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Found 3 results

  1. 2 weeks ago today I purchased from a dealer a Vauxhall zafira 2003 MOTd till March I was told it had only just undergone a service and was fine for driving In urgent need, I paid £675 and they delivered it when it was ready, Being a dealer I trusted them totally, they had nothing but good feedback Bare in mind also I am a new driver and unsure what to look for in cars ie faults and things, but she test drove perfectly. A few days later going down hill, with 4 children in the car My brakes failed, managed to get to a garage safely and quickly and paid for them to be sorted, considering the trader had claimed a new brake cylinder had been put it in, I was annoyed. Then a engine management light popped up, I mailed trader and she said Lamba sensors are damp, it will be fine, the car had little to no power and was struggling on hills in 2nd, and I could drive it with the handbrake on, also when handbrake was off you could flick it and it would say it was on!! so I asked my brother who builds bikes to have a look He found a split Tyre, battery tray was broken, one of the pipes that should blow hot air into the car was loose, Underpowered was because it was running at half power and the light coming on was the catalytic converter, The battery tray alone is apparently a instant MOT failure. I called the trader and she booked it into the garage to be looked at, garage spotted everything my brother had and rebooked for it to come back in, I went back a few days later and the garage did what only the trader told them to do. despite the garage saying the cat needed replacing the trader wanted it sprayed and apparently that would fix it. 6 hours later (yesterday) I was on my way home tired, and cold and wet and hungry ( 6 hours in the pouring rain in middle of no where is no fun!) This morning, engine management light came back on and this evening the clutch failed on the middle of a roundabout!! I managed to get it to the side of the road and called green flag who towed me home Now I spoke to the trader yet again and shes saying its driver error that broke the clutch, I made up about the hand brake and that there was nothing wrong with it and that she will look into getting the clutch repaired cheap as poss but If I sold it off as said I will, then I am going to be out of pocket because of how much the clutch is going to cost! I have asked her to refund me as she has sold me a car that wasn't fit for the road but she said I am wrong, there is nothing wrong with the car and I can go to trading standards but she will be in the right and I don't have a leg to stand on! Do I have any rights here or have I screwed up?
  2. I know this is probably all common knowledge for the Debt savvy users on here but there were a few I wasn't sure of! Did you know all of them. http://www.vanquis.co.uk/credit-information-resources/bad-credit-myths.htm
  3. This made me laugh - They can catch a cheese ring but not a drug or gun ring. Always after the small cheeses of this earth. Typical customs. Canada cheese-smuggling ring busted
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