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  1. Hello, Me again! I received a charge notice for parking on their clients property for a CHARGE NOTICE from Highview Parking, Bradfield Road Car Park, Sheffield S6 2BW Date: 18.12.18 Time: 19:47 Time left: 22:27 Duration: 2hrs 40 mins I had been for a meal at the Italian restaurant for my managers retirement hence the late time of arrival. The car park was empty and so presumed it would have exceeded the time period with it being unsociable hours. Having spoken with friends and family, I decided to ignore the first letter but have received a second one today to state the charge is now £85 instead of the reduced amount of £50. and if not recieved within 14 days an initial debt recovery charge of £40 will be incurred???? Can I please have advice on what to do next as I don't know how best to go about these sort of things- I do think it is disgusting and the owners should not be allowed to charge these ridiculous amounts. I am concerned that I will get taken to court etc??? Please help?? Many thanks in advance
  2. Hello, I'm in need of help and advice please............. On Monday 14th January 2019 I received a parking charge notice from PCN notice to keeper NTK St Mary's Road Retail Park Car Park, Sheffield S2 4AL- DFS sofas, Ammount charge -£100 within 28 days or £60 if paid before 24.1.19 contravention date: 27.12.18 contravention reason: parked for longer than the maximum period permitted - 120 mins!! Total duration stay: 199 minutes I visited DFS to look at sofas, I presumed this was owned by DFS not a private company!! NTK are lying because I left the car park- drove to Ikea Sheffield and Next outlet over at Meadowhall, at least a 20 minute drive over there. Looked the whole way round Ikea- and got stuck in traffic and then Next outlet, i then called at centretainment to pick family members up and then returned back to the car park to show my family a sofa I'd seen in DFS I have contacted my online banking and have evidence via online chat with them the time of transaction I made at Ikea and also have printed a statement with the date I made the transaction. I'm so upset about it- firstly I presumed the car park was owned by DFS and didn't see a sign. I haven't done anything about this charge notice yet- can someone please advise?? Do I appeal if so what should I reply with? Do I ignore it? Many thanks in advance
  3. Hi, I wonder if you could give me some advice about a PCN I have received today. Having seen one of your previous responses I have answered the same questions in order to assist below: For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 30/12/2018 @ 13:59 (Letter calls this contravention date) 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Issue Date 15/1/2019 (it says 'posted' ? in brackets at the side of issue date) 3 Date received 17/1/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No I cannot see this on the PCN 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] NO I have not appealed at this stage. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services, VCS. (I think the address is 2 Europa Court, Sheffield Business Park, Sheffield S9 1XE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Berkeley Centre, Sheffield, S11 8PN For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. It says on this PCN that any appeals would be handled by the IAS There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE- BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here I have not received any other information but the letter does say that if payment is recieved within 14 days then I could pay £60 instead of th £100 they intend to charge. The letter also says that if I want to appeal I must do so within 14 days. I am not sure whether or not I have any sort of recourse here, it would be great if you could please give me some advice. Many Thanks, John.
