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  1. 6 pension and finance companies placed in provisional liquidation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/6-pension-and-finance-companies-placed-in-provisional-liquidation
  2. Lodhi finance limited was liquidated in september last year. However the director has previously done the same . He did this with rasul finance limited same address and bought out the debt ledgers via a business named Crawford Business Services . This was not a limited company but was one that had been set up as a transfer vehicle. Once Crawford businees was assigned the ledgers then Lodhi finance Limited bought this business out for £30000 and persued the unpaid bedts that had been mounting up at a rate of 39.9 % per annum. This meant a lot of people lost their homes etc. However it seems that the directors are the same and also the same time spans etc. This time the fsa have had the business shut down. However if there are people around who were mucked up by his [problem] or what ever you would call it. I would seriously urge them to make what he did previously well known.
  3. Anybody else had something similar?? My small building company had a bit of a cash flow problem so we decided to sell some land. We had a site on the market with local estate agents for £750K, 9 years ago. Barclays insisted, and I mean INSISTED, we place it with a company in Leeds. They were reluctantly employed by us as estate agents in June 2007. By July 2008 they hadn't even placed a 'for sale' board outside or advertised the land in any way, despite angry calls from me. 13 months of doing absolutely nothing, and in which time, our debt to Barclays had increased by over £75K. Due to no interest in the land, not surprisingly as it wasn't advertised, Barclays called in the debt and appointed the very same man from the very same company as Receiver. After lots of arguing and highlighting this guys dodgy dealings, the Receiver resigned his position and we were given control, not ownership, but control of our land back. It has cost our family approx £1.3M as a whole, and although I keep complaining, Barclays insist they have done nothing wrong. How do i get the truth?? Constructive Liquidation I have called it. Anybody experienced anything similar??
  4. I had a Carron woodburner installed 2 years ago,and had nothing but problems with the top plate cracking, and the paint splitting.That was replaced only for the replacement to do the same thing.That was replaced only for the third one to do exactly the same, but on a larger scale. After the Derby Fireplace Company limited sending someone round to take measurements, photo's etc, and emailing them to Carron,they finally admitted that the woodburner was too powerful for the chamber(7.0kw output), and that the woodburner was actually too far back.I was then told that I would be getting a replacement 4.7kw woodburned, DFPCltd, would install it, and they would refund me any difference. After around 4 weeks or so of no response to my emails, and refusing to answer the phone,I looked the company up on Companies house.It turns out that they are now in liquidation!! So,I now have a woodburner with the enamel cracked and split on the top plate, a flue pipe that has paint coming off, and no response from DFPCltd. Where do I now stand in getting this issue resolved once and for all, as I am currently around £3,400 out of pocket and have a woodburner with defects.
  5. Communication from the Provisional Liquidator of Enterprise Insurance Company plc on 29th July 2016 On the 25th July 2016 the Gibraltar Supreme Court appointed me as Provisional Liquidator of Enterprise Insurance Company plc (“Enterprise” or the “Company”). I am now managing the Company’s affairs under the supervision of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and will report back to the Supreme Court within three months. Insurance policies issued by Enterprise have not been cancelled or disclaimed but I am unable to currently pay any claims arising under such policies. It is also uncertain if the Company’s assets will be sufficient to meet insurance claims in full. In these circumstances it is advisable for policy holders to contact their brokers. I am in contact with the compensation schemes in the various countries in which Enterprise wrote business to coordinate with them the processes by which eligible claims may be paid from the schemes. I will update this website with further information regarding these processes as it becomes available. I am also engaging claims managers to continue to administer, process and agree claims for admission as insurance claims and for submission to compensation schemes as applicable. Contact details of my claims managers will be added to this website shortly. Any queries from policy holders or others may be directed to [email protected] or by telephone at number +350 200 50150 United Kingdom Policy Holders I can confirm that Motorway Direct PLC has been appointed as one of the claims management companies assisting me in the processing of claims in respect of the following classes of business: GAP Insurance Motor Warranty Brown and White Goods Warranty Motorway Direct PLC contact details are: Telephone 03300 555 262 or Email [email protected] Information regarding the Financial Services Compensation Scheme may be obtained at the FSCS website Frederick White Provisional Liquidator Enterprise Insurance Company plc Important notice for policy holders Enterprise Insurance Company PLC (the Company) would like to inform its policy holders that it has requested the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) to suspend its authorisation to write new insurance business. As part of this request, the GFSC has also issued a Direction to preserve the assets of the Company. Enterprise has been under close supervision from the GFSC due to concerns about Enterprise’s financial position. Very recently Enterprise provided