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Found 13 results

  1. NHS gets funding green light for new buildings, wards and beds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nhs-gets-funding-green-light-for-new-buildings-wards-and-beds
  2. A primary school teacher from Wolverhampton has designed flat-pack cardboard beds for homeless people which he's giving away for free. If you click on who they are available from there is more information Read More Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-34910855
  3. We bought a 135cm Mattress Alexandria Ortho from Bensons for Beds last year online and received the bed on 25th of September. We pay £449.99 and the invoice number is ******. after a month both my wife and myself start having back pain. My wife was even worse as her neck was very stiff every morning. I have contacted Beds for Bensons customer service in January this year. I made a complain. I was told that someone will contact me after taking my details. Nothing happened. I made a second call and this time I was asked to email photos of the mattress and the corners. Still I had to contact the customer service again after which a technician was booked to come and see the mattress. Meanwhile some red pigment like a bruise has appeared on the corners. After the technician visit we were told that we would be contacted at the end of the week. I knew no one would contact us. i phone the customer services again after a week was gone. I was told that the report says that there is no issue with the mattress and that the "bruise" was caused externally. I was told it's only a question of comfort. I told the agent I don't agree as we are both suffering from back pain every morning. She told me to book for a second technician which I'll have to phone the mattress company and pay myself. All we want is to have the mattress exchange or a refund for the mattress.
  4. Hiya I need a little advice. I bought a mattress from Bensons For Beds about 5 years ago - it cost about £900 and was a Reactaform Memory 1440. We bought it because the dude in the shop said it wouldn't dip, and it had a 5 year guarantee After about two years it had, and they sent a guy out who said it hadn't dipped enough, and that it wouldn't be replaced. As the end of my 5 year guarantee neared I tried again, and this time they found there was an issue. However they will only refund 75% of the original cost. I have to go and choose a new mattress from the same range meaning a will have to pay extra to get a similar mattress (it also has to be from the same 'range'). I questioned this, but I'm being told that it is all covered by the Sales Of Good act. Is this correct? Do I have a case to go to the Furniture Ombudsman? I've asked for a copy of the guarantee but they wouldn't produce it. Interestingly, the letter I got says they will give me £652.17, and I can go choose a new item 'Re-selection with no charges', but if I do choose an item that is more expensive than the original then I will have to pay the extra, which seems deliberately misleading. Any advice?
  5. Hello - I signed up to the forum today - I came across it on the web while searching Bensons for Beds Reviews. Im not the first person to say I wished I had done some reasearch beforehand, however hindsight is a wonderful thing purchased a Airflow 5000 Plus Mattresses early May this year and it was delivered at the end of May. It did not come with any sort of paperwork or guarantee; it was purchased on line and neither the order confirmation or invoice had anything relating to Product Care or Warranty. Last week while turning the matress we noticed a massive bulge in the side of the matress on one side. Before I go any further its worthwhile saying that it came without any care intrsuctions, only a small circular card with the 'flame retardent' icon. Ive read in a couple of places that Bensons advocate that the matress is turned every week (utter nonense?) and that is takes three months for it to be 'settled' (more utter nonsense?) Spoke to Bensons today and Becky at Customer Services, while being helpful, wouldnt accept that the bed was faulty and said that they would need to have the bed 'independently' assessed and said they would arrange somebody from FIRA to come and asses the bed. I explaind that I had read reports that when this had happened to other consumers the decision did not go in their (the consumers favour) and offered to pay for FIRA to come and assess the bed myself but Becky declined my offer. I was put on hold and she came back to me with the name of another company (cant remember as this all happened earlier at work) when I looked them up they were an insurance company. I did offer to send photographs but Becky said this wasnt acceptable. To conclude, I have taken a day off work next week to facilitate the assessment of out new bed - I want to be optimisitic however there's a part of me thats very doubtful I will get a replacement or refund or repair - this is based on other reviews and forums Ive looked at over the past few days. Can anyone provide any suggestions what I would do next if the assessment goes against me? As mentioned above, the matress is 5 weeks old from new, has been used for its intended purpose - to sleep on, and neither myself or my partner are obese or overweight. ANY feedback would be REALLY appreciated. Thanks Steve
  6. My wife has been waiting for surgery since January 2013. She is in and out of hospital like a yoyo. There have been 4 cancelled admissions into Kings hospital, London since Jan, all at the last minute with the excuse that there are no beds. Now she has been offered a date in another hospital that is more likely to have beds. The trouble is that it is 300+ miles away in Liverpool!! Is this normal? If it is do they not realise the cost implication to the patient and the family? She went for a CT scan and bloods a few weeks ago. It took a 12 hour round trip, a night in a hotel all for 1 hour in hospital. She is to go again for a pre-assessment for the surgery, another 12 hours and hotel for a 30minn appointment! Each trip costs us approx. £200 in fuel, hotel and meals. We can't claim the fuel cost from the hospital because I go with her and they say she doesn't need a carer and because we make a break away out of it. If she went up by train on her own she would get the expense back.
