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  1. Let me start by saying I messed up and i know that i'm completely dishonest and in the wrong…is there any getting out of this?? i went into the station the other day using my brothers under 16 oyster card as i was really struggling financially and wasn’t getting paid till the following day. I am a student and had to travel that day as I had an exam and I had missed previous days of college because I didn’t have the money to top up my own 18+ student oyster card. After i tapped in, i was walking towards the platform until i was stopped by an inspector. He suspected that i had a child oyster which he must of heard when i tapped in as it makes a different sound and i clearly didn't notice him standing there. I panicked and showed him my own oyster student oyster card which obviously wasn't valid claiming that was the one I used. I denied having the child oyster card as I panicked and thought my brother would also get into trouble. He then called the community police officers who were at the other entrance to the station to search me which they did and nothing was found. The inspector then took my details, cautioned me and asked me a few questions. I am over 18 and this is my first offence and i have no previous convictions as i have always been on the good side of the law until this silly mistake. This was the first time using my brothers oyster card. I know that I should have been truthful and regret it but I just panicked and didn’t want my brother to also get into trouble for my mistake. I did not realise that you could be prosecuted and given a criminal record for this which would just be disastrous for my future career hopes as I am a student with hopes of getting into dental school. know that I don’t deserve any help on here but I was just in a desperate situation financially which is why I did this to begin with. I have received a letter asking for my version of events. What shall I do from here and is there any chance to avoid court and conviction??
  2. Hi all I need advice. 2 years ago we had a minor car accident which we believed had been resolved by our insurers!! Last week we received a letter from the court asking for £1556 as the insurance company had not paid the total amount we now have a CCJ. I have spoken to the insurance company who have assured me that they will resolve the issue ( they have admitted fault) someone forgot to pay some of the fees and they have not responded to any letters sent to them!! Now to me even though they have promised us that they will resolve the issue I can't help but feel that this is negligence by the insurance company - getting to this stage to me is totally unacceptable unfortunately only now we have received a letter about it otherwise I would have been on to them a hell of a lot sooner. Any advice on this situation would be very much appreciated.
  3. let's start at the beginning. CMS took over the case in February 2016 , I cooperated with them fully and paid the amount I was told . I informed them that as from April 2016 I was being made redundant I sent proof as requested. Since then I have had nothing but trouble. For a few months I didn't work and relied on my wife's income . Now as I didn't send them this in writing as to how I was supporting myself (I was unaware I needed to). the case defaulted back to my previous income therefore accruing arrears. Between April and October I spoke 5 different case workers who all assured me they had updated my records and everything would be sorted out. All to no avail . Finally after asking to complain and speak to a manager I got a case worker to stay on my case . I started working again in September and informed them of this . I spoke to them again in December as they hadn't received my payslips so I resent them. Then to my surprise in February payslip they have taken 40% of my wages . After speaking to them again I was told she had been to busy to adjust my payments they had applied a deduction of earnings. She informed me there is nothing she can do about this and they will continue to take 40%. what can I do I'm at my wits end. They say iam in 10k worth of arrears from 2004 as my ex wife says I didn't pay for 4 years lucky enough I always paid via bank I have sent sar form off to hopefully prove this.
