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Found 12 results

  1. So a little back story, 3-5 years ago my credit file was HORRIBLE I had defaults a plenty, a CCJ and could not access any credit at all apart from provident doorstep loans. Fast forward to now, I have 4 credit cards 1 x Ocean card with a £400 limit - had for 3+ years 1 x Aqua Card with a £1200 limit - had for 2+ years 1 x Marbles Card with a £2500 limit - had for just over a year 1 x Barclaycard with a £800 limit - had for under 3 months I also have a 4k Loan via On Stride Financial which I am paying off, never missed a payment. And a car Loan via Moneybarn which I have also never missed a payment on. I am sensible now and feel lucky to have the above available credit, albeit it some have high interest rates, but you have to start somewhere right. my credit rating is still classed as poor. My main question is, I currently have 2 defaults and 1 x CCJ on my credit file, 1 default is due to drop off (6 year mark) before the year is out and my CCJ will drop off in the first quarter of 2019 (again 6 year mark since ccj was issued) when these 2 drop off I will be left with 1 default, will my credit rating improve much. When am I likely to be able to apply for mainstream cards such as Virgin, MBNA, Halifax etc......
  2. I've been on benefits due to health issues for quite a long time now, I was on Incap Ben until Oct 2013 when they moved me to ESA and that's been static since then. Not had any kind of increase in 4yrs. In 2014 I finally had a diagnosis of one of my health issues that had been ignored for years by doctors... Dismissing my issue as weight related when it was in fact a condition called Spinal Stenosis... which is 'made' worse by being overweight. This explained the shocking spasms in my lower back which could turn my legs to jelly and make me slump to the floor at any time and I couldn't walk more than 20-30yrds without getting one. Since then I have lost over 140lbs the condition has remained and not gone away as previous doctors claimed. I have also been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my knees which is further impacting my. the small increase in the distance I could walk has been decreased again by limited movement and pain in my knees. I've also got early stages of the condition in both shoulders and struggle to lift my left arm above my shoulder but can rotate it, whilst my right shoulder doesn't rotate properly but my arm can be lifted above it. Back in either 2014 or 1015 I got the forms for PIP but never sent them in... to say it was a confusing mess of questions that repeat themselves over and over again and with reports that the vast majority of claims are simply dismissed anyway put me off ever sending it in. I'm not getting any better and losing over 10st hasn't had the kind of impact that I had hoped it would... I admit that my weight was out of control due to severe depression and 19 deaths of family and friends between 2008-2016... In short I was broken and whilst I'm still broken, my financial situation continues to deteriorate. I can just about cover the rent due to the fact I rent from family (all legal, proper tenancy agreement in place and council know everything) at a rate well below average (they're doing it to give me a safe place to live not to make a profit). I can just about cover utilities and household expenses, but there's not enough for anything else and although I do have a car it's 12yrs old and I limit how much it's used due to the cost of diesel, insurance and car tax. Without transport I would be housebound and unable to get out and about on my own... I can't even make it to the local corner shop which is about a 300-400yrd walk. On a very, very, very good day... I might make it to the corner shop, but would then struggle to get back carrying anything I bought. By the time I got back (after stopping repeatedly to sit and let the pain subside) it could virtually incapacitate me for hours and I'd be unable to go out again for a few days at least. When I am able to go out to do shopping (once every 2 weeks on average) I have to normally go with some one and require a trolley to hang onto to support myself. Even then after doing a small amount of shopping, we stop at the supermarket cafe for a rest and a drink before carrying on. I tend to load my shopping in small amounts into multiple sturdy bags with handles, so I'm not carrying heavy ones into the house. I can park on my drive so the boot of the car is no more than 6-8ft from the front door and it's an estate so a low tailgate means no bending to lift things up. I know I could do my shopping online but I actually look forward to doing mine as it gets me out of the house for an hour or two. The arthritis needs me to keep moving more not less, but I can't do that where I live due to the area, hills and so forth... it would be nice if I could drive down to the lakes nearby a couple of times a week and do a little walking there, as they have benches and rest points all around them... But parking isn't cheap. After reading so many threads on here about people applying for PIP and being refused... it's making me wonder if I should at all... I'm not asking for expecting a disabled badge or motability car... I desperately need a little extra help so I can perhaps pay for a little more fuel each month, or parking charges... an extra £20 a week would have a huge impact provided it wasn't taken away from my other benefits like ESA/LHA. If I get the forms... where can I get help to fill them in... a lot of it seems designed to confuse and deliberately make it as hard as possible to complete. I think doing it my own will only result in me not bothering like I did last time... which is what I now think is the main objective of the form.
  3. I recently ordered a bag from the store online and posted it back to them. I had ordered something similar a while ago from the same store online. Both items black backpacks and the same rubbish to be honest, but I think I may have sent the wrong one back. They have received my return from what my tracking number tells me, but they've not processed it yet. I was wondering what could happen or if they'll get me in trouble for this.
  4. Over the next few years there are going to be some dramatic changes in some benefits, caps will come in and more help to be made available. Full details available here: http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/ho...nges#early2017 All of this starts in January 2017... 'From early 2017 New Tax-free Childcare scheme aims to provide up to 1.8 million families across the UK with up to £2,000 of childcare support per year, per child, via a new simple online system. Trial start early 2017, with roll out beginning upon completion of the trial. See autumn statement 2016 and HMRC press release - 1 July 2015 Tuition loans will be extended to students wishing to do a second degree in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) from 2017-18. See Spending Review 2015 page' From April 2019 'There will be a cap on the amount of rent that Housing Benefit will cover in the social sector to the relevant Local Housing Allowance, which is the rate paid to private renters on Housing Benefit. This includes a Shared Accommodation Rate for single claimants under 35 who do not have dependent children. The cap will be applied to all supported housing tenancies from April 2019, though Local Authorities will receive funding to meet the additional costs of supported housing in their area. For general needs housing, the cap will apply from April 2019 for all tenants on Universal Credit, and to Housing Benefit tenants whose tenancies began or were renewed since April 2016. See autumn statement 2016, DWP Secretary of State Damian Green's written statement and earlier Spending Review 2015 page' There is far too much to state so please look carefully at the main page and follow any links that may affect you from January 2017..... Maybe admin could consider making this a sticky so it does not get lost on this part of the forum. This new information could affect 1,000's of claimants one way or another! Especially those that get capped and are on Housing benefit too.. Please read very carefully as to what is listed and if you have any questions please start a new thread so your answers can be given for your situation, as all claimants have different needs and will get different responses. Happy Christmas to one and all ....
