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Found 5 results

  1. "A dad who brandished a two-foot hunting knife at bailiffs who were trying to repossess his car has been jailed. Nathan Watson, 27, had already put his children in the back of the Volkswagen Golf in a bit to stop the debt collectors towing the vehicle away." For more on this story please read here http://www.lep.co.uk/news/local/dad-brandished-knife-at-bailiffs-1-7407621
  2. The following is an extract of an article that appeared on SCOOP yesterday: Full story here: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Hull-mother-chased-bailiffs-carving-knife-walks/story-28348975-detail/story.html#ixzz3uVapzLee
  3. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bailiffs-visit-leads-three-hour-7906246 Police were called out after a man allegedly brandished a knife during a row with a bailiff about a car. Police said the three-hour siege began just after noon after a bailiff was sent to an address in the road to recover a car. As the situation escalated armed officers were called, the street was blocked with police vehicles and the police helicopter hovered overhead, reports A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police has been in attendance following an armed containment at a house in St Helens this afternoon. “At around 12.05pm, a civil enforcement officer attended an address on Litherland Crescent to remove a car from the location. “Following an argument with a man at the house, patrols were called to assist and the man was seen to approach officers in possession of a knife. "As a result, the area was contained by armed officers to ensure safety of the public"
  4. The following news story appeared on SCOOP last night and involves a bailiff from JBW Group. A judge told Birmingham Crown Court that he feared the public would think him "mad" to not send the 32-year-old to prison A violent dad who refused to pay a parking ticket has been jailed after he threatened to stab a fines officer when the penalty spiralled to £400. Robert Hunter was sentenced to 15 months after threatening Craig Fishwick with a kitchen knife when he called to his home on Yarnfield Road, Tyseley. A jury convicted the 32-year-old at Birmingham Crown Court after hearing he told Mr Fishwick: "You're not taking my f ****** car, I'll stab you." Jailing the dad for threatening a person with a bladed article, Judge Roderick Henderson said: "The public would think I was mad if I did not send to prison immediately someone who behaves like this." Hunter received the fine last year, but left the fee unpaid, the Birmingham Mail reports. Mr Fishwick, a collections officer with 20 years experience, went to Hunter's home with a bill for £400 on July 16, but received no answer when he knocked the door. He pushed a note through Hunter's door and later received an aggressive call on his mobile. When Mr Fishwick returned, Hunter opened his front door holding the knife and threatened the fine collector, making a 'stabbing motion' and lunging forward. But Mr Fishwick said Hunter never got closer than four feet away from him. Judge Henderson said: "You got a parking ticket and you neglected to deal with it, I suspect. "Lots of us have been irritated by parking tickets. "While there was some impulsiveness in what you did, you knew what it was about, you knew you were stuck with the fine. "You chose to go to the door with a knife." The judge went on: "If you had connected you might have caused very serious injuries. "The reason the courts and public get so wound up about knives is because they cause devastating injuries and can kill someone." The court heard Hunter had a previous conviction for criminal damage and possession of an offensive weapon from 2009. In that incident he smashed the window of a bus with an extendable baton after a passenger gave him a dirty look for parking in a bus stop. Martin Liddiard, defending, said since that incident Hunter had become a dad-of-two and was settled down and working. He said: "It was spur of the moment and reactive. It was very short-lived." http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/youre-not-taking-f-car-5799147
  5. The following story appears on SCOOP today: http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news An angry householder, armed with a knife, chased two court bailiffs down a street whilst threatening to kill them. Arfan Bhatti, 46, who was jailed for six months, was furious when the officials arrived to pursue a £132 debt in relation to a traffic fine from a magistrates court. The bailiffs claim Bhatti chased them for about 100 yards putting them in fear of their lives as he yelled he was going to "stab" and "kill" them. He then went back into his home in Byfield Drive, Wigston, before reappearing without the large kitchen knife to shout and swear at them, as they took refuge in their van. The victims, who had already called for the police, drove away. When arrested he claimed he did not initially realise the two men were court bailiffs. Mr Murphy said the background to the incident related to a £332 fine from Hertfordshire Magistrates, towards which he had already paid £200. A warrant was issued and on March 25 last year the bailiffs arrived at 10am and, despite cars on the driveway, there was no response to their knocking. One of them went to the back door and another went to the kitchen window, where the defendant was seen inside brandishing a large knife – prompting them to flee and one of them dropped his clipboard. Mr Murphy said the victims had told him they were "officers of the court." Bhatti pleaded guilty to possessing a knife in a public place and causing an affray. Judge Michael Fowler said: "I accept it wasn't planned, but you responded to those bailiffs carrying out their duty in an unacceptable way.
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