the GFSC with an independent assessment of its financial position. This assessment demonstrated a significant deterioration in the Company’s position and that Enterprise is insolvent. The shareholders of the Company have been unable to contribute additional capital into the company, and in the interests of policyholder protection the Company has requested that the Commission takes steps to control the activities of the Company including issuing winding-up proceedings. The GFSC is now taking steps to issue winding up proceedings with the cooperation of Enterprise to present a petition for the winding up of the Company. It is the intention to issue an application for the appointment of a provisional liquidator. The GFSC is taking appropriate steps to protect policyholders. The GFSC is notifying the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and the relevant financial services regulators and compensation schemes in France, Italy, Greece, Norway, Ireland and the UK, where Enterprise has written business. Enterprise is committed to keeping its policy holders as informed as possible in these difficult circumstances. For further information, please see the GFSC’s website. You can find answers to the most common questions, or you can ask us a specific question by clicking here: Q & A section. Alternatively you can email us on [email protected] or call us on 00350 200 50150
  6. Hello every body, I am hoping to find some help with my situation. I rented a flat through a letting agency, with a one year renewable contract which finished a few months ago. Before the deadline of my contract, I tried to contact the letting agency because I wanted to renew it, but all my mails bounced back, nobody was answering the calls. I went to the agency shop only to discover it totally shut down, with just a paper telling us that it was out of business, and we should contact a banking institution for questions. That institutions is not answering any of my questions, I can't contact the landlord as the only mail address I have is not on use anymore. I am feeling totally lost, as I am still paying my council tax, the water and electricity bills, but not my rent as I don't know where is that money going. My deposit is supposedly protected as it is say in the contract. It feels utterly weird for me that nobody is trying to contact me since I have stopped to pay the rent, that I have no way to contact the landlord and nobody knows nothing. All I want is to have a new contract and stay in this flat, as it is perfect for my needs and I am happy here. I don't know what to do next, I feel like a squatter and I am afraid I could be asked to leave the flat without notice one day. Someone recommended me to go to the land registry and see who owns the flat, to contact him. Do you think it could be a good idea? thank you very much for any kind of opinions and help you could provide me with. jenn.
  7. Hi, I'm receiving regular letters from a debt collection agency, but the company that are saying I owe the money went in to liquidation last month. I've checked, and the action is not being taken by the liquidator - it's instigated by a Director of the company that liquidated. It's my understanding that he can't do this, and money due would be due, and pursued by, the liquidator of the company- which makes this look fraudulant? Any advice as to how to handle this would be gratefully received! Thanks
  8. FYI I've just entered into IVA and one of my creditors was Pound Access. I've been recieving an awful lot of emails of them telling me that they're issuing a CCJ and passing my debt on to a 3rd party so I decided to call them to advise them that I was in an IVA and that they were legally bound to the terms, only to be told by the woman who answered the phone that Pound Access had gone into liquidation.
  9. My ex employer (LTD company) didn't reply the ET1 neither went to the hearing. The tribunal decided that I was entitled to receive: basic award, compensatory award, outstanding wages, loss of employment rights and 25% ACAS uplift. The hearing was on 06/03, so I am still waiting for the written judgment by post. However, last week I saw in the London Gazette that my ex employer is calling a `Meetings of Creditors` on the 26/03 to appoint a Liquidation Committee. I have 'informal information' that he has stopped trading with the LDT and he is using his solo trading company (same address), while he opens a new LDT. Furthermore, he has a offshore company that is providing `fake invoices` to ensure that no assets are left for the liquidation. Having said that, I would like to know if I have to do anything for the `Meetings of Creditors` on the 26/03 and what is the best approach to get my money. Many thanks
  10. Guys I return home today to find that the credit union in York has gone bust. http://www.nycu.org.uk/ On the front web page it says all savings are protected and I didn't have much but they have sent me a cheque for them, its made out from the FSCS I had a loan with them that is outstanding of £2600 and paying at £100 pcm - Please can you tell me what will happen with this.. They didn't take the savings off the loan balance They cant make me pay it all back at once can they? Any help appreciated, Thanks Ian
