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  1. My OH is always watching docus and reading up on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsumanis - And he been talking about the risk of one starting in the Irish sea for sometime - caused by the "Azores-Gibralter fracture", apparently it's gone before - and it's due to go again, yet our governments are doing little to prepare let alone warn us. They have passed it onto DEFRA - although the original page has gone,it does give you the option to click the archived tsunami documents (I still can't open PDF documents though, so don't know what DEFRA have said about it. Here are two link for you to have a read through - it's interesting, if not slightly worrying (although if it happens it happens). Do you think government should be putting better safety measures into practice, just in case? http://www.tsunamiwatch.co.uk/ http://www.gsi.ie/Programmes/Bedrock/Projects/Tsunami+warning+system+for+Ireland.htm http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/flooding/documents/risk/tsunami06.pdf
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