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  1. Hi all, Firstly I wasn't quite sure which area to post this, so apologies if I've got the wrong place. Right, to my question. I won £6500 on an online casino last July and they are refusing to pay me. I have done all of the SAR, online mediation, contacting the CEO of the company, involving the gambling commission etc etc to no avail. The casino's stance is basically "take us to court". I'd love to as I've got a water-tight case, but the problem is that they're based in Malta with no UK service address. Questions: - Am I correct in thinking that I have to take them to court in Malta? and if yes.. - Does anybody know how to do this and if there are any solicitors who may specialise in these type of overseas disputes? - Any other general advise on how best to proceed? For info, the casino involved is Slotty Vegas and their parent company is Max Entertainment. Many thanks, Lee.
  2. Hi, has anyone else experienced the following ?. I have been on Contribution based ESA (support group) since being transferred over in 2013 from long-term Cont-based Incapacity benefit. I also receive both standard rates of PIP and have an Occupational pension from previous employer (which is disregarded by DWP). I will receive my state pension in 6 mths and my ESA will cease. A few days ago I received a letter from DWP stating that they want to look at my ESA as I may be better off on INCOME-RELATED ESA (I won't be - I was already aware of that fact) and asked me to tick any of the 3 following boxes if i DON'T want them to check my eligibility to Income related to say WHY I would NOT be eligible : 1.You have had a partner and they were or are working over 24 hrs a week. 2.You had or have savings of over £16,000. 3.You had or have a partner who had or has savings of over £16,000 or together you had or have savings over £16,000. What nonsense is this !. I do NOT wish for them to check my eligibility as I ALREADY KNOW I would not be better off on Income-related ESA, I checked that a long time ago. If I was, I would already have asked to be transferred onto it. (Letter said I could also ring them to say why I don't want them to check my eligibility). But my point is, they are only allowing the above 3 reasons for me to tick and none of them apply to me. Then the day after I receive the letter, hadn't had chance to ring them OR reply, someone rang me from DWP, left a message on my answering machine stating that they would ring again later that day, which they did, leaving another message (I wasn't in to hear either) stating that if I haven't got in touch, they will ring me back on October 1st. Why are they so concerned about whether I would be better off and why not give me chance to actually respond ?. I would of course, be saying that no, I do not wish to move from my current ESA as it would not benefit me financially at all. Why mend it if it isn't broken. They really should have some extra tick boxes as the 3 they are allowing obviously will not cover every eventuality for every claimant. I smell a rat. Has anyone else experienced the above and does anyone know the significance of October 1st as I certainly don't ?.
  3. Hi All Really appreciate your help on this. I have googled and I don't think there is anything we can do, but thought I'd check here. My mother had a quote for £2700 for some building work. She Emailed the builder and he set a date to start work. She had a reply saying it was confirmed etc. They sent numerous communications. Then she had a reply from the builder on a fake Email address that looked just like his asking for £900 payment to secure the date. She checked his references etc and it all seemed okay. 2 weeks later the builder called her asking for payment to get the scaffolding started. Obviously she thought she had paid. She hadn't. The bank investigated and the fraudulent account now has no money in it so they say she has lost it and it she was at fault. I told her to ask the bank in writing how long the account was open, how many frauds occurred and when was the first one. I heard you can complain based on the bank not closing the fake account in a timely manner. Anything else you would recommend? Thanks D
  4. Just got a phone call from job center plus telling me to attend a appointment on march 8 in a job center that is 30 mins away when there is a perfectly good one 10 minutes down the road from me and a lot easier to get to . Also they are asking me to attend even though its contrubtion based and it is coverd my a doctors sick note and I have not been released form my company . Basically anyone know what they want because they have had all the paperwork and can I change it to the closer job center
  5. I was on income based ESA in the support group. I just got a letter today, 29 Mar 2018, dated 23 Mar 2018 that my ESA will be cancelled from 27 Mar 2018. Reason: You have not paid or been credited with enough National Insurance Contributions. We have based the tax years ending 5 April 2011 and 5 April 2012 to assess your claim. What confused me is that I was claiming JSA all through those tax years. I thought JSA credited NI payments? Also, in the same letter it says: We will still credit you with National Insurance contributions while claiming Employment and Support Allowance. So, I am confused. How can I run out of NI payments on income based ESA in the support group? There are absolutely no instructions what to do next. They cancelled my ESA 2 days before I received the letter so I have absolutely no income provision. What are my options? Will my housing benefit be cancelled and I am made homeless again?
