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Found 8 results

  1. Looks like Jon Platt has been found guilty https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/23/school-holidays-row-isle-of-wight-man-loses-legal-fight-over-daughters-absence
  2. Hello I recently received a PCN for using the bus lane on Southampton Row on my motorcycle during operating hours. I have since then challenged the contravention, but the pcn was not cancelled. My grounds for appeal are: the alleged contravention did not occur due to the signs and road marking being incorrect. After visiting the site where it happened I found the following: 1-The white information sign on Bloomsbury Place (where I was turning from) was not facing oncoming traffic so had no indication of there being a bus lane. 2- When stopped at the traffic lights again no indication of the bus lane being there. All I could see was a box junction followed by a pedestrian crossing. There was traffic as well. 3- As I turned right I moved into the left lane as I was planning to turn left just ahead. there were no angled dashed lines when at the start of the lane after there was a large break in a bus lane (please see images in PDF) 4- there was no 'BUS LANE' markings on the road surface where the bus lane restarted after the box junction. 5- the hours of operation sign which is situated there was turned at an angle again not facing oncoming traffic. I've attached pdfs of my challenge and also the response from Camden council. Pictures taken by me and google streeview are in the challenge pdf and images of the CCTV camera attached to the pdf correspondence from the council. Would appreciate advice into whether to proceed. What would be the next step? Thank you in advance
  3. I recently received a pcn for using the bus lane on Southampton Row on my motorcycle during operating hours. I have since then informally challenged the contravention, but the pcn was not cancelled. My grounds for appeal are: the alleged contravention did not occur due to the signs and road marking being incorrect. I have attached a pdf with the Enforcement Notice, CCTV images, my route, google street view image and images taken by me a few days later. [ATTACH=CONFIG]60559[/ATTACH] After visiting the site where it happened I found the following: 1-The white information sign (962) on Bloomsbury Place (where I was turning from) was not facing oncoming traffic so had no indication of there being a bus lane (page 6). 2- When stopped at the traffic lights again no indication of the bus lane being there. All I could see was a box junction followed by a pedestrian crossing (page 7). There was traffic as well. 3- As I turned right I moved into the left lane as I was planning to turn left just ahead. there were no angled dashed lines at the start of the lane after there was a large break in a bus lane due to the box junction (please see page 8) 4- there was no 'BUS LANE' markings on the road surface where the bus lane restarted after the box junction (page 8). 5- the hours of operation sign (961) which is situated there was turned at an angle again not facing oncoming traffic (page 8). Hope to get some helpful advice on to how to word the representations. Thank you for your help in advance!
  4. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bailiffs-visit-leads-three-hour-7906246 Police were called out after a man allegedly brandished a knife during a row with a bailiff about a car. Police said the three-hour siege began just after noon after a bailiff was sent to an address in the road to recover a car. As the situation escalated armed officers were called, the street was blocked with police vehicles and the police helicopter hovered overhead, reports A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police has been in attendance following an armed containment at a house in St Helens this afternoon. “At around 12.05pm, a civil enforcement officer attended an address on Litherland Crescent to remove a car from the location. “Following an argument with a man at the house, patrols were called to assist and the man was seen to approach officers in possession of a knife. "As a result, the area was contained by armed officers to ensure safety of the public"
  5. Hello everybody. My missus has driven down a bus lane in Southampton Row, Central London and was issued with an alleged contravention from Camden Council. Her excuse to me is that she did not notice the lane at all; its just a genuine mistake and we all know that Camden won't allow this as grounds for appeal. Looking at the PCN can anyone advise if this PCN has an error on it with the wording? This bus lane has been mentioned in forums previously. It was pointed out by green_and_mean that a contravention has to be recorded using a prescribed devise. This PCN mentions using an approved devise. is this sufficient grounds for appeal ? Thanks
  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/10875036/Woman-dials-999-in-row-over-ice-cream-sprinkles.html
  7. As many others I've also fallen foul to this mo'fo! Basically, it was a genuine mistake, I was following the TomTom and wasnt looking properly, it said to turn left and I looked up n for some reason followed the black cab onto that lane, thrn it was an OH! SH1T! moment. tbh, I hardly used the lane. however, you may disagree. anything I can do? Heres the video link pics of PCN also attached Thanks
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