  4. hi, i have received a pcn/ntk stating driver overstayed by 25mins. appeal sent stating letter received late. parking company- vehicle control services ltd (member of IPC) no ticket , letter /PCN/ NTK received through post - issued 11/01/19, received on 15/01/19 appeal emailed to them and they have replied and given me options, either give driver details, appeal on behalf of driver with their permissoin or pay reduced fine, dont really want to pay them, or give them driver details, there was no ticket left on windscreen, and i received letter on 15 jan. which is over the 2 working days they allocate for receipt , however, i cannot prove this as the envelope is not dated., and they state that the onus is on customer to prove late receipt. i have looked at a previous case about berkely precinct on this forum , where the claimant from wales fought the case for over a year, but unfortunately , lost at court. i would be grateful if any members could advise me whether its worth taking this further or shall i just pay and rid myself of stress. this is the reply i received after appealing We refer to correspondence received from you concerning the above numbered Charge Notice.You state that our Notice is not compliant with the Protection Of Freedoms Act 2012 on the Notice issued to you; however we have not cited POFA 2012 nor stated that you are liable for the Charge as the vehicle keeper]. It is important we highlight that we will continue to pursue this matter on the reasonable assumption that you were the driver of the vehicle on the date in question until information/evidence to the contrary is provided.In order for us to process your appeal correctly, please follow the instructions below: 1. Notify the driver of the vehicle that they will need to appeal to us directly, including their FULL NAME (Forename and Surname) and a valid FULL SERVICEABLE ADDRESS within 14 days. 2. If you are representing the driver we require a signed and dated statement from the driver of the vehicle confirming that you are authorised to appeal on his/her behalf; this needs to be an original signature and not a photocopy or a stamp. The statement MUST contain the drivers FULL NAME (Forename and Surname) and a valid FULL SERVICEABLE ADDRESS.Please ensure that correspondence is submitted through the portal in order to correctly adhere with the appeals process. OR3. Pay the PCN. Payments can be made online at by following the links for "Pay Now", or over the phone by calling 0845 226 9138 and using a valid Credit or Debit Card to make payment. It is your responsibility to ensure that payment is received within our office by the date specified.As a gesture of goodwill we have placed the charge on hold for an additional period of 14 Days to enable one of the above actions to be complied with.
  5. I'm really keen to see how this turns out VCS ANPR PCN Claimform - overstay St Marys Gate, retail park, Sheffield **WON+COSTS** - Page 5 - Private Land Parking Enforcement - Consumer Action Group we have received PCN of £100 for the same car park and same reason. I've dug the envelope out of the bin, it does not have a postmark. The contravention date is 9th Feb.
  6. Wow so happy to have found you CAG. Fingers crossed I can beat this. I am devastated, treated myself and a friend to a theatre show tickets were about £7 each. We are both pretty skint and I have now had a charge for £60-£100 quid!!! Theatre Delicatessen (voluntary run theatre) had just moved to the address above when I went to see the show which was on the 24th October 2017. Yesterday 6th Dec 2017 I received a letter asking me to pay £100, or £60 if I pay within 14 days of the date of the letter 29/11/17. (Why have they taken so long to respond but yet I am pressured to pay so quickly just before Christmas and I have two small boys!) The building they have moved into is a retail outlet which used to be a Mothercare outlet. Next door to staples. The show was at 7:30pm. I checked to see if there were any pay and display machines but did not see and other signs (tempted to go back to check where they are) The letter shows registration recognition (but does not show the driver) points out that I stayed 152 minutes and the maximum time of free parking is an hour. I can understand why this is in place as I guess some people could take the mick and go into town but I was visiting a building that the carpark was for and the rest of the carpark was pretty empty except a few others which expect will also have received a charge. I have rang the theatre who sypathetically said that I'm not the only one and that there is nothing they can do about. She pointed out some other places I could park in future and that they have got signs inside the theatre. These were not there when we visited as as it had just opened my friend and I had a good look around. She said they are trying to sort something with the council which is a bit strange as the letter I have had says "Private land" and is from Vehicle control services who are accredited by the IPC. I think I probably ought to call back and ask about this. Could the council have employed VCS. Please can anyone advise me what to to for the best. Should I ignore? Appeal? Contact the company direct and explain the situation? I sense they would not show goodwill. Have I got a leg to stand on??? I look forward to hearing your wisdom I only have 6 days to pay the lesser price if you think I should. Thank you, Gemma:|
