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Found 8 results

  1. Hi Guys A few months ago i purchased 2 goodyear tyres online from Camskill costing just over £300. I needed them asap as i was driving around without a spare tyre. I was then told my order was coming from Goodyear Germany and may be delayed however i got an email (within the 5 days) saying my local DPD had my parcel. It never came on the day they said it would arrive. I phoned up DPD and they could not find it because it was in the international shipping warehouse. I drove out there and wasted a journey because they still could not locate my parcel. I phoned up the retailer to complain and after a day or so they got Goodyear Germany to send me out another 2 tyres. Meanwhile DPD finally delivered the original tyres and Then a few days later i receive the replacements.i got 2 extra tyres for free. This is 2 weeks later and i have done hundreds of miles driving all over the place without a spare tyre. I wasted a day waiting in for the DPD delivery that never arrived. I wasted even more time driving to their warehouse for a parcel they could not find. I was driving around for 2 weeks without a spare tyre too. i have been highly inconvenienced to say the least. I replied to the retailers email and i asked for some sort of compensation for my time being wasted but i never even got a reply. I thought the 2 extra tyres were my bonus for all the hassle id had i decided to keep them and keep quiet. Now i got an email threatening legal action. Can they really do this. ALso i am no longer staying at the address where the tyres were delivered. Whats your thoughts folks? email is below We have been trying to contact you regarding the 2 extra tyres that you received in August 2018. Despite previous requests, we still have not received any response from you. Please find attached the proof of deliveries that you signed for 4 tyres. If we haven't hear from you in the next 3 days to arrange collection, we will bill you for the extra 2 tyres to the value of £302.70. If payment of £302.70 is not received 14 days from the invoice date, we will have no alternative but to take legal action which will incur both legal costs and interest to you. We look forward to hearing from you. Legal Dept. Camskill (UK) Ltd Tel. 01946-518207
  2. Hi all, Last Friday I was taken by a surprise to have received a 'Conditional Offer of fixed penalty' from Met police for the alleged offence. Use of a motor vehicle with tyre with any of the ply/cord exposed. Now the reason I was taken by surprise is because I had no knowledge of it but car and details are mine. I can prove that I was not even in the country so it could not have been me. the date is early November 2016 and speaking with close family, It dawned upon me that my cousin who holds a provisional licence took that car on that day and when stopped used my details. Now my cousin is no longer in the country and have moved back to Switzerland. If it was only a matter of £100 fine, it would have just paid and be done with it but i read it says 3 points too.. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi wonder if you can help/advise My daughter was stopped for no reason back in October - and one of her tyres was measured and deemed to be below legal tread limit She received a single justice procedure notice on 18/03/2017 - which she is only addressing now:mad2: they day it has to be returned However on reading this document is seems that there was a fault in the procedure - maybe I'm just misreading it? This document says section RC86027 states that the tyre needed to be less than 1.6mm throughout a continuous band comprising the central three-quarters of breath of tyre and round the entire circumference of tyre However, the officer did not check the whole tyre he just turned the wheels out himself and measured one point on the tyre? She was intending on pleading guilty as she was shaken up about the whole thing she is only 18 - but how can she plead guilty for something that isn't factually correct? They only give 3 options on this form Guilty via single justice Procedure - Guilty with court hearing - Not guilty they do not offer an option that says submit plead at Also the police witness statement is written by a female officer and she didn't measure the tyre a male officer did? extra info not of any pertinence I don't think? It a pain because only the week before she had gone and had her tyres checked at a garage and they said she only needed one tyre changing and they changed that tyre. Thoughts?
  4. Cops came round my house last week and looked around my car parked outside. They asked when I'd last driven it & I told them I had done the day before. They spotted a chunk of material missing from a tyre and booked me for it, meaning I either have to pay & take points or take my chances in court. Thinking it through afterwards I'm inclined to go to court: how can they prove the tyre was like that when the car had last been driven? I never spotted it like that. Who knows, some ne'er-do-well could've come round in the night and sliced it with a knife. No way can they say it'd been driven on the road like that - can they?
