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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I've received a County Court Business Centre claim from Mortimer and Clarke on behalf of Cabot. The description of what they're claiming is so very vauge and doesn't even mention an account number or any reference at all. It just states that it is regarding a claim for an amount arising from an agreement with a credit card company a rough date as to when they think an agreement was entered into, a statement that the debt was assigned and then "The claimant therefore claims £xxx costs" . And that is it. I had missed the Letter of Claim I had been sent which, now I've found and opened it, does give some more info. However, obviously I haven't responded to it within the 30 days. So.. in response now to the Court claim, do I ignore the info in the Letter of Claim and proceed as if it didn't exist? In other words, should I request all the lacking information in the court claim from Mortimer & Clarke under CPR 31.14 as I have done previously with an old Cabot claim or is the Letter of Claim part of precedings? Many thanks in advance for any advice.
  2. We purchased a Delonghi Coffee Machine (ESAM6620) from Currys online on 20/2 together with a 5 year care plan at a total cost of £898.99 and this was delivered on 25/2. When we unpacked it, there were numerous scratches on the display screen and we therefore contacted Currys to arrange a replacement. The machine was picked up by courier DPD on 26/2 and we received an email confirming receipt of the machine back at Currys on 27/2. A replacement was sent out on 28/2 which arrived by courier on 29/2. When we unpacked the second machine, to our horror there were similar scratches to the display screen although this time only around 8 or 10, however still unsightly and damaged. We contacted Currys and were advised that this would not be picked up until either Monday 4/3 or Tuesday 5/3 however as we could not afford further time to wait in for a pick up, we took this to our nearest store (50 miles round trip) . They arranged for this to be picked up by courier on 4/3 and we had arranged for the replacement to be sent to the store so it could be opened by us in store to check all is okay to avoid having to deal with the same issues all over again. The added complication however at this stage, is there is no stock showing for home delivery. You would think that this would be straightforward however receiving no word or email from Currys, we contacted them again on 9/3 and were advised that the 2nd return had not yet been booked back in. Unfortunately DPD were closed so they advised they would chase on Monday and WE would have to call Currys back after Monday, unless we wanted to contact DPD ourselves In the meantime I have sent various emails and received no response. We contacted Currys again on 13/3 to be informed that it had still not been checked into the warehouse and when I informed the person I was speaking to that they were supposed to have chased this on the Monday, the person put me on hold and came back to advise that it was checked in on Monday, however the person who did the paperwork did not complete it properly and that was why it was not showing. I was advised someone would speak to the person who did the paperwork and have it corrected and then they would call me back - still no word today 15/3. We therefore called Currys again today to be told that they could not check anything as the online system was down! Have now sent an email to the CEO and waiting patiently ! Is there anything else we can do. I know I can purchase from John Lewis and they will price match £839.99 Vs £1295 however I can only take out a 3 year warranty with JL and ideally want to have peace of mind with 5 year warranty that Currys offer.
  3. Hello Friends, My current contract started on 01-Dec-2011 and ended on 30-Nov-2012. Subsequently I have been on rolling tenancy on monthly basis. I am moving out on 31-May-2013. My LL had not protected the deposit and only after I pressed him did he protect my deposit on 15-Nov-2012, which means a delay of nearly one year. My LL has been very nasty to me. I stayed at this placed for five years, took good care of his property and still he is a nagger. He has not got me the GSC either. I want to pull him to the court for delay in protecting my deposit and claim compensation. What is the best way to do this? Will the fact that he did not get Gas Safety Check done in last two years help build my case? Many Thanks for your reply. Regards
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