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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, I hope someone will be able to help me, as we got ticket and I am refusing to pay it, as we did nothing wrong. Back in May, 5th of May 2018 we went to Willen Lake (this is somewhere where we go at least once per week, this time, for some STUPID reason, we have parked at Napier Willen Lake, North Car park, which is a new carpark and not our usual parking spot. we drove in, went to pay, but seen that at this particular car park we need to pay on our way out, as such. we went to park for just under 3 hours, came back, went to the ticket machine, entered our car registration, got the fee, paid with card, and machine just went blank after that, which didn’t bring any suspicion as the machine was working fine (so it appears), 2 weeks later we’ve received the £100 FCN, but if paid within 14 days then we “ONLY” need to pay £60. Well, needless to say, we refused this and have put in the appeal, stating the above and also adding that they can probably check their cameras at the machine, and see that we have paid (our opinion at the time). Our appeal was turned down. After that first letter we have received the second letter that says “Final reminder” on it and yesterday we have received the letter stating that our account has been passed to their legal team. I have attached the mentioned letters to this “cry for help/advice” thread. I hope I have hidden all private information, I did check it 5 times.  Many thanks for your help in advance. Napier.pdf
  2. Hi all, We need your advice a Parking Ticket. Received FCN attached to Windscreen on 10th July 2016 at Willen Lake Car Park, Milton Keynes. Parking company is Napier Parking Reason for issue: Failure to Display a ticket The Driver had Bought Ticket and displayed it on dashboard, then went for a bike ride. The Driver opened the driver door and the ticket blew into the passenger side door pocket. The ticket was still valid at time of the FCN and had 2 hours remaining. The Driver did not appeal Napier Parking after reading various cases on CAG and wanted to wait for the NTK. Received a Notice To Keeper (NTK) on 16th August (issued 10th August but only read it on return from holiday 16th August). The NTK did not provide photographic evidence NTK mentions Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) in the header but not Section 4 The Driver has NOT APPEALED after receiving the NTK and it mentions an appeals process but only after the driver has contacted Napier and appealed. What are the next steps? Thanks Fudster Napier Parking Ticket July 2016.pdf
  3. (Note: I have also posted this on Pepipoo, little response to date) Hi guys, I visited the Lake District Visitor Centre at Brockholes (near Ambleside) on the 7th August, staying there for a little over 5 hours. The centre is widely advertised as "free admission" and I was not aware that there were signs stating that you had to pay. I was also NOT parked in the car park area but in the coach park, I'm not sure if this technicality makes any difference. I have now received a letter stating that I owe £6.55 parking charge and a £20 administration charge. (See attachments, front and back of letter, personal details removed) The payment methods stated are: Pay & Display Pay on Exit Pay online up to 48 hours after your visit. Additionally on researching the issue I found this snippet from 13/12/12 in the Westmorland Gazette: By LDNPA development manager Adam Thomas (near the foot of the article) : “Park With Ease is very user friendly. It allows motorists to pay on entry, on exit or up to 10 days after they have parked." //www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/10103794 This seems to be 48 hours, not 10 days but how could I pay for something I didn't have a ticket/invoice for and didn't know about until I got the letter? There were no tickets issued (so nothing to display then) and no barriers at the entrance or exit. Your car is apparently clocked by a number plate recognition system. If there was a notice and pay machine at the exit, I didn't see it and I should not have to go looking for it, it needs to be clearly displayed. My point is that it was not abundantly clear that a pay to park scheme was in force and nobody is going to go looking for something on the off chance that it might exist! It's a ludicrous system that must catch hundreds of people out. I am not normally too concerned about dealing with private parking tickets but the the Lake District National Park authority seem to have their own bye-laws (see top of attachment B2) so I am wondering where I stand with this. As far as I am concerned the signage was unclear, or I would have seen it. I suspect an official appeal will only receive the usual rubber-stamped rejection. The other thing is the letter states that "If...no payment is made we will pursue the matter through the Magistrate Court which can lead to fines and costs in excess of £250." Fines for what? Magistrates court for an unpaid parking ticket? Any advice appreciated Thanks [ATTACH=CONFIG]45929[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45928[/ATTACH] Sorry, not sure why the copy of the letter pics are comig out tiny and blurry, will try to update them.
  4. Creating around 800 jobs in the area. STOBART Air has been given permission to develop Carlisle Lake District Airport. The application was approved today by Carlisle City Council’s development control committee. The application sought planning permission for the erection of a 374,000 sq ft distribution centre, along with the raising and re-profiling of the main runway at the airport, and the decision will help to safeguard over 800 jobs in the local area. The development control committee passed the development after hearing how the distribution centre, which would house key Eddie Stobart warehousing contracts, would deliver the rental income required to help upgrade airport facilities and allow passenger flights to commence. As part of the supporting evidence, Irish airline Aer Arran identified that passenger routes from Carlisle to Dublin and Stobart-owned London Southend Airport would be sustainable and would successfully integrate into its current network. More: http://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/9855009.Stobart_gets_go_ahead_for_Carlisle_Lake_District_Airport/
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