  7. Right Interesting one... I like the idea of this! Could be interesting!
  8. last night got caught out by Sheffield City Council for Stopping where prohibited ( on a red route or clearway ). Which in I'll openly hold my hands up no argument there as in my rush to get parked up and get to the match I stupidly failed to see the bloody big No Stopping sign practically next to where I parked up might I add. However I'm a little miffed off with the whole Do as I Say Not as I Do attitude of Sheffield City Council when I looked at the photos online from the PCN, directly parked behind me is Sheffield Councils Civil Enforcement car. I get that they are doing their job however they are also breaking the rules I mean they have done exactly the same thing what I have done. Shouldn't them selves be penalised for this. Unfortunately I don't have the reg for their vehicle however the Enforcement Officer was kind enough to leave his details. I am going to complain about this but is there any way of finding out if anything has been done from Sheffield City Councils end once I have complained i.e. they have paid there own fine or the officer has been fined, for all I know the email will prob get sent to the trash bin. Any advice is much appreciated.
  9. Hello, I have done some research on this forum (and others) and haven't found anyone in a similar situation. I have received a letter from BW Legal demanding payment of £174.00 for their client, Vehicle Control Services Limited, for a Parking Charge Notice (PCN). This 'PCN' was given as the car was 'Parked beyond the bay markings'. The letter has the standard 'fear' language such as 'if not paid we will commence legal proceedings' and 'If we gain a CCJ this will have a detrimental effect on your future creditworthiness and employability'. This letter is also signed 'BW Legal' rather than with an actual name, which I find odd. This was a free car park in Sheffield for Valley Centretainment customers (Which we were). We went to the cinema and restaurant there but parked on the end of a row of cars, which wasn't marked as a parking bay. There was no signage that clearly stated that cars must be parked in the bays and as it was a free car park for customers I refused to accept the charge. Back when the original letters were sent, I followed online recommendations to simply ignore the demands, and after several 'final notices' I heard nothing from them until now. The PCN was issued early 2012 (I've read on other threads that it is pre PoFA, but I don't fully know what that means). Doing some research now it seems that it might not be the best idea to continue ignoring these letters, however I don't want to respond to them after such a long time as it might trigger them to harass me or to 'continue with legal proceedings'. I would ask if anyone could suggest if I should respond, what response to give and the best way to respond (I presume all written/mailed rather than email). They have demanded I pay within 16 days of the date of the letter, which was a few days before I even received the letter, or they will carry out with proceedings with the County Court Claim. Thank you for reading my post and I appreciate any help/suggestions given.
  10. Hi, i'm new here... I've just received in the post today (18th October 2014) a letter from Smart Parking... a Parking Charge Notice saying that on Wednesday 1st October, my vehicle entered the Asda Sheffield site at 08:52, and exited at 16:46... with a picture of my number plate on these occasions. It says I have 14 days from the date of the letter (16 October) to pay £40, then it goes upto £70. Obviously, this is a load of rubbish, as for whatever reason they've not recorded that I left the Asda car park at approximately 09:00 (having purchased newspapers for my next door neighbour... after this I went (in the car) to work, and was at work until approximately 16:30 - on the way home, I popped into Asda again to pick up something else... I didn't keep any receipts (as I don't usually expect to have to return newspapers, and had no reason to expect to get this stupid PCN). I then left the car park again at 16:46. Between 9:30 and 12:00, I (along with around 100 work colleagues) were at our company's Quarterly Employee Meeting at the local Holiday Inn for 2.5 hours - i've got a number of people who can confirm I was there if needed. I was then back in the office and I have work emails I sent out between 14:00 and 15:55 showing I was in the office... and there is absolutely no way on earth I would have parked at Asda all day and then walked down Sheffield Parkway, rather than parking in my own spot in the office car park! So, I know that this is either an error or a con on their part, I just want some advice on how to proceed... having read someone else's response on another thread, it appears ignoring it is not the best option (though on some other sites some people do just say to ignore!). I haven't had any involvement with this kind of thing before, so don't know what POPLA is (that was mentioned on other threads), or what I should and shouldn't say. I had been tempted to go back upto Asda and goto Customer Services, saying something along the lines of if they don't do something to get this cancelled ASAP, I won't be shopping there again, and that'll cost them a darn sight more than £40 a week! But as i've already been upto Asda this morning to do some shopping (before I got the letter), i'm wary of going in there a second time today... in case their camera is 'faulty' again. Any advice greatly appreciated - and just a warning to others who may visit the Asda twice in the same day, keep your receipts!