  4. Complaint was about Bank of Ceylon (BOC) United Kingdom (UK) branch. After months of waiting in the assessment queue, my complaint finally ended up on an adjudicator's desk. Adjudicator from what it seems to me went through the file so quickly he missed vital details I'd given on the form and via email. For example, I told the FOS I had further evidence to produce and also to contact me by email, as I was abroad. He ignored both these. He concluded that he had enough to issue a decision. He then attempted to call me on the mobile (even though I said - contact me by email only. I told the FOS a while ago and there was a 'case warning' added to the file about that. He had ignored this warning or misunderstood it). After he failed to contact me by phone, he went on to issue his conclusions in favour of BOC (UK). His conclusions contained language such as "BOC (UK) have said ....". So I had no alternative but to disagree with his conclusions and ask for the evidence he relied upon. I also told him he hadn't contacted me even once to introduce himself before reaching his conclusions and that he failed to ask for the evidence I had specifically mentioned before. He got back saying he will provide me the case file evidence only after I send him "further evidence". I then contacted his manager to complain. She asked him to send me the case-file evidence straightaway. I then lodged a service complaint against the adjudicator, and his manager (removed) found that he had committed no wrong. I escalated it to a senior manager and asked for the complaint to be looked at by a different adjudicator. The senior manager found the Adjudicator (removed) could have done things better. But he said the complaint could not be assigned to a different adjudicator. In effect the conclusions stood even though it was made without considering all the evidence. He offered for the complaint to be passed to an ombudsman, for review. Of course, the review is based on what the adjudicator concluded. Ombudsman wasn't going to start afresh. Truth be told, in nearly 90% of cases ombudsman "rubber-stamps" the adjudicator's decision. In this case even though I sent in new evidence to the Ombudsman she ignored it (or interpreted it in favour of the bank) so that the adjudicator's decision stood. After all, you can't have an ombudsman reverse an adjudicator decision that was the result of serious procedural irregularities. By the way, FOS takes at least a month to below decision FOS.pdf
  5. Hi everyone After a quick Google, I see I am not the only one having issues with Harlands and Xercise4less. You will like this one. Please bare with this one as it is a little long winded. My son and I joined Xercise4less in (I think) October 2016 as my son wanted to join a gym and we went along to see all about it. I went with my son as he was/is under 16, he is 15 and I knew there would be some kind of parental consent required. After chatting to the sales rep, I explained that I was involved in a very nasty accident just weeks earlier which resulted in broken ribs, torn muscles and limited movement in my arms and he advised that me joining the gym would help with any rehab, so upon this advice I joined at £9.99 a month. My details were taken and a membership set up. Then it was my sons turn to sign up. The sales rep took the details of my son, but rather than putting us down as some kind of family membership, they gave him his own (min age 18) membership so he could visit the gym on his own. We paid our joining fee and left with our Xercise4less goody bag. Please note that I had no knowledge of any age fixing. Cut a long story short, due to my injuries sustained in the accident, I am on light duties at work and I am still unable to fully partake in any gym activities and we have only been once or twice to the gym since joining and on both occasions, I just observed my son. I dont allow my son to go alone as he is just 15, so we are canceling his membership aswell. Heres where the fun starts. I recently found out that I could cancel my membership due to ill health and went to my local gym to see how. After explaining my situation and that my son would have to end his membership, the sales rep was very understanding as said that they will help me sort it out. The documents I took to prove ID was our passports and also my 10 page doctors report on my physical and mental injuries after my accident. First was the cancellation for my son. The scanner was not working to scan documents, so the sales rep used their own mobile phone to take images of my sons passport and forward those images to their company email. They then went through the process of cancelling my sons membership. A few days later, I received an email to say that my sons membership was cancelled. Happy days (or was it)!! Then it was my turn to do the cancellation form. Again, the sales rep whipped out their phone and took images of all 10 pages that contained sensitive medical information. Long story short (again) after 30 minutes of trying to send more than one image (you can only send one image on the cacellation page) we ended up taking an image of 2 pages on one picture to send. I got an email a day later saying that this was not an accepted form of doctors letter and all I needed was a doctors note from my GP saying I could no longer continue with any gym activities. COME ON, you just had a 10 page document telling you I am not fit and have a prognosis on some conditions of 18 months!!!! What with one thing or another, I missed a payment due to insufficiant funds in my account and received an email from Harlands saying that they will be applying a charge of £25 and that they will attempt to take £34.99 out on the 22nd. I called them up to explain that I do not get paid until 25th and that I was in dispute with Xercise4less due to me having to make an appointment to see my GP to get a doctors note. The person I spoke to said they will postpone the direct debit until 8th May to give me time to get my note and to sort things out. On 24th April, they attempted to take funds from my account I called them and they denied they had. I then asked if my sons membership had been cancelled and this is what I got "I am sorry, but I can not discuss his account with you as we need his consent to discuss his account with you". After I explained that he is under the age of consent at the age of 15 they said that is not what his records say. Apparently, the person selling us membership falsified my sons age so that he was able to give him a full membership instead of a family membership. They entered his D.O.B as being born in 1991 and because his age according to their records is over 18, they would not discuss it further. I then asked about my account and the details I gave were incorrect so were unable to proceed with the call and advised me to contact the gym. Another admin cock up shows me living at another address a mile down the road. They didnt enter my postcode correctly at sign up so Harlands can not discuss my account with me either. SOoooooo, I go back to the gym and ask to speak to the gym manager because this time I wanted to speak to the organ grinder. He was a helpfull guy who took my email and he asked me to send a PDF of my 10 page medical report to him. He said "Thank you for sending this over to me, I have forwarded this on with a request to terminate. If I require any other information I will be in touch other than that please assume it has been terminated correctly. Thanks again for your time today." Today I have received a letter from Harlands saying that their submission for £34.99 had been returned as "return to payer" and that a further charge of £25 will be added making a total of £59.99 in arrears. This is because they attempted to take it out on the 24th which they denied they had. The best bit is that the letter says that I must call them before 9th May to avoid further charges. THEN TALK TO ME AS THIS IS MY SONS ACCOUNT THEY KEEP ADDING TO WHO IS UNDER THE AGE OF CONSENT!!!!! I can only assume that they are sending letters to the other address I dont live at. Please advise as nobody wants to talk to me BTW, should I cancel my direct debits with the bank?