  6. hi everyone, hoping somebody is able to assist me as my partner and i are getting increasingly confused as to what we are entitled to. i have been on several benefit sites but seem to get lots of conflicting information. i was medically retired in 2015 and receive a small pension of £375 a month along with £107 contribution based esa (support group) per week. i know the esa i receive is a little less because of my pension earnings. my partner is also medically retired (with no pension) and she also claims contribution based esa (support group) and she receives £109 per week along with an enhancement rate of £15. she also receives pip standard living rate of £55 per week and as we have a teenage child has also been claiming child tax credit at the rate of £62 per week. this has now been stopped and she has been informed that she has to pay back over £3000 of overpayments as this was claimed at the single rate as oppose to being claimed as a couple although we are allowed to claim esa separately. we also have a mortgage and as far as i am aware cannot get any help as we are in receipt of contribution based benefits as oppose to income related.
  7. Hello. I've recently moved in with my partner. I am in receipt of contributions based ESA until end of Aug. My partner is self-employed. I rang DWP to notify them of my change in circumstances and was told they would send me an ESA3 form as they just needed my partner's details on record. (I presumed name and date of birth etc.) I've received the form and it's 49 pages long!!! I rang DWP to see which parts I needed to fill in as there was only a change of address. After waiting over half on hour I managed to speak to someone who said I had to complete the whole form. Surely this can't be right? My change of address does not affect my income. I know it will change at the end of August when I'm moved to Income related ESA (as I'll have been on ESA 1 yr.) As my partner works more than 24 hrs a week I know I will not be entitled to ESA at that time, I'll then only have my NI contributions paid. The form needs personal details of his savings, mortgage, etc. Information that would have no affect on my income at this present time. Have DWP advised me correctly? I've been told to submit the form asap, but with my partner being self-employed he doesn't yet have his end of year accounts completed, and he works away ALOT so not always home to deal with paperwork. All this extra pressure is making me very anxious. I can't believe that being honest and transparent with the DWP has caused this much stress. Can anyone advise at all? Any help would be very much appreciated. With many thanks in advance. qsq.
  8. Hello everyone, Yesterday I received a Penalty charge note for a parking offence in Budapest in month of August 2016. It is about 6 month ago. The company which is representing the charge is called Euro Parking Collection Plc or epcplc.com I do remember visiting Budapest and staying for few days but I did always paid for my parking but unfortunately I do not have the parking pay and display proof after 6 months of time. They also send me a link for viewing pictures of my caddy parked in the street and had a penalty charge note placed under my wiper which I never found it. My question is if they are are any legal to present parking ticket 6 month old from a different state of Europe. The pictures they sent me does not show anywhere if I had parked there illegally. In one of the picture does show a parking pay and display ticked but up side down or printed side was turned by an accident. As I mentioned that I did went to Budapest but I paid parking where it was required and I also paid the motorway vignette. Shall I pay them, ignore them or file an appeal mentioning the pictures does not show if I was parked illegally. Please help as I really do not want to pay for something I believe is wrong. I have also noticed that the pictures are not on their website anymore.
