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  1. A friend of mine recently had a problem with Enterprise Rent a Car attempting to deliver a hire car to one of his neighbours. Whilst undertaking the delivery they managed to crash one the hire cars into his fence causing damage, then assessed the damaged to the car, looked at the fence and chose to do a runner. Fortunately my friend has excellent cctv and captured the whole event. Laurel and Hardy springs to mind!!!. They made no attempt to find out who the fence belonged too nor left a note on the fence. My friend has subsequently been to the local office to try and resolve the issue and although they admitted liability, but only after being shown the footage, have failed compensate him as agreed. Initially they wanted him to obtain quotes for the repair and quite rightly he told them to gather the quotations themselves as they have caused him enough inconvenience already. They couldn't be bothered to do that so my friend priced up the bits and bobs required and a retired friend has offered to repair the fence for £150. He went back to the office to find out what was going on and again they fobbed him off, so he suggested they pay him the £150 so his friend can undertake the repair. The said they were happy to do that and for him to gave them his banking details. That was 3 weeks ago and now after yet another visit, they are saying they are not going to do that unless they have business receipt, yet they agreed to his friend fixing it! I think they they are messing him around so much that hope he will give up What would you do? Report the incident to the police to investigate criminal damage and leaving the scene of the accident? Put the cctv footage on social media for everyone to watch these clowns at work? Or does anybody have Enterprises Rent a Car CEO email address so he can give them one final chance to resolve things, as I don't think this incident has gone any further than the local office. What makes me laugh is if you have even a minor bump/scratch with this lot you will lose your deposit in a flash, yet when they cause damage to your property it's like pulling teeth. They certainly don't adopt their own policy of any damage must be reported immediately !!!!
  2. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this on so Mods, please feel free to move. I lost my permanent job late in 2016. Being older (almost 60 at the time), I've found, like many others in my age group that it's almost impossible to find a job. I was asked at the Jobcentre if there was anything I could do to become self-employed. I am a good pianist and had been working towards getting my Diploma after an exam break of 40 years, thinking ahead to when I retire. I am one of the women caught in the 50s trap, no husband and a son who's still recovering from a recent kidney transplant. Life is not easy for us Anyway, I got approval from the NEA to start a teaching business. To date I have not had a lot of interest despite advertising, my website, leafleting doors and anywhere else I can push my business. Just two adult students since I launched on 3rd January 2018 and I didn't get them until October. It seems the NEA and the Jobcentre don't communicate very well. The Jobcentre has taken my start up day from the 18th November 2017. The NEA says I started trading on the 3rd January 2018 which is the date I launched the website and my business. I now get £0 in Universal Credit, the reason being they are using the Minimum Income Floor of £1092 per month which is based on best case scenario estimation. I thought, fine, I don't get a penny from them but what I didn't get told is that my rent (council) wouldn't be paid either. This MIF is a hypothetical figure. Even from when I put in the business plan I have had to drop my prices to £10 for half hour and £19 for a full hour. This week I will earn £10 as one of my students can't come for personal reasons. You can imagine my shock to find out the last payment the council received was on the 11th December 2018. I am now in serious danger of losing my home and my son and myself being thrown out into the street. I am 62 years old and my son is, as said earlier, still recovering from a kidney transplant which has not gone particularly smoothly. I am really at my wits end. Something I thought would put us on the path to a better and more stable future has turned into a nightmare and I've done nothing wrong. I was given a hard choice by the Jobcentre. Either give up my business which I've worked hard to promote and prove I've done that (how do you kill a website - I've already paid for the website and domain for a year, that doesn't end until December this year) and let down my two students, one of whom is very good and practising for her Grade 1 exam later this year or claim UC and completely kill the business. Not knowing that my rent was not going to be paid, I chose to keep on my business as I know it is the type of thing that will take time to build. A year (in my case less) is not a long time. The Jobcentre has now closed my UC claim but I have until May to reinstate it. I have gone without, don't go out or do things other people do. I have been trying to get a job, either part or full time to help things out but get turned down constantly, usually by the agencies who come up with one excuse or another not to put me forward for jobs, the latest excuse being I haven't worked in an office for a year! 45 years experience as a secretary, often working at Managing Director level doesn't