  6. 1. Bought audi on balloon CCA agreement It ended Feb 2012 Requested vehicle to be collected They ignored request and then from then until now all default notices incorrect All their paperwork shoddy 2. Kept vehicle in storage for first 8 months Actually bought a lease Audi thinking they would collect. 3. They wrote to me Jan 2013 saying they wouldn't pay storage charges Had to remove and asked garage where it had been kept to leave their awaiting audis collection 4. Wrote to audi numerorus times They failed to collect. 5. Had a court date booked 19th oct which I was happy to attend Their sols cut a very late deal with my sols Tuesday 18th Oct I told sols I wasn't happy that t's would net be crossed and i's dotted they weren't. 6 My sols agreed that I would deliver up vehicle Had told her it hadn't been used for 4 years and would be unusable due to the amount of time lapsed 7 Audi collects keys for vehicle and sign off log book 24th oct They go to collect at address given some 27 hours later Audi not there Have reported to police but my solicitor says I am still now liable and in breach of agreement Feel like my solicitor just wants to get rid of all case and me pay for everything ! because its been totally messed up I had a really good case prior to this rushed agreement Can anyone help my solicitor doesn't want to!
  7. after reading around this forum a while, I realise I may've messed up. But still seek a little advice... A bit of history: Parked a family members car incorrectly in a car park, whilst I ran to buy something. Literally 2 minutes, maybe 1.5, but when I got back there was a guy taking a pic of the car. By incorrect parking, it's a small car and a small car park and I found a spot which wasn't a defined car space (no painted lines), but was just a little space on the side. Not blocking anyone or anything. No yellow box or double lines or anything either The keeper received a letter a few weeks later from Euro Parking Services Ltd. Didn't read it and threw it away. Keeper then received another letter few weeks later. Again, ignored it Today I find out a 'Letter before Claim' has been sent, from Gladstones. Stating to commence legal action on behalf of claimant. They state 2 options: 1. Pay £150 in 14 days 2. provide your full account of the circumstances that have led to the charges being imposed and should include confirmation as to who the driver of the vehicle were at the time of each incident I don't have the original letters and don't know what they stated. Pretty sure there was a picture of the car in one of e letters. To make it worse, the "incident" happened a long way away from where I live and so I can't easily drive there to see what the signage looks like. It was the Tesco Metro in Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham. If anyone knows it! So, what do you professionals recommend?? Appreciate I may be screwed. But willing to fight this a little while if you think there's a chance
  8. Hi all, My Accountant just recently started working with me but he's off on hols now, I'm really concerned here. I have worked via a LTd company the last two calendar years, and on the understanding that 1) Dividends are payable on all income received from the company, and ; 2) You should keep aside 23% of everything you intend to pay yourself aside until the end of the fiscal year. So as per 2), I just paid myself 77% every few months of whatever money was left in the account. Then, in February this year, thinking that the end of the first accounting period was coming up, I zeroed down the company account , ie paid myself whatever was left. Luckily, I beat that date, but since spent that money. I did some more trading later this year, and I've now got enough left in the company account to pay 10% on everything I've drawn out since I formed the company (probably closer to 20%, but the Acct is checking). Thankfully the Acct managed to get the submission dates moved to early Feb 2016. BUT...here's my big worry...basically I didn't know dividends had to have counterfoils raised, and they need to be paid before the end of the first period. I thought I'd just have to pay the dividend whenever the tax was requested after my SA...to top it all off, just before he went on holiday he talked briefly about 'avoiding fraud' !!! He had told me to request my UTR's (for both myself and my ltd), which I'm doing now, I've got my personal UTR, hopefully the LTD UTR will too get here before January, but he's off till then. Right now I'm imagining all sorts, jail time at worst, IR35 + never being a Director again at best, I've googled around, and can't find relevant info, can someone please give me a non-optimistic idea of how hard they're going to come down on me? Thanks, JB