  9. Hi all, I'm kind of in the same boat with these guys, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?476654-Australian-Debt-Complete-Credit-Solutions&p=5042016#post5042016 but for a far less amount ($5k). Im based in NZ - long story short the debt is in my name, but don't trust your (now ex) girlfriend in an absolute manner to settle the debt on breakup, even though its hers! No amount has been paid on this in two years. What is a reasonable timeframe to propose for a payment arrangement? Its a rather small(ish) amount, so I do know they won't be spending large amounts of time/money recovering a debt from someone based overseas. Any and all advice/direction would be greatly appreciated. The lady on the other end is an absolute hothead and hung up on me, so I'll keep that ace up my sleeve if they try to play hardball (I did state I was recording the conversation). Total amount - just over $5kAUD Debt - Personal Loan with Commonwealth Bank Im based in NZ - long story short the debt is in my name, but don't trust your (now ex) girlfriend in an absolute manner to settle the debt on breakup, even though its hers! No amount has been paid on this in two years. They have been trying to call me for months, but have ignored, but I did pick up a call from them expecting it to be someone else this week. Documentation (Notice of Assignment of Debt) has been emailed through to me on request. What is a reasonable timeframe to propose for a payment arrangement? Its a rather small(ish) amount, so I do know they won't be spending large amounts of time/money recovering a debt from someone based overseas. Any and all advice/direction would be greatly appreciated. The lady on the other end is an absolute hothead and hung up on me, so I'll keep that ace up my sleeve if they try to play hardball (I did state I was recording the conversation). Cheers
  10. Hi all, Having been in work for over 30 years, I have had to apply for ESA. I phoned the application number on Monday and answered all the questions (1hr 35 mins) The girl on the phone was a 'trainee' and started to ask me for my partners information. I pointed out she did not need these and she put me on hold. Finally she admitted she did not require my partners details. This is just my story and I hope it could help someone in the future. I was released from work on the 28th October 2016 due to Capability. (L4/L5 Discetomy and decompression operation on 8th May 2015) left with residual nerve damage and L4/L5/S1 Neropathic back pain due to a crumbling spine. First 7 days are self certified and unclaimable due to ESA rules. I have requested a Dr's note from 7th November 2016 and will need to send it off to the address advised by the 'Advisor' (loosest possible description) Will keep this thread updated all the way forward. Jogs
  11. I switched to OVO Energy around 3 months ago and gave them the reading at the time. I kept forgetting to give a meter reading so they used their own estimates based on a 1 bedroom flat. I recently got a letter to say they want to put my direct debit from £32 a month to £57 a month because I was £1.19 behind. Remember that everything is based entirely on their own estimates, so how have they came to this conclusion? Just to add, I gave them a reading recently which was much lower than their estimates. How can they justify putting my DD from £32 to £57? Anyone else had this happen before? P.S, just to add, NPower did the same thing and put my DD from £36 to £72 because they took the highest month usage and applied it to the whole of the next year.
  12. Banks are refusing to pay compensation to card fraud victims based on nothing more than a "hunch", while others are forced to wait longer than four weeks to get their money back. An investigation by Which? showed that banks are “inconsistent” when it comes to handling fraud claims. Worryingly, banks appear to be refusing compensation to genuine fraud victims. The FOS said that while it had seen some improvements, in many cases banks have based their decisions “on a hunch”, without conducting a full investigation. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/bank-accounts/11869596/Banks-refusing-to-repay-card-fraud-victims-based-on-a-hunch.html
  13. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to look at my question. As stated in the title I've requested my holiday allowance from my employer and have received a response stating my allowance so far this year is 6 hours a week as per my contracted hours. I work on average 25 - 30 hours a week shift work and have done for the entire year and previous years too. So far this year I have been paid for 544.5 hours of work Here is quoted from my contract under the headline "holidays" "In each holiday year you are entitled to 5.6 weeks paid holiday pro rata to your working week ( the holiday year runs from 1st April to 31st March)" The rest of the information under the same heading is unrelated to my issue ( notice period, can't carry over to the next year etc) I've worked for this company on and off for the last 8 years but this current contract was signed on the 11th of June 2012 Last year I had a similar issue trying to get holiday pay out of them and ended up getting my previous 8 weeks average for the 2 weeks I requested. This year they are using the excuse that last year they couldn't find my contract but now they have, my holiday entitlement is 16 hours based on the 6 hour contract x 5.6 weeks pro rata. What advice can you give me to help me fight for my right for fair holiday pay, please provide references where you can. Thanks again for looking and for your responses Jez
  14. hello, my husband is currently receiving contribution based esa £73.10 pw, and his company is to finish him on ill health with 3 months pay for termination of contract will this affect his esa payments.
  15. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to read this.. I have been on ESA Contribution based since 13th October last year...seen their Doctor in January of this year and was placed in WRAG in March of this year.... At the time of applying for ESA I received a reply stating that I was entitled to both Contribution based and Income based but as I have always worked I was entitled to the Contribution based... I know you can only receive this for a year and my question is will I automatically transfer over to income based or should I ring them on Monday? I hate the thoughts of ringing them as I always feel like a beggar when I am having to deal with them and really only want to ring if I really really have to lol (honest to god, I go from a 46 year old fully competent person to a nervous wreck when I have to deal with them) As my contribution based is due to run out next week, if there is something to be reapplied for should they have not sent me a something in the post before this? I have tried googling this but cant seem to find the answer anywhere... I live in Northern Ireland just incase that makes a difference.. Thanks for reading this far.. Cheers Trinity....