  11. Hi there, I really hope someone can offer some advice, i'm going around in circles with the bank and despite making every effort to resolve my situation, the bank are continuing to be aggressive. My husband and i ran a successful business for 7 years, which held a £10k overdraft which we jointly guaranteed. Due to losing our biggest customer, and the immediate withdrawal of credit limits by our factoring company for a few of our other significant accounts, we sought independent advice from an IP and were advised to place the company in to voluntary liquidation in March 2012. It was frankly a heartbreaking time of worry and stress for us, as anyone who has been through this situation will know, it is incredibly expensive to close a business and we borrowed money from family to settle our factoring account, to pay for the liquidator and as we had personally guaranteed our cars we had to sell them and pay the shortfall on the sale. Natwest held all of our personal and business bank accounts: A business account for the liquidated company A further business account for a separate unrelated limited company in a different industry sector it is important to add the liquid business bank account has no borrowing and is a profitable company and has been for 3 years Our childrens bank accounts Two current accounts for my husband and i A 7 yr term personal loan account in my name for £20k (paid every month on time for the last 3 and a half years) As a result of the liquidation and the subsequent financial strain our personal Natwest accounts were up to their agreed over draft limits, with regular small sums of money being credited to them. The liquidation process progressed and after the final creditors meeting we hadn't heard from Natwest regarding the PG and so we contacted our business manager who informed us that all of our accounts had been moved to head office and he could no longer advise?! We then contacted the business collections department to arrange to repay our PG, we were told that there are no repayment options, we are no longer welcome as customers of the bank due to our liquidated company, that our overdrafts and personal loan would be recalled via letter and they would expect payment in full within seven days, and further that they could and would take available funds from any of our other accounts, including my children's accounts to reduce the overdraft! My husband and i were totally shocked, we had both banked with Natwest since we were 16 and 19 respectively, we felt sure this information was incorrect and made three further calls to the collections department to try and gain some clarity. None was offered and we were offered three further conflicting pieces of information. We waited for 7 days for the demanding letter to arrive, or infact any kind of written communication regarding our accounts. Nothing arrived and as we wanted to resolve the situation ASAP we wrote a letter and sent it by recorded delivery to our ex business manager and to the collections dept, which outlined our willingness to repay in full, but that we didn't have a lump sum of available funds could we make an arrangement as we wanted to protect our credit files and move on from this experience. After two weeks we still hadn't received a response and so we wrote to the above contacts again and also sent a recorded copy to Stephen Hester's Office, stating again our willingness to resolve the situation and how much we wanted to avoid any further action, seeking clarity on the points the collections team had made, and lastly requesting copies of the PG and also my loan agreement as i had been advised that this would be required to make an official complaint. Lo and behold we received a response from the executives complaints team, saying they would send the above documentation and clarify the issues raised within two weeks. A week later i received a copy of a loan application made by husband in 2009 (which he never accepted) addressed to me with a covering letter saying please find your loan agreement attached.... does this contravene data protection? Obviously i contacted them to explain, and was assured it would be sent out asap. In the meantime we had a letter from the CEO's office outlining that due to our company liquidation, the bank take a "one" view and assume we are suffering financial hardship as a result and therefore recall ALL personal borrowing, furthermore they won't be able to discuss any recovery action until they have issued a formal demand, which will result in a default on our credit files, at which time we can attempt to make a payment arrangement! A few days later i received another letter saying they can't find my personal loan agreement. This was 2 weeks ago, and i still haven't had a formal demand. To be honest i am worried sick, i really want to avoid a default, but i have no savings due to the failure of my main business, and have no idea how to proceed? Any advice to my incredibly long and waffly post would be very much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  12. Here is news of another DCA in liquidation, getting to be rather nice news this year.... http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14792/online-news/dca-placed-into-liquidation
  13. Hello, hopefully I have the right section. I'll try to be concise. I ordered goods from an online company (VISA debit, under £100) and when I recieved the parcel an item was missing. The company failed to respond to my e-mails and then replaced its website with a notice stating that it was going into liquidation (following a call-in of its debts) with certain parts of orders being fulfilled by other companies. The missing item was from one of the companies named. I contacted the relevant second company (which seems to have the same director as the company I ordered from) and after an initially promising exchange of correspondence, during which they were in contact with the remnants of the original company, they say that the original company 'haven't informed us that your order status is 'unfulfilled'. We do need them to provide this information as we can't send items out unless [they] confirm with us that they didn't ship. We can only fulfill unfulfilled orders (ie; orders never shipped) not parts missing from an order as we have no way to verify this ... ' Obviously I find this unsatisfactory. I would, therefore, greatly appreciate any thoughts on this; or assistance on what recourse I might have in terms of securing the supply of the missing goods or a refund. In effect, the simple question would be: which company do I approach (again!) and under the aegis of what legislation? Many thanks!
