 to submit immediately - its Friday night and I am worried - advice please I am completely new to posting on a forum and somewhat stressed - I shall try and be as succinct as possible and would ask for the Site's parking fine guru's to reply before Monday am. In essence: Thank you for reading : *Nov 13 - 'free' Xmas shopping parking day announced by local borough council As a local resident I inadvertently parked for a few mins., in an area not included. *Apcoa issued penalty - £35 pay now or £70 in full *... sent a £35 cheque which was returned by Apcoa in Jan (I think) saying they could not process without more details - a reference number was missing despite me returning the slip with the cheque? *I did return the cheque again, with what detail I had, but by this time it was outside the time for a reduced payment. I sent a covering letter explaining the circs and that I would now consider the matter closed * Apcoa Letter posted to me dated 3.6.14 rec'd asking for £77 - 11.6 I emailed them saying I had paid and sent a letter and Still considered the matter closed. I did show my email address and they did not reply. * roll forward to this week (3.9.14) It appears now that the matter was passed on and has ended up with Equita who called in person at my Tenant's house with a compliment slip (!!) in hand detailing a debt now totaling £387!! * Tenan't contacted via my mother whom contacted me - I called the Bayliff IMMEDIATELY and he said only action was to call Glos C Council in the morning. * GCC only refer online back to Apcoa who were useless on the phone giving me 3 numbers for Equita and the Traffic Enforcement Agency - none of the numbers worked! *I found for myself the TE7 info on line and have downloaded the form. On another Thread I did see some advice about not posting them and also getting the form back quickly. As its now the weekend I have no choice but to wait until Monday am. I've gathered copies of what I have and will attach to the emailed TE7. As it is Friday and time was running out I called the Bayliff back and told him I have researched using a TE7 form myself and that I want his assurance he will hold actions until I get an outcome. He has given me until 1700 on Tuesday but said if my car gets spotted it could be clamped or removed! I rang the Bayliff back last night with an update - his advice was that I should have paid the fine and then argued the fine - when I explained I had paid the fine - he eventually gave me until Tue 1700 but warned me the warrant is open and I could be spotted in my car and still clamped! Notable additions are: that my name has changed from the one on all their correspondence (legally via deed-poll) and that I have moved house twice in the last year. DVLA do Now have my up-to-date details (not as a result of this action but because I noticed my Ins Broker had not updated my Car Ins Docs). Thanks
  4. I am writing this to try and seek some advice for my friend as she has asked for my help and since you guys have been such a massive help to me in the past - you are my first port of call for advice. Today she received a call while she was at work - she works 200 miles from her home address and her husband was also at work. the call was from a bailiff stating that they were outside her property for a repayment of an unpaid debt (starting at £250) - in her sons name. She has not spoken with her son for 3 years and he hasn't lived with her for the same, in fact, he lives some 400 miles away. The bailiff said that they were at her front door with a police officer and a locksmith and they had a distress warrant to gain entry to her property to remove goods to the value of over £2000. The only way she could stop this from happening is to pay the debt in full over the phone. She was so worried about people going into her house and taking her things that she just gave them her debit card details for them to take the payment (bad move I know but she must have been very threatened to have done that). I have since advised her to call police to confirm if they have log at her address - she called police who confirm police have NOT attended her address. She is now left feeling like she has been conned and lied to by this bailiff who has scared her into making a rather large payment for fear of them entering her house. I am totally out of my depth with this. What can she do in relation to this? Her bank, NatWest cant stop the payment as she gave my card details over the phone but she feels like she has been mislead in the way in which she has been forced to make the payment. Is there any way of firstly getting her money back? and secondly, stopping all the mail for her son coming to her address (she keeps returning mail - 'no longer at this address' but it makes no difference') and stop these companies using her address? Any advice or help would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance
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