  5. I pinched the tyre on my car over the weekend and needed it replaced. It was a 'Goodyear Efficient Grip Performance' priced at £74.50 on the Kwik Fit website, including full fitting, valve, balance and disposal of old tyre. I was working all weekend, so my brother offered to take the tyre up to Kwik Fit and get it changed, he pays and I pay him. I've just seen the bill, they charged £111.50 for the tyre, balance, valve and disposal?!?!?! I've checked the code of the tyre on the invoice (GO205/55V16EFPER) and I'm sure it's the right one. How on earth can this be right?
  6. Just bought a Chrysler Grand Voyager and took my kids to Wembly to see Madagasgar Live and got a screw in the new rear tyre on the way home. Checked and it was in the area that could not be repaired and the only place that was open was KwikFit near me who could get the tyre in same day to change the tyre so I went ahead. link -> castletyres.co.uk/images/tyrerepair.jpg They price matched Halfords which was nice, then damaged my alloy. Since the tyre change I had to wait for the manager to return from holiday and saw him today. I've been offered a repair which means the alloy needs to be sent away to be repaired which takes 3 days. The manager asks "do you have a spare?", my reply "no new cars don't have spares these days". I can offer £35 reimbursement then. Firstly I just bought the car (top spec chrysler grand voyager) and did not expect such lack of due care and attention when performing such a simple task that they advertise on TV. The guy that changed the tyre was nice when he was doing it, explaining everything along the way, then when I checked the alloy for damage he tried to tell me it was like that already. Then when speaking to the manager today he is and I quote "giving you the benefit of the doubt" like I am lying!!!! You can see it is clearly damaged by incorrect use of the machinery as it has marked where it clamps the tyre off and a uniform hairline scratch around the alloy 3inches either side from the machine - see image below (not something that you would get if you kerb an alloy): link -> imagebam.com/image/78e7fb244319664 Secondly I do not have a spare wheel (most cars do not these days), so would not be able to drive the car. Thirdly I was advised by the manager that they can not guarantee a colour match so it would look a different colour as it is a flat silver colour - totally unacceptable. All of which are totally unacceptable, so not only have I paid £140 for a new tyre, I now have a damaged alloy which when repaired will look a different colour and I won't be able to use my car for 3 days (as a consultant each day costs me £350 a day in earnings if I am not on the road). To make matters worse I have a 37 week pregnant wife that is about to give birth any day now, and two children at school, so not having a car to drive and potentially bring my new baby home is not the kind of stress I need to be dealing with right now! I have contacted their webcare via email for an alternative solution such as all alloys to be taken at the same time (there are no marks on the other alloys - being a new car) so that there is no colour difference, and a curtesy car provided (either by the place doing the alloys or supplied by kwik-fit). Shame as there is a simple solution to never have a damaged alloy again that KwikFit could use that only costs £6 per machine. I bit of rubber that attaches to the mount head on the machine - simples! link -> uni-max.co.uk/plastic-cover-for-tyre-changer-mount-head/d/ I will keep you posted on the reply (I am sure someone from KwikFit will reply on here anyway). Fingers crossed happy resolution. Tom
  7. Beware about Vauxhall's warranty coverage. Tyres are not covered by them on new vehicle sales even if it is proved that the tracking was set up outside the approved specification that caused abnormal wear. There is a specific action group dealing with these issues
  8. I hope someone can help me? I was parked on a single yellow with a flat tyre, with a note in the front window explaining that I had a flat tyre and the RAC would be there soon to assist. I had to leave the vehicle and walk home with 2 toddlers and no buggy,and by the time the RAC arrived I had received a parking fine. The RAC advised that if I appealed the ticket and showed the work sheet from them that I could possibly have it repealed. Is there a set appeal form that I could use for this? How should I word my appeal to them? My second question/ issue is that the RAC form shows they weren't called until after the ticket was issued, will that make a difference? Any help is most appreciated!
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