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Found 1 result

  1. Hi all, Firstly I wasn't quite sure which area to post this, so apologies if I've got the wrong place. Right, to my question. I won £6500 on an online casino last July and they are refusing to pay me. I have done all of the SAR, online mediation, contacting the CEO of the company, involving the gambling commission etc etc to no avail. The casino's stance is basically "take us to court". I'd love to as I've got a water-tight case, but the problem is that they're based in Malta with no UK service address. Questions: - Am I correct in thinking that I have to take them to court in Malta? and if yes.. - Does anybody know how to do this and if there are any solicitors who may specialise in these type of overseas disputes? - Any other general advise on how best to proceed? For info, the casino involved is Slotty Vegas and their parent company is Max Entertainment. Many thanks, Lee.
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