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Found 2 results

  1. I am 21, never worked, always been on benefits, and in grands of debt from council tax and rent arrears from previous council accommodation that I don't think I am liable to pay. I am receiving JSA in which i get £70 per every 2 weeks because I am currently paying back crisis loans, and my rent is £30pw there are gaps in my claim due to depression which caused me to stay home all day and not eat or sleep properly, which then meant my income was nil. despite all that EQUITA is sending me numerous letters that don't even say how much they claim I owe. The most recent one received states the following: REMOVAL NOTICE Despite numerous previous applications for payment you have failed to pay the outstanding council tax due to Westminster city council. Therefore, I have been issued your case so that I can call at your home within the next week with a removal contractor when I may remove your goods to the local auction house. I would prefer that you were in attendance if your goods are removed and should another day be more suitable I urge you to contact me on the number below immediately. should you prefer to pay the balance outstanding, call me to arrange immediate payment. yours sincerely David Furlonger Bailiff in charge telephone: 07970634413 please advise me on what to do or who to contact. thank you
  2. I posted this earlier but later i saw this part of the forum which seems to be relevant to the issue so i posted here...am sorry for the double posting but i dont know how to transfer the other post to this subforum......so please be gentle and help me.... Today i got statutory demand under section 268(1) of the insolvency act 1986. Debt for liquidated sum payable immediately...from the council for council tax i have attached the letter here .....please i will appreciate any help as iam told i have 18 days to set it aside what should i do......is there any way out .....is there any argument i can use to get an installmental payment agrreed.....i went through a rough patch for the past couple of years but thank God i have just gotten a permanant job this month and things are getting better...and i think i can be able to now start upsetting all my previous debts albeit installmentally.
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