  5. I need some advice. I have just been informed today by HRMC via a P800 in the post that I am due a tax refund from 2007 for £2,570. It seems a former employer screwed up and it taken this long for it to be discovered. Anyhow a nice early xmas present once the cheque arrives from the tax man. I am pretty sure I have to inform the DWP of this and it will not put me over the £6,000 limit that for sure.However, as I am on esa in the support group, how will this refund affect that if at all? I am also on housing and council tax benefit.
  6. Apart from world peace, what would you like to see happen in 2016 ? And perhaps we can avoid any debate on the EU in this thread, in anticipation that a few take interest in this.
  7. Restrictions in Freedom of movement Being “Forced to work,” From Dawn to Dusk just to be given food to eat Not being allowed to accumulate and “Assets,” – Personal Possessions Being “Punished,” if you attempt to air an objection about this. This is what I learnt in History and it is called SLAVERY. Being forcefully ejected from your home. Even though the piece of paper says you own it. Being forced to “Pay Additional Costs and TAXES,” while others not of your hue, Religion or creed are not told to. Being hearded into Segregated Areas for Education, Career, and Residences. Being denied “The rights of a naturalised citizen,” in the country you were born in. This is what happened in South Africa, Germany (world war II), & South & Middle East. It is called geneocide. We were and are told it is not right. If you are being denied the RIGHT TO PURCHASE GOODS. Because the Banks, Finance Institutions are deliberately denying you those rights. To, have restrictions placed on your financial freedom so you cannot see a more profitable alternative for yourself. Being denied access to the Law and Legal Bodies to have SOMEONE/ANYONE to Fight for those rights in your corner. To be SICK AND UNABLE TO ACCESS a system that YOU PAID INTO via your NHS Taxes etc. And then to be told that because you are now classified as Disabled, Old or Mentally challenged and you OWN YOUR OWN HOME. That medical care facilities, benefits and assistance no longer apply to you. (Despite years of paying to a system which stated in was your insurance against the worst happening). This is tyranny. So tell me please WHY DID WE ALL VOTE FOR IT IN THE LAST GENERAL ELECTION? And PUT IT’S LEADER IN POWER!!!!!
  8. A number of frequent posters on the forum have said that they would like to have a thread so that we can discuss the procedures available for debtors if they consider that a bailiff has done something wrong. The thread can be used to discuss a variety of scenarios such as: What is the correct procedure for debtors to take if a bailiff clamps their car which is on finance? What should a debtor do if the bailiff has clamped or removed their car and it is needed for their employment. Can a bailiff charge a fee if the address on the warrant is wrong. PS: We had a similar thread when the new regulations came into effect on 6th April and that was extremely useful and provided a great source of information to frequent posters on the forum. This new thread should be the same.
  9. What would happen in the UK if we took the view of what New Zealand has done read here http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1407/S00291/fine-dodgers-paying-up-to-avoid-driving-ban.htm
  10. hi cliam form sent nov 12 2013 dwp got it atos got it 5 dec 2013 no news at all m p has witten one month ago she still not heard anything back from them either is this a record
  11. I used to be a Job Centre advisor back in the late 90's. We were told to treat the people that came across our desk with respect and dignity because life had obviously become tough for them in that current moment, and to seek to do all we could to aid them in getting back to work. Fast forward 16 years and I now find myself on the other side of the desk and claiming JSA. AND MY GOD HOW IT HAS CHANGED! The whole system has become a Spanish Inquisition, with us set up to fail. My advisor no longer even looks me in the eyes but taps at a computer screen looking at charts and numbers trying to find a way to catch me out or send me on some course/gulag to check a box. It is frightening and worrying, because I consider myself to be reasonably well-educated and intelligent, I know how to jump through the JCP hoops, yet still can't find a job and am made to feel like a genuine criminal for accessing the benefits that are rightfully mine. With this new Community Service punishment mandating that's coming on stream, things will only get worse. SO my question is - when will we all rise up and say like Peter Finch in 'Network' - "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore". ? This situation cannot stand... Come on people. Stop getting as*-f*cked and rise up.
  12. Hi Let's say we are getting married in 3 weeks. My Fiancee and I have paid in full for and had an initial try on, of the wedding dress and was waiting till this weekend for a final fitting When..... we have just found out that the retailer (a newish company, less than a year old) have had some problems between the business owners. One of the owners is contactable but is saying she can't help as she is no longer involved, not allowed to, the company is trading but is aware of contact issues. The other is completely un-contactable, by phone, email, mobile so far. Our latest visit to the shop to see what is happening found the shop closed, but clearly in a trading position, just no-one home and the company is currently not notifying anyone of financial difficulties either through the website or indeed my own companies house search I've left a couple of clear messages with a family member of the un-contactable partner this evening and I'm hoping they now take this seriously, but if not We've paid in full, we've seen the goods, we are not currently aware of any insolvency or similar issues, so what is my legal position, what can we do or what actions can I take to simply go and get the dress? Thanks
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