count. I met last week with a representative from the NEA who didn't really seem to know why the MIF is playing such a big part in this or even why it's stopping me getting UC to top up my earnings. One can work 16 hours without losing UC or if working 30 hours, similar to the old Working Tax Credits which even applies to self-employed people. These are the people promoting this ghastly scheme and if they don't know how are the rest of us supposed to know? I spoke with the benefits office (their call centre in Scotland) on Friday. Lady there said I would have to get a Mandatory Reconsideration but that could take weeks and may not even be successful. I just tried to reinstate the UC claim - supposedly a one click operation. No, it isn't. Question upon question regarding employment if you work for a employer but absolutely nothing related to being self-employed (I have not completed these questions as they were ambiguous). The Jobcentre advisor I had (or have) is a very nice person but came across as not knowing that much about the NEA scheme (which is run by Pinnacle People). I feel I have been lied to and misled and I'm sure I'm not the only one. From what I've gathered so far, it would seem that if I had started up my piano business on my own, without the NEA scheme I could have declared it to the Jobcentre as casual earnings and they would have simply deducted what I earned from my UC payment. Why there is such a difference between this and being self-employed via the NEA Scheme just doesn't make sense. I hope someone sees this or knows of someone who has gone through this that can point me in the right direction. I'm sorry this post is so long but I really am at my wits end to the point it's making me quite ill.
  3. I really don't understand this section of the ACT 19 Worker subjected to detriment by co-worker or agent of employer “(1A)A worker (“W”) has the right not to be subjected to any detriment by any act, or any deliberate failure to act, done— (b)by an agent of W’s employer with the employer’s authority, Let me paint two scenarios so you understand my question Scene 1: A worker makes a protected disclosure, the worker's employer sends an agent to act in a detrimental manner to the worker Scene 2: A worker makes a protected disclosure, the employer's agent, on his (agent) own initiative acts in a detrimental manner to the worker Would the employer be vicariously liable in Scene 2, even though he (the employer) was not aware that the agent acted that way? I would greatly appreciate relevant case law Thanks a lot
  4. Hi, I have joined here after reading an exceptional amount of valuable information regarding Blemain Finance (or Blemain Group) now operating as Together. About myself: I am a law graduate and helping a friend with his mortgage taken from Blemain. About the friend: From what I can see he has taken a total of 5 "charges" over his property from Blemain over the course of 2013 to the present. It started with £15,000 and now he owes 4 times this amount. That is not to say he did not exercise his own will, but so much about their operation is incredibly DODGY (for want of a better word/phrase), that it has made me upset to see a family friend potentially abused. He suffers from brain damage and this house is his only asset which I can foresee him losing if something is not done about the way Blemain/Together are operating... At some point he spoke to Phone-A-Loan who are an associated company of Blemain. It is unclear to me what their role was, but I hope to establish this position as quickly as possible. Enterprise Finance Limited always appear to have acted as the broker. They seem to take a fee each time he redeems his mortgage then opens a new account with Blemain (as stated this is his 5th loan/charge/mortgage. My question at this point is has anyone else dealt with Enterprise Finance Limited? If so did they provide options of lenders (ie alternatives to Bleamin) or did they simply tell you to go to Blemain for the loan? From my limited research I can not discover any connection between Enterprise and Blemain but I suspect there must be some link (even if it is beneficial ownership which would be fairly difficult to establish or prove). From the initial loan of £15,000, the charges which have accumulated as he has re-mortgaged amount to £15,000 and he has been extended a further £30,000 in credit. He, nor I, have yet requested the SAR, will do soon I am interested to see if there have been any hidden/undeclared charges to his account. In all this practice seems deeply unfair and I have a feeling it may well be considered more than "unfair" in the eyes of the law, At this stage I do not want to throw around accusations without evidence. I would really like to hear from others, and particularly those who might have dealt with Enterprise Finance Limited as the brokers. Thank you,
  5. Hello, a CSH newbie here. Please can anyone offer me advice on how to progress this ... I've received a PCN (Parking Charge Notice) via Enterprise Rent-A-Car, informing me of an alleged offence committed at Calder Park, Wakefield, on 31st October 2018, whilst driving one of their hire cars. The contravention carried a £60 fine which Enterprise have automatically paid to VCS (Sheffield) and they've now passed the bill onto me together with a £25 Admin Fee. I was driving the car on company business and the resultant £85 has been taken directly from my salary. The thing is, I don't believe I've committed and offence but because of Enterprise's actions I feel that I have lost my right to appeal, please could you advise what I can do? I've written a polite letter to VCS to offer my version of events in an attempt to appeal the charge, but this was 3 weeks ago and I've had no reply. Thanks for any help. Stuart