  14. Hi all, I received a letter from the county court saying the hmrc was seeking a ccj against my limited company for corporation tax. I owe 19k in total. This has risen over a few years. It started in 2001 when I was out of work for 12 weeks. I foolishly used my tax money thinking I could pay it back. I have chased this ever since and it’s got to this. I honestly don’t know what to do next. I am a one man contractor limited company with no assets. I have been paying the minimum PAYE to get my Ni stamp and taking the rest out in dividends. Now I am scared that if I go into liquidation they can chase me personally. I have tried to catch it up over the years but I would have to re pay it over 2 1/2 to 3 years to make it feasible and something I can realistically pay off. But they won’t have that at all I wouldn’t imagine. I hear of people going into liquidation and I have avoided this for 11 years. I am scared of that because it’s a massive unknown for me. I don’t have the cash to do it voluntary and I need to carry on working after it. I don’t suppose you can be a director of two limited companies whilst one of them is going through insolvency. And what happens with being able to operate as a limited company after insolvency. The other thing I am scared of is them chasing me personally for the cash. Someone who I know has said they could pursue me if they feel the company has been run badly but this is unlikely for the amount owed. Knowing my luck though they will. Has anybody been through this? If so is there anything I can do? What do I do with the pending ccj? And what happens with insolvency and the implications? I honestly don’t know what to do and I have avoided all this for 11 years now.
  15. Dear all, Unfortunately my estate agent who lets out the property I live in has gone into Liquidation. I am a student, and started letting the property form July last year, for 1 year. So the contract I signed with the estate agent for the property will terminate in July 2012. I have a written contract. The estate agents have my damage deposit which was £675 (one and a half months rent) I have found out today that they have not put it into protection by the Deposit Protection Scheme. I will cease to pay the remaining rent. Where does this leave me? What are my options? Do I still have to pay the rent to the landlord? Isn't it illegal what the estate agents have done? How can I get my damage deposit back? Could someone please help me out? Thanks
  16. Hi, I am having a bit of a nightmare. in July 2010 we moved into a property and paid the lettings agency (who were acting on behalf of the landlord) £600.00 deposit. Upon moving out we discovered that the letting agency (EDIT) had gone into liquidation. I have contacted the liquidators (Cooper Williamson) who say that they will add me as a creditor but are having difficulty in finding out which scheme the deposits were paid in to. This makes me believe that (EDIT) were not paying the deposits collected into a scheme. Through a little digging I have found that director/owner of (EDIT) was (EDIT), who is still trading under the names: (Edit) LIMITED (Edit) (WNJ) LIMITED It seems to me that either she was not paying into the deposit protection schemes, which would appear to be fraudulent , or she did not know to pay in to deposit protection schemes, which means that she should not be in the business, or she is not willing to cooperate with the liquidators and should therefore not be in any business. I called (Edit) LIMITED and was told that she is on holiday until next week... I hope she's having a good time. Considering the now liquidated company was 'Limited' Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how I can proceed with this to get my deposit back? Many thanks
  17. I started an AST via a letting agent on 11/12/2009 to 10/12/2010. I paid a £600 deposit. In november 2010 I recieved notice that the flat i was renting would be repossessed on 7/12/2010 as the landlord had not kept up with the mortgage payments. I spoke to the letting agent and agreed to move out at the end of my tenancy agreement. I moved out and handed the keys back to the letting agent and they completed the final inspection. They confirmed that my deposit would be returned to me in full without deductions and that their manager would be in touch with how I make a claim for my deposit. I then recieved an email saying the letting agent had gone into liquidation in June 2010. They said that my deposit had been held in their client money account, and the bank the account was held with has illegally (or so they say) used this account in the liquidation so they were having to take said bank to court to recover that account and the monies held in that account so they would not be able to return my deposit. They advised they held client money protection insurance with NALS (National Approved Lettings Scheme) so I would have to claim my deposit back from them. I asked about claiming it back via the TDS and they said that due to the liquidation the deposit was no longer protected by them as of 1/9/2010. The Letting agent continued to trade under a new name and continued to be my letting agent. They did not advise me of the liquidation or the name change, only that they had moved offices. They did not advise that my deposit was no longer covered and neither did TDS. They did not, as my 'new' letting agent reprotect my deposit. So from September 2010 to December 2010 my deposit was not covered. I have made a claim with NALS but am yet to discover if anyone has sucessfully claimed anything back from them and they are unable to advise how long this claim will take. My letting agent have completed washed their hands of responsibility and say I must deal with NALS from now on. Can I take the LA to small claims on the fact that they did not protect my deposit? Or would I have to go direct to the Landlord himself? Any advice if greatly appreciated
  18. Hi there, I recently invested a significant fortune with Rapid Property Builders, offered guarantees and personal guarantees from the owner, Phil Martin. However, I have just received notification that the company has gone in to liquidation and that Phil Martin has filed for bankruptcy. Is there anything that I can do to get my investment back? Many thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice! Tanya.
