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Found 7 results

  1. My partner claims WTC for us both,, We have 2 of his adult children living with us. both have had medical assessments and have been awarded PIP... He is a Romany of English birth. He is 62.. He cant read or write. He previously did landscaping but could not keep his prices down in line with other landscapers. We live in a rented house 3 bedrooms. e have now been selected for an examination. We have a very good friend who is helping us to get all the information together but it is a very tight deadline...in fact 16/02/17... We only got the form 3 weeks ago... We are desperate for any help!!! please !!! we also got a letter from NHS to say that the entire family is no longer entitled to NHS prescriptions as our exemption cards will be invalid from 1st May due to information from HMRC... The adult children aged 28 and 27 receive multiple medication...we get a contribution to housing benefit and council tax.... Am tired..worried..cant sleep...eat...and sooooo very worried...please help us,,,
  2. I was under the WP and the lovely INGEUS from Feb-14 until I signed off JSA and moved to ESA (assessment) from August 2014. In the last three days I have had letters about appointments and four missed calls from them. The number still comes up on my phone and although I reject it and block it somehow it still gets through - I never answer and they leave no message. They are annoying me now, whilst on ESA I want NOTHINg to do with them and I presume that is my right? Even when back on JSA I struggle to take them seriously and all they do is make me ill. Should I email their head office and state all of the above (not the bit about them being useless of course even though I would like to) and ask them to stop harrassing me? I assume I have no obligation to them whilst on ESA and everything is voluntary?
  3. After booking a holiday on xmas eve, i only paid the deposit. today i wanted to call up the company and pay the remainder. It was an 08444 number so i looked on the internet to find an alternative landline. I found one. yay...but then the guy on the other end gave me another number to call to pay direct.... i called it and it told me to pay online at trulyholidays dot com / pay so i did......… .then when i rang as i hadnt had a new booking confirmation, i realised i was passed pillow to post and had paid money to a company where no holiday existed ( it wasn't where i booked MY holiday ) i called this company up to be told they cant do anything and that i should call my holiday company, and see what they say. i rang the bank to try and cancel the transaction to be told it had already gone through... .but to wait 15 working days for it to clear then raise a dispute.... what does the bank mean by raise a dispute? I also contacted by email truly holidays to find out how it is they managed to let me pay for a holiday that doesnt exist on their computers, explained my situation and provided a print screen of the completed transaction....no response from truly holidays. thats 350 pounds gone and ive no idea how to get it back!!!!
  4. I'm seriously hacked off with Vodafone. For the last 2 months or so I've had no signal at all while at home which has led me to missing calls and texts. As I run a business from home alongside my full time employment this is a major hassle. I called Vodafone to report the problem and was told to switch my phone to 2G as there was a known problem with the 3G knocking out the signal. I was told this would be a short term solution until the 3G issue was resolved. After a few days of still suffering this issue I went onto the Vodafone eForum and posted on there about the problem. I completed all the info Vodafone required from me and a day or so later was told the issue should be resolved which it was not ! About a week later while still suffering this issue, Vodafone posted saying the engineers had checked the site and couldn't find any alarms ! All I've done since then is constantly ask what's going on to be told " we'll check with the engineers and get back to you " ! Vodafone last posted on my thread on 5/7/13 saying they'd chase the engineers up, I've heard nothing so posted yesterday (16/7/13) asking what's going on. I got a reply today (17/7/13) saying Vodafone would chase the engineers up again !!! I'm so annoyed with this now and the disgusting customer services. I'm sick of paying my monthly contract for a mobile I can't use properly. Can I cancel my contract early based on the fact Vodafone have failed to resolve this issue for such a long period of time ? Is there anyone on here that can help me ?
  5. Hi all, My daughter called me after work today in floods of tears. I am actually one of her Managers at the her work place. Just recently we have had a few new starters, and to cut a long story short one of them has A problem with taking direction from either myself or my daughter. The problems I have had are nearly all sorted out by the processes in place. I move on to my daughters probs. Over the last couple of months she has had problems with one person who will not do anything she asks him to do, and will even argue with her in front of her direct line manager and even the store manager. She has made several complaints to the management team but nothing has been done about it. I have tried to stay out of it as I feel compromised by being her father. Again today she had attitude from this guy in front of the deputy manager, nothing was done. She has worked here for 7 years and worked her way up to supervisor level. After I left work the deputy manager took her into a room with the other guy and ordered her to work it out. She felt totally humiliated by this and very intimidated. Prior to this the department manager and the other guy had been out to lunch together. This is the third time this week this has happened , as well as socialising in the evenings. My point would be that you can't socialise with staff and then manage them correctly because of the friendship that has been formed. I have decided to now take this on as a manager and intend to get it dealt with in the proper way. Any advice I can get on this would be most helpful. Many thanks.
  6. We purchased a Delonghi Coffee Machine (ESAM6620) from Currys online on 20/2 together with a 5 year care plan at a total cost of £898.99 and this was delivered on 25/2. When we unpacked it, there were numerous scratches on the display screen and we therefore contacted Currys to arrange a replacement. The machine was picked up by courier DPD on 26/2 and we received an email confirming receipt of the machine back at Currys on 27/2. A replacement was sent out on 28/2 which arrived by courier on 29/2. When we unpacked the second machine, to our horror there were similar scratches to the display screen although this time only around 8 or 10, however still unsightly and damaged. We contacted Currys and were advised that this would not be picked up until either Monday 4/3 or Tuesday 5/3 however as we could not afford further time to wait in for a pick up, we took this to our nearest store (50 miles round trip) . They arranged for this to be picked up by courier on 4/3 and we had arranged for the replacement to be sent to the store so it could be opened by us in store to check all is okay to avoid having to deal with the same issues all over again. The added complication however at this stage, is there is no stock showing for home delivery. You would think that this would be straightforward however receiving no word or email from Currys, we contacted them again on 9/3 and were advised that the 2nd return had not yet been booked back in. Unfortunately DPD were closed so they advised they would chase on Monday and WE would have to call Currys back after Monday, unless we wanted to contact DPD ourselves In the meantime I have sent various emails and received no response. We contacted Currys again on 13/3 to be informed that it had still not been checked into the warehouse and when I informed the person I was speaking to that they were supposed to have chased this on the Monday, the person put me on hold and came back to advise that it was checked in on Monday, however the person who did the paperwork did not complete it properly and that was why it was not showing. I was advised someone would speak to the person who did the paperwork and have it corrected and then they would call me back - still no word today 15/3. We therefore called Currys again today to be told that they could not check anything as the online system was down! Have now sent an email to the CEO and waiting patiently ! Is there anything else we can do. I know I can purchase from John Lewis and they will price match £839.99 Vs £1295 however I can only take out a 3 year warranty with JL and ideally want to have peace of mind with 5 year warranty that Currys offer.
  7. My OH is always watching docus and reading up on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsumanis - And he been talking about the risk of one starting in the Irish sea for sometime - caused by the "Azores-Gibralter fracture", apparently it's gone before - and it's due to go again, yet our governments are doing little to prepare let alone warn us. They have passed it onto DEFRA - although the original page has gone,it does give you the option to click the archived tsunami documents (I still can't open PDF documents though, so don't know what DEFRA have said about it. Here are two link for you to have a read through - it's interesting, if not slightly worrying (although if it happens it happens). Do you think government should be putting better safety measures into practice, just in case? http://www.tsunamiwatch.co.uk/ http://www.gsi.ie/Programmes/Bedrock/Projects/Tsunami+warning+system+for+Ireland.htm http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/flooding/documents/risk/tsunami06.pdf
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