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Found 2 results

  1. Creating around 800 jobs in the area. STOBART Air has been given permission to develop Carlisle Lake District Airport. The application was approved today by Carlisle City Council’s development control committee. The application sought planning permission for the erection of a 374,000 sq ft distribution centre, along with the raising and re-profiling of the main runway at the airport, and the decision will help to safeguard over 800 jobs in the local area. The development control committee passed the development after hearing how the distribution centre, which would house key Eddie Stobart warehousing contracts, would deliver the rental income required to help upgrade airport facilities and allow passenger flights to commence. As part of the supporting evidence, Irish airline Aer Arran identified that passenger routes from Carlisle to Dublin and Stobart-owned London Southend Airport would be sustainable and would successfully integrate into its current network. More: http://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/9855009.Stobart_gets_go_ahead_for_Carlisle_Lake_District_Airport/
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