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Found 1 result

  1. After booking a holiday on xmas eve, i only paid the deposit. today i wanted to call up the company and pay the remainder. It was an 08444 number so i looked on the internet to find an alternative landline. I found one. yay...but then the guy on the other end gave me another number to call to pay direct.... i called it and it told me to pay online at trulyholidays dot com / pay so i did......… .then when i rang as i hadnt had a new booking confirmation, i realised i was passed pillow to post and had paid money to a company where no holiday existed ( it wasn't where i booked MY holiday ) i called this company up to be told they cant do anything and that i should call my holiday company, and see what they say. i rang the bank to try and cancel the transaction to be told it had already gone through... .but to wait 15 working days for it to clear then raise a dispute.... what does the bank mean by raise a dispute? I also contacted by email truly holidays to find out how it is they managed to let me pay for a holiday that doesnt exist on their computers, explained my situation and provided a print screen of the completed transaction....no response from truly holidays. thats 350 pounds gone and ive no idea how to get it back!!!!
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