  6. Hi, I rented a car from Enterprise Rent-a-car. When I returned it there was a small scratch, just a little bigger than their wear and tear vs damage assessment template allows for: https://ibin.co/3WJPCUlUuaeK.jpg They want to charge me the full 850 euros excess for this. It looks like the sort of thing that could be fixed for around 50 to 100 euros, with a localized touch up. Clearly I am being ripped off. It is entirely possible the scratch was already there. It was a long day and I did not have any lunch by the time I got off the ferry and waited for the French to finish their lunch and re-open their rental office. I may easily have missed it. I did ask them to send me the last 5 return slips so I can check the same scratch has not already been billed for... but they did not respond at all to my polite email to the accidents email address they gave me. What can I do?
  7. Communication from the Provisional Liquidator of Enterprise Insurance Company plc on 29th July 2016 On the 25th July 2016 the Gibraltar Supreme Court appointed me as Provisional Liquidator of Enterprise Insurance Company plc (“Enterprise” or the “Company”). I am now managing the Company’s affairs under the supervision of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and will report back to the Supreme Court within three months. Insurance policies issued by Enterprise have not been cancelled or disclaimed but I am unable to currently pay any claims arising under such policies. It is also uncertain if the Company’s assets will be sufficient to meet insurance claims in full. In these circumstances it is advisable for policy holders to contact their brokers. I am in contact with the compensation schemes in the various countries in which Enterprise wrote business to coordinate with them the processes by which eligible claims may be paid from the schemes. I will update this website with further information regarding these processes as it becomes available. I am also engaging claims managers to continue to administer, process and agree claims for admission as insurance claims and for submission to compensation schemes as applicable. Contact details of my claims managers will be added to this website shortly. Any queries from policy holders or others may be directed to [email protected] or by telephone at number +350 200 50150 United Kingdom Policy Holders I can confirm that Motorway Direct PLC has been appointed as one of the claims management companies assisting me in the processing of claims in respect of the following classes of business: GAP Insurance Motor Warranty Brown and White Goods Warranty Motorway Direct PLC contact details are: Telephone 03300 555 262 or Email [email protected] Information regarding the Financial Services Compensation Scheme may be obtained at the FSCS website Frederick White Provisional Liquidator Enterprise Insurance Company plc Important notice for policy holders Enterprise Insurance Company PLC (the Company) would like to inform its policy holders that it has requested the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) to suspend its authorisation to write new insurance business. As part of this request, the GFSC has also issued a Direction to preserve the assets of the Company. Enterprise has been under close supervision from the GFSC due to concerns about Enterprise’s financial position. Very recently Enterprise provided the GFSC with an independent assessment of its financial position. This assessment demonstrated a significant deterioration in the Company’s position and that Enterprise is insolvent. The shareholders of the Company have been unable to contribute additional capital into the company, and in the interests of policyholder protection the Company has requested that the Commission takes steps to control the activities of the Company including issuing winding-up proceedings. The GFSC is now taking steps to issue winding up proceedings with the cooperation of Enterprise to present a petition for the winding up of the Company. It is the intention to issue an application for the appointment of a provisional liquidator. The GFSC is taking appropriate steps to protect policyholders. The GFSC is notifying the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and the relevant financial services regulators and compensation schemes in France, Italy, Greece, Norway, Ireland and the UK, where Enterprise has written business. Enterprise is committed to keeping its policy holders as informed as possible in these difficult circumstances. For further information, please see the GFSC’s website. You can find answers to the most common questions, or you can ask us a specific question by clicking here: Q & A section. Alternatively you can email us on [email protected] or call us on 00350 200 50150
  8. Hi , Can anyone tell me if this is right, I hired a car 2 weeks ago & its due back tomorrow. I rang them today to extend the hire time and was told id have to pay another 100 deposit and i would not get the 200 deposit i have already paid , they have already had fee £345 rental charge plus £200 deposit, now they are asking £304, another £100 deposit & 204 rental and when car goes back, I only get £100 pound back, where is my £200 deposit. Please someone tell me if this is right or am i getting ripped off?.