  9. Tawnyowl here with how to completely mess your car insurance up.Through rushing,not checking,many things. Now when i write a story when completely stressed out with a situation i mix a lighter look at things,helps me cope somehow.Knocking on a bit now so things prey on my mind.Especially after reading many stories over many years in the CAG So i hope before you read this you can understand that.I expect some stick,fair enough i can take that. I might even make a couple of mistakes but over time things usually become clear. Writing this at 1 in the morning so it is bothering me slightly. Been a driver for 29 years,no accidents apart from two write offs when i was not in my cars. One a lad borrowed his mums car and wrote my Ford Capri 1.6 off after flying round a corner. I was working on a clients house many years ago,rather large and did not hear the crash. Client came home at dinnertime and said have you seen your car.No i replied so went outside and there it was about one third the size it was when i parked it. Nobody hurt thank goodness. Glad i did not hear it really because i was papering rather a large hallway where one roll did one drop, i might have fallen off my ladder and double trouble then. Other when i was in a shop,a wagon reversed slowly into my car and wrote it off once again. Thought i was in Beadles about or Smile You Are On Candid Camera,completely unreal to watch such a thing. So two cars written off speed travelling 0 miles per hour. Move on many years end up with Saga,very cool,nice quotes everything great,1O Years plus no claims. Then my daughter wants to drive,so i say well young owl,i will phone Saga and insure you. Put you on my insurance so you can learn to drive. The old owl gets on the blower to Saga saying my young owlet wants to learn to drive so can you insure her on my insurance. No sorry no youngsters taken on under twenty five years old. Well my eyes glazed over and feathers drooped,sad that i had to say goodbye to Saga and move on. At the time i was looking at a quote 200 fully comp with breakdown 3 years no claims only because i had had a break for a couple of years previously. So i must admit the insurance market had me baffled slightly but googled away and cheapest seemed to be One Direct,1043.94p A great shock to me,but had to be done,wanted to help youngster. Struggled to pay each month,in fact late payments perhaps 50% of the time but always paid including charges. Anyway,received late payment letter,could not get through to usual place so paid,in a rush by card direct to One Call. On web including usual late payment charges. Received this back. . Dear Tawnyowl.6th April. Thank you for keeping your policy up to date. Your request has been sent to our renewals team who will manually process the payment. Please note that funds will not immediately debit from your account until the payment has been accepted. Cover will not commence until you receive confirmation that cover is in force and payment has been processed. One Call do not accept responsibility or liability until we have issued your policy documents to you. Now i did not think much about this and left it.15 th April comes, Policy started on 15th Oct cancelled on 15th April letter said Cost of Insurance 1043.94 Discounts applied to policy 15.00 Cancellation charge +55.99. Total cancellation cost 617.29.Amount paid 538.99 Balance to pay 78.30 not challenging the cancellation.Late payment made but perhaps to wrong dept,gave policy number. Panic set in,good grief if i had travelled yesterday i would not have been insured,Was my thought. Feathers nearly fell out,just imagine that. Did not think clearly,just wanted insurance as quick as,so googled away and found one Autonet. About 600 including breakdown.Myself only.Talked to them about cancellation on phone,had to tell them i thought. Asked Saga did not want to touch me because of cancellation.I had to tell them i thought. Daughter is going on crash course ready to take test,just wanted any bad habits i may have passed on to be ironed out. Daughter had had lessons before i gave her extra ones. Autonet want proof of NCD or i suppose another cancellation is looming. Thought to myself this insurance is sure costing a bit,let me root out the paperwork see why. Then i noticed One Call had me down for 0 years NCD- Good grief i must have on inception put 0 years NCD so must have paid more last year. I will phone One Call and try to sort this.Tell them last year was wrong and should have been 3 years NCD. Not try to get anything back just update things. After explaining,final quote from them was. So i talked to Autonet again,their reply after chatting away. It may reduce the premium slightly by applying the extra 2 year discount, yes. We do need this to be your most up to date no claims bonus. If you double check this and then come back, we can then look in to this for you. But at the moment One Call have me down as 0 years NCD what a mess,to put it mildly. Because when Autonet receive that proof it will be 0 years,and puff up in smoke goes my insurance again. Or increased massively. Should be 4 years NCB I am 1-Thinking of challenging One Calls cancellation charge as payment was made to the company. Thoughts are Shame they do not check all NCD whether 10 years or no years just in case someone makes a mistake. Benefits one way it seems.If there is a NCD Data Base,does anyone know if there is such a thing. Well i do not expect many if any replies but just thought i would pop in and show you what a mess i have managed to make on my insurance. And