  7. I purchased an airflow sup5000 mattress on 1/8/2011 from Bensons Beds in Basingstoke and it is sagging on one edge. Less than 2 years old, I am not happy paid £499. Stay clear of this mattress.
  8. Can anyone advise me please? In Jan 2013 I ordered my Bed from Bensons for beds to replace my small tatty one, The much anticipated Bed arrived on the 15/04/2013, I left it packed in the living room where the delivery person left it, as it was heavy(50kg) to carry it upstairs to the bed room. Yesterday with a little help of a friend we have unpacked it and started assembling the bed frame, head and foot end that’s when I realised how big it was? it took the the whole space of the bedroom 200 long x 240 wide When ordering the sales staff had told me it was 180cm x 200cm wide, but when I measured it, from head end to foot end it was 200cm x 240cm? I checked the order/invoice it was 180cm wide' so called the store to ask if the order had been mixed up? They told me there had been NO mix up and the order was correct and that I should expect difference's in sizes as all the bed's measurement should include head and foot ends. After much discussion it turns out that the measurement given by the staff/sales person is only for the frame and not the head and foot end, he read the dimensions out from a document assuring me that this is the right one. I guess it's all about sales and commission after all. Having contacted the store - they have referred me the customer service team at Bensons for beds, they say there is nothing they can do as the sizes are as described and advised to contact the consumer direct. How can they get away with this, who decides where the measurements are taken from, knowing that I have gave the sales person my bedroom measurement as 250cm wide and the bed will be suitable for the room with much space left to move freely can any one give me any advice? All I wanted was a bed to fit my bedroom space comfortably;not to take the whole space and leaving me crawling over my partner to get to my side of the bed. now all I’ve ended up with this new huge bed that is much bigger than the one I have wanted! I have wrote a letter to Bensons for Beds and will write one to consumer direct too. Thanks
  9. help and advise please? I have ordered a Bed from Bensons for beds , This has arrived on the 15/04/2013, with a little help of a friend we have unpacked it and started assembling the bed frame, head and foot end that’s when I realised how big it was? it took the the whole space of the bedroom 200 long x 240 wide When ordering the sales staff had told me it was 180cm x 200cm wide, but when I measured it, from head end to foot end it was 200cm x 240cm? I checked the order/invoice it was 180cm wide' so called the store and after much discussion, they have referred me the customer service team at Bensons for beds, they say there is nothing they can do as the sizes are as described and advised to contact the consumer direct. I have wrote a letter to Bensons for Beds and they have called me and offered a re-selection but the catch is that I have to pay 30% fees for re-selection of another bed + delivery charges They said if i SELECT A CHEAPER BED i WILL GET NO REFUND, but yet I have to pay more that £250 for selecting another which is smaller than the one they have delivered. your advise is much appreciated Thanks
  10. Hi I'm just looking for some information / assistance I bought a bed from BfB in May, when it was delivered the bed was damaged, but not obvious from the packaging. This was then replaced, with another one which was also damaged. During this period a number of the slats split, they are very poor quality. At this point I tried to cancel the bed, but they asked for one more try and said they would get a bed delivered to the store to be fully checked prior to me collecting it. After a week on silence I went to the store (who were very helpful) to be told that nothing had been done by customer services and we were no further forward. At this point I asked for a full refund and asked how I arrange for compensation for the travelling to and from the store, time off work to accept delivery, the building of 2 beds and the £10 of calls to the head office call centre. I was told that they would