  9. I had a very bad experience recently. The car I had taken on rent suffered scratches on the doors. Over the weekend while the car was with me, I went to some garages and they told me that they could fix the dent and the fresh paint for 150 quid. I decided that it was best to report to Enterprise since you would prefer to get it done from your approved garages. The branch charged me £ 1000 excess and said that would take 3 weeks to settle invoices and refund the amount after deducting repair cost and other charges. Also, I was told that I would be shown the estimates for the cost of repair and that it would be a transparent process. The branch also gave me the number of the garage where it was to be sent for repair. I contacted the garage and they told me that the estimates were sent to Enterprise. While the garage told me that they can't disclose the amount, the Enterprise branch and Enterprise accidents claims department said that they havn't received the invoice. After 3 weeks when I again up their accident claims cell, they told me that the cost of repairs was over £900 and accounting for handling and other charges I was liable to pay about £ 1050 quid. That's a RIP-OFF. By my estimates and allowing enough margin to get it done from a enterprise class garage, all put together should not have crossed £ 250- 300. Extremely disappointed with the whole process. The lady on the phone told me that I could get a competitive quote and contest the claim. Now with the car repaired, how on earth can I get a competitive quote from other garages. A month after the overcharge, I am still awaiting repair charge details.
  10. OK guys Not at all sure I have posted this in the correct forum, but here goes. I was running a Enterprise Inn pub up to March 2014. I was suppose to leave at the end of May 2014, but I was losing so much money I just packed up and left (I know I should not have done that). All the way along Enterprise have been unhelpful, demanding and even sent in the debt collectors when we were living at the pub, so that I had to borrow money to pay them. My husband and I moved back to our home, and now Enterprise are after us for a substantial amount. In the meantime, I have been left unemployed, my husband had a heart attack and has just had a quadruple bypass and will probably now take early retirement. I am worried that: 1. They will for a CCJ and put a charge on the house (can I transfer this into my daughters name to prevent this? Even if we continued to pay the mortgage)? She is 26 and has no debts. Also if it is in her name, can they come in and take stuff? 2. Will they be able to see if we have any savings, as we will be getting a lump sum for his pension that I do not want them to get. 3. Can they take my car which is on HP? 4. I need legal help, any ideas? I feel as if I am having a breakdown here....
  11. Hi I was hit by another driver who then admitted responsibility. I was then offered a rental car with enterprise paid for by the other party. When I got the rental car from then, i was told to note and report any dents/scratches on the car. I told them what i saw, but since then have noticed something i didnt see then- the front wheel is scuffed. As i was not in any fault for the original accident is it fair for them to charge me for damage to that wheel if they dont believe i didnt do it. That is to say that i feel i shouldnt have to pay any excess for a rented car, in my opinion the other partys insurance should pay for any damage otherwise it potentially makes me out of pocket for an accident that wasnt my fault. The last time someone else hit my car i got a car from the repairers and they never asked about noting damage etc. If enterprise think i have damaged this rental car surely they will try and charge me? What do you think? Thanks
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