  16. I'm on contributions based esa and I've heard that I'm entitled to Income related top ups. Does anyone know what sort of top ups these are?
  17. Do you have to show write down savings on application for contribution based JSA( I know it doesn't affect getting it), but curious. Also, is oine of those letters similar to the housing benefit's green letter come through post? If you live in a shared house people you live with will then know. Also, how people know who is on benefits-e.g. how would you know if your neighbour was on them?
  18. Saw this elsewhere and thought I'd bring it over. "I am writing this post here in case it is relevant to any people in the UK especially those suffering chronic health conditions. I want to raise awareness of potential spending cuts the UK government may make to the welfare budget. My friends and I have started a petition on change.org asking the UK conservative government /DWP not to abolish national insurance contribution based ESA and JSA welfare benefits. ESA is employment support allowance benefit paid to individuals if they become ill unable to work for few weeks /months and JSA is job seekers allowance paid to unemployed job seekers. Leaked documents mention these benefits may be abolished as part of the government's manifesto to cut 12bn from welfare spending. Link to article mentioning abolition http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/27/conservatives-face-pressure-to-come-clean-on-12bn-benefit-cuts Cuts to these benefits would impact on otherwise hard working families especially people with chronic relapsing conditions who experience intermittent health related periods when they cannot work. Cuts would dramatically alter the financial benefits available for people in work who have paid dutifully national insurance contributions If anyone would like to sign our petition the link to it is https://www.change.org/p/dwp-stop-the-scrapping-of-contributory-based-esa-jsa I met my MP Geoffrey Robinson last week concerned about possible cuts to contributory based esa and jsa benefits. My MP suggested I start a petition that he could present to parliament. Thank you in advance for reading this post"
  19. Hi, I'd really appreciate some advice on how best to tackle Ladder Loans. In summary I borrowed £2000, have missed a few payments but even so have paid them more than £4000. I'd now like to know whether a full and final settlement is the best option, or whether I can fight this and pay nothing more The details are as follows: 1 - Ladder Loans is part of Inventive Finance Ltd, which I've found out runs a network of payday lenders. I was offered £2000 in July 2013 on an 18 month repayment schedule 2 - The APR per annum is an eye watering 299%, meaning that according to the CCA (which I now have), I agreed to pay them £5031.36 for that original £2000! 3 - I made 15 payments of £279.82 on time, so I've already paid them £4192.80 4 - Due to further financial difficulties (problems with my business), I missed payments no 16 (end Nov) 17 (end Dec) and what would have been final payment no 18 (end Jan). They've added £12 penalty charges for each of the missed payments 6 - They've never written to me about these missed payments or about adding penalty charges, I suspect they have been trying to call my mobile though. I asked for the CCA about 10 days ago and it arrived on Friday. I'm now thinking of doing one of two things. 1 - Offering them a final settlement on the £862.56 they say I still owe, to get them off my back Or: 2 - Making a formal complaint and seeing if I can eventually take it to the FOS. I'd base this on them adding on penalty charges but not writing to me as well as the fact that I already paid them more than double. Am I correct in thinking that payday lenders can't now charge more than 100% of the original loan? Or did I read that wrong? Can a hugely inflated interest rate be challenged? I'd really appreciate which is the best of the two routes to go down. Do I have a leg to stand via the complaints route, or would I be best just offering maybe £300 (so a third of what's still owed)
  20. Hi is this still the same for claiming in 2015 thanks in advance The last two completed tax years prior to the current benefit year are the ones they look at. This is benefit year 2012, so the Relevant Income Tax Years (RITYs) are 2009/10 and 2010/11. Once this is established, there are two contribution conditions, and both must be satisfied in order for a claimant to be entitled to JSA©. The First contribution Condition: In at least one of the two RITYs you must have actually paid NI contributions on an income that is at least 26 times the Lower Earnings Limit for NI. This limit changes each year - in 2011/12 it was £104 per week, this year it's £107. Additionally, since 2010 this must be satisfied by working at least 26 weeks in the tax year. The Second Contribution Condition: In both of the RITYs you must have paid or been credited with NI contributions on an income that is 50 times the LEL mentioned above. As you've noted, Class 2 contributions paid by self employed people do not count for JSA purposes, and neither do credits paid on your behalf while you are on JSA. Credits paid while on Incapacity Benefit or ESA do count, however.