  19. I posted this earlier but later i saw this part of the forum which seems to be relevant to the issue so i posted here...am sorry for the double posting but i dont know how to transfer the other post to this subforum......so please be gentle and help me.... Today i got statutory demand under section 268(1) of the insolvency act 1986. Debt for liquidated sum payable immediately...from the council for council tax i have attached the letter here .....please i will appreciate any help as iam told i have 18 days to set it aside what should i do......is there any way out .....is there any argument i can use to get an installmental payment agrreed.....i went through a rough patch for the past couple of years but thank God i have just gotten a permanant job this month and things are getting better...and i think i can be able to now start upsetting all my previous debts albeit installmentally.
  20. Hi, Not 100% sure of my rights/obligations here, so any help would be greatly appreciated! The LA which my LL used to manage the property on an AST which had fallen into periodic tenancy vanished without trace at the end of February. At the start of March, I recieved a telephone call from the LL informing me that no further payments were to be made to the LA, and that she had not received the rent payment for February. The LL confirmed that she had spoken to the LA before they 'vanished' and that they infoermed her they had recieved the rent, and would pay into heer account. According to the LL this did not happen and she was unable to contact them again. The LL insisted upon a new AST being signed - I did not see the purpose of this, and was loath to do so as my LL has a r3eputation for being 'difficult', but LL stated she would serve notice if I did not sign, and as I did not have a security deposit or moving costs for a new property, I felt I had no choice but to sign. As soon as the new AST was signed, my LL became the LL from hell. She began making demands for receipts for rental payments going back to December 2010, insisted upon late fee charges being paid for December, January and February payments (the rent since August 2009 has been paid either on time or up to 14 days late on occasion, without any notice of any issues regarding this), threatening court action for rent arrears if receipts were not produced etc. Whilst I understood her frustration with the LA, and would have been happy to work with her to get any paperwork that would help her in her claim against the LA, I was shocked and immediately defensive to this seemingly unfair and overly aggressive stance. In subsequent correspondence, the LL has stated that the LA are in administration and made continuous reference to this matter also being a 'criminal matter'. Upon searching rigorously, I managed to locate the majority of my receipts bar one for the amount of £160.00 (I have a dreadful feeling it was located in one of my books which I have since sold in a car boot sale...). LL has stated that according to the Official Receivers there is no record of £160.00 being paid, which I know to be untrue. Several letters later and she is now instructing me that if the £160.00 'arrears' and the 'outstanding late fees' are not paid within 7 days, she will make a claim at County Court. She has also issued a letter titled 'notice of legal proceedings' in which she states that her solicitor is 'looking into a claim for misrepresentation'. A couple of internet searching hours later, and I have my response to that particular letter. I asked the LL to provide details of the Official Receivers several times, as i suspected that the LA were not in adminstration, but had just vanished, and she was attempting to recover whatever losses she had by making demands for payments I could not provide receipts for. Luckily I found the majority, but this last £160.00 is proving difficult! She has made continuous references to the 'Official Receivers' and the contact she has had with them, but upon pushing her for the fourth time for the name of such, her response was as follows: 'In response to your queries regarding the Official Receivers for (LA) I have asked permission to pass their details onto you. As you are not a creditor they have specifically asked me not to do so at this time'. This actually made me laugh, as such information is a matter of public record, and this proved to me that she has not in fact had any contact with a receiver of any kind. I have paid for reports on companies house today, and they confirm that the LA is in liquidation, not administration. The reports were also only filed on 14.04.11, with the 'wind down' meeting having taken place on 31.03.11. As such, the claims my LL has made about speaking to Official Receivers before the company was even in liquidation are clearly lies. I obviously also now have the liquidators details What I would like help with is where I stand on the matter of the missing receipt for £160.00? Does my LL have the right to so aggressively chase for this, even though I have already paid it? Also, does she have the right to begin back-dating late fees when there was no issue raised in the past regarding late payments? Any help is greatly appreciated, I have had to become a rental expert in the last few months, what with the numerous claims about legal and criminal proceedings, as well as several repair issues (a leaking roof is 'non-urgent' according to the LL and the black mould spreading under my bedroom windows, up the wall, and around the back of the wardrobe is 'not harmful and should be cleaned off the wall with a mild detergent'; this advice comes without any testing of the mould, and without her even seeing it!). I have managed to find my own answers on most of the curveballs my LL has thrown at me, but I'm a little stuck on this one! Many thanks in anticipation
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