cancel the bed then sort out the compensation. By they 12th June the bed was finally collected and I had to return to the store again to arrange the cancellation and return of monies. After trying to get customer services to contact me about my complaint, I emailed customer services on 22nd June and got the automated, "we will get back to you within 2 days" reply. By the 4th July I was fed up waiting and emailed again, getting the same autoresponder. Fed up again I called them today (6th July) to be told that since the bed was returned, the contract was cancelled and they were under no obligation to give any compensation for out of pocket expenses, and even although they had my emails on file I don't think they had planned to contact me. I've asked to be contacted by his line manager, but in the mean time; have I basically been scr$$wed over by cancelling the contract. Is this how BfB get away with supplying rubbish quality and not having to pay any compensation? Thanks
  11. PLEASE, can someone help me make sense of the ‘sale of goods act’. I purchased a ‘Reylon reactafoam mattress’ from Benson for Beds in February 2009, which came with a 6 year guarantee. About 6 months ago I noticed the mattress was beginning to split. As I could’t find my sales documentation at the time I simply moved to the opposite side of the mattress, only for the same problem to develop here too. I rang Benson’s and was told to send pictures of the problem. I was initially advised they would be sending someone to investigate the problem, but a few days later was left a voice message from the same member of customer services advising me she ” had spoken with the manufacturer's and they were aware there was a design flaw with that specific mattress and they would have to replace it for another.” I emailed customer services back asking them, “if they were aware there was a problem with this mattress, why it had not been recalled before now as surely the problem was not only contributed to restless nights due to the discomfort but could also lead to back problems” and was sent a reply suggesting this was the system they had in place and they could only replace each mattress as customers contacted them. I was then contacted by a store on the outskirts of North London and advised I would have to choose a mattress from their shop (an hour away) as Bensons no longer stocked that range. As I was unwilling to travel, I checked the mattresses available online, within the same price range, only to find they all come with only one year warranty and on checking reviews for each of these found the Internet littered with complaints. Am I entitled to my money back? Many Thanks Selena
  12. Anyone know of the current CEO for Benson's for Beds, I have an ongoing dispute with this company & am finding that phoning or emailing their customer complaint department is utterly time consuming & useless, I need to get "to the top" with my complaint to try & get some satisfaction.
  13. I recently purchased a 3 door sliding wardrobe from Bensons Beds. On the day of purchase I took away a brochure with all the measurements, checked my bedroom, and once I had ascertained that the wardrobe would fit, I returned to the store to make my purchase. The store gave me the contact details for a fitter, he turned up today and was unable to fit it, this is because on top of the actual height of the wardrobe you need a further 30mm of space to enable fitting! Obviously if I had been told that before making my purchase I would have known that it would fit, BUT could not be fitted! I returned to the store, the manager did not speak to me, he passed a message to me via another member of staff, the message was to phone customer services. I did this and initially the rep on the phone said that as it was the stores fault they would be able to do something for me, he then put me on hold and came back and said, "I'm sorry but I am unable to take this any further". So ..... what can I do now? If the fitting requirement had been given to me, I would never have purchased that particular item. All I want is for them to swop it for another wardrobe, it has not been unpacked. HELP....or does anyone want to buy a wardrobe ??
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