  11. Hello. Parked in a bay on West Street in Sheffield this morning (Saturday) and received a Penalty Charge Notice (P CN). There is a single yellow line in the bay, no other markings. In essence my query is how do I stand parking there where there appears to have been a plate detailing the parking restrictions which apply to parking there - but the plate is missing. In this picture (from GSV), you can see the end of the bay and a grey pole which has no parking plate to detail any restrictions. As an aside, is the yellow line correctly painted - should it have an "end" line at 90-degrees to the main yellow line? At the far end of West Street is a "Controlled Zone" plate with a restriction of Mon - Sat 8.00am - 6.30pm and detail of the plate: Is this a valid CPZ as there are other road markings other than to identify parking spaces within the CPZ - see below: I thought that the only markings allowed within a CPZ were to indicate parking spaces or yellow lines. Any other markings rendered the whole of the CPZ invalid. Is this correct (and if so, can you give me a link to the relevant regulation?) If there is a plate adjacent to a bay, this sets out specific regulations/restrictions relating to that bay within a CPZ and over-rides the general restrictions of the Controlled Zone plate? An additional piece of information. Sheffield's own website (link here: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/dms/scc/management/corporate-communications/documents/transport/parking/City-Centre-Map---Inner-and-Outer-Zones/City%20Centre%20Map%20-%20Inner%20and%20Outer%20Zones.pdf) has a map showing an 'Outer Zone' and an Inner Zone'. Surely with two ones differentiated in this way, they both need 'Controlled Zone' plates as it is reasonable to presume that because they are designated 'Outer' and 'Inner' zones, that they must be different in some way with different restrictions - else why not just a single zone? I'd like a link, if anyone has one, to the Department for Transport's site which sets out the regulations for signage. I have a picture taken on my return to the car showing the single yellow line, car registration plate, PCN on the windscreen and the grey pole without plate. Emailed this from my iPhone so that there is an irrefutible time-stamp for the picture (which will back up any Exif data for the picture). Thanks for any help offered, Art
  12. well you did have to be there!! just got back from Cornwall, had a mad time with Tilly AND Termy and Tilly long suffering chap Cliff the mad man Callow. hope we can do it again some time.
  13. On the 30 January 2013 I along with around 6000 others in sheffield received a council tax summons to be heard on 1 February (they day after) There was a public out cry about the notice the summonses gave before the hearings as reported in the local paper http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/business/sheffield-council-tax-blunder-causes-misery-1-5377303. Today I received a liability order what should I do !! ?
  14. Hi Need some help, been into Sheffield today got ticket (local authority) for parking longer than permitted. On looking at ticket the attendant has wrote served on the 22/06/13. I would like advice on if I can challenge this ticket, as he has put the wrong date on which it was served. Thanks, Geocyper
  15. Hi Everyone, Just looking for a bit of advice having read the forums related articles, this is just for 'current' piece of mind. A PCN was recently received from Vehicle Control Services for parking without displaying a valid ticket. This is in a 'managed' block of flats, and the vehicle is parked there most evenings, so the land is private :-s The concern is that if the PCN is not paid for, would they 'target' the said vehicle, as it'll be being parked there some for considerable time yet (guess that would be illegal & considered intimidation). The vehicle does have a valid disc it was just not visible at the time of said 'offence'. Unfortunately these forums had not been read before a response was sent to VCS denying said PCN..... Should they just be ignored & hope they go away. Say an individual (not myself) was a terrible stress-head it could be seen as a major issue.......Also, could this go higher than the 'charge' (court) or not due to the said vehicle having a valid disc, just not displayed at the time. tia.
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