  21. hi there people has anyone been on a sector based work academy before?
  22. Hi I am a disabled person with a Company Permenant Health Insurance policy, premiums paid by the company . This is paid throgh my salary payslip, tax and nics taken at source. The polcy pays 70 percent of my salary with a reduction taken out to reflect any benefits I get. I was on IB and was transferred onto ESA support group back in April 2013. The problem is that I have been called in by the Fraud department of the DWP for alleged fraud with an interview under caution regrding my ESA a very frightening experience on Friday this week . I have not committed any fraud, filled in the forms correctly ,disclosed everything and am genuinely ill and disabled I lost the use of my right hand side due to a malignant brain tumour and am still being treated. I can only think that it is something to do with my PHI. Please help,has anyone else had this problem? This is obviously very distressing.I rely on the ESA and DLA to manage, sorry for the length of this post. Please help.
  23. Hi All I wonder if anyone can help please. I'm on a temp contract and am going to be unemployed soon, so will be signing on, to claim JSA again. I understand we are in the 2014 benefits year, so DWP will look at my contributions for the tax years 2011-2012 & 2012-2013. During 2011-2012 I was credited with 50 Credits from ESA. During 2012-2013 I was credited with 16 Credits from ESA. From my understanding, there are two conditions to be met. The first one being in either tax year, I must have earned or been credited with at least 26 weeks. So that's OK. The second one however, requires earnings of 50 x the LEL. So I'm thinking that due to only having 16 ESA credits in 2012-2013 I will fail the criteria and not be awarded any JSA. Would any one be able to confirm this for me - I'll still go ahead and apply for it, but just getting a bit nervous at the prospect of no income (my fiancee works more than 20 hours a week so no Income based JSA either). Many Thanks in advance
  24. My partner was finished from his workplace in July 2013 due to ill-health. When he went to claim, he was put on Contribution based ESA where he was given £71.70 a week. A few weeks ago he received a letter to say that after July 2014 he would receive £0.00. When he phoned to querry this, he was told that he won't get anything further as I earn too much. He also then found out that he should have been referred for a medical (we didn't know anything about work-related activity or support until i googled it today) so was given one last week (which i presume they will write to us with results). My questions are should his amount have increased after 13 weeks to £100.15 or £106.50 and if so, can we now claimed a backpayment as he is still on £71.70 a week? Secondly, can they still not give him any benefit even after we get the results of this medical last week (the person at medical didn't mention anything about how he should have gone to one of the 'groups')? I am annoyed that it was only after he phoned to complain about his benefit coming to an end that he was 'referred' for a medical.
  25. Hi, I have problems with Job Centre. It's a long and twisted story so I try to cut it short. My Contribution Based JSA has run out on 19/03 before has run out I've received forms for habitual residency test (as I'm from Poland) with some problems from side of jobcentre (as they didn't understand why I have received those forms and giving me 3 different information's) finally on 20/03 somebody took those forms plus other documents (included form for income based jsa) from me and scan them 2 the processing team, on the same day I've received call that everything is fine and I will get income based jsa. I've received letter last Wednesday on which is written that from 20/03 'til 9th of April I will receiving £71 pw and from 10th of April this amount will be £72.40. Today was my sign on day so I went there and my adviser asked me did I fill form for income based jsa? as there are some problems I said yes and explain steb by step everything I've done. So he told me he's gonna ring processing office then if there is a problem he's going to ring me back. As I was hurry to get to my job interview I didn't stay there. When I came back home I've decided to call jobcentre myself. One lady told me that they don't have my form for income based jsa but as I'm saying I gave all filled papers she needs to send message to other person and that person will ring me within 3hrs. So I've received another call and that guy told me suddenly that he don't understand why somebody gave me information that I have been awarded jsa as they didn't have my habitual residency papers. As I'm saying that all papers were taken and scanned from me they need to take those papers back from the storage and then they made a decision if they going to award me jsa and at the moment they are not going to pay me any money on Monday. When I ask how long will this process take, the response was couple of weeks. So now I'm suffering from somebody else's mistakes and I'm left without any income. If there is something I can do to make them look faster on my claim?
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