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  1. I also obtained this from them regarding a JD Williams account. It does not makes sense. Debt written off. No copy of contract, can't remove default as information was correct at the time but they can't send or have copies of nothing..? letter below including the reply from Exuifax, which tells me that the dca can't leave a default if it buys the debt? so something really wrong here.
  2. All You Need, Ambrose Wilson, Classic Confidence, Classic Detail, Comfortably Yours, Country Garden, Crazy Clearance, Discount World, Fashion World, Fabrici, Fifty Plus, Heather Valley, High and Mighty, Home Essentials, Home Shopping Direct, House of Bath, Inspirational Home, Jacamo, Julipa, Marisota, Naturally Close, Nightingales, Oxendales, Premier Man, Selections, Shapely Figures, Shoe Tailor, Simply Be, Simply Yours, That's My Style, The Brilliant Gift Shop, Special Collection, The Value Catalogue, Trading Post, Viva La Diva, Williams Registered Address J D Williams & Company Limited, Registered Office: Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester, M60 6ES. Registered in England. No 00178367.
  3. Hi everyone. Just writing in the hope that I could maybe get some advice. A few years back I had an account with JD WILLIAMS for a catalogue. Made some purchases from it, was making repayments as normal etc. They even sold me some sort of PPI now that I think of it. Thing is, I lost my job, split up with the ex wife and now, fast forward a couple of years ahead I have had lowell chasing me for the debt, which now, thanks to me being stupid and hiding from it has ended up rocketing to a total of over £4000!!! I know for sure that the majority of this balance is made up of charges and late fees etc. today i received a court summons through my door which was issued on the 10th of february. I know i have only 14 days in which to acknowledge the claim, im not too sure what to do now, as i would like to try and claim back the PPI on the account a nd try and get back as much charges as possible so that I can get the balance back to as close to what it was (approx £1000) and then start repaying the debt. I know full well i should have made more of an effort to do this beforehand but now i just want to fix this mess as best as i can. Could anyone please point me towards the right direction? thanks in advance
  4. Hi i am after advice please, I have an account with JD Williams and had ordered a set of curtains (along with previous orders) the curtains came and was incorrect so these where returned and reordered, the new set arrived today and once again was incorrect so i called up to arrange return and complain about whats happened AGAIN!, I got a right jack the lad who was quite arsy, i became defensive and said things along the lines off 'well there is no way im going to make any payments towards the current balance I am not happy at all with the service and if you want a penny outa me then send a debt collector and then I hung up' all this was said in the heat of the moment due to the bad service and the tone of the agent who took my call today, I have since logged into my account to review purchasing different curtains and found that my credit limit has been reduced down to £800.00 with my balance now showing as £816.58 making me now overdrawn by £16.58 when this morning my available balance to spend was just under £500.00, them reducing my credit limit without prewarning is now potentially going to get me charges?? where do i stand with this as i am now fuming to the max and will no way shape or form pay any charges, my minimum payment is not due on this statement until 23rd oct so even my outburst today on the phone could not justify them doing this as they have yet to find out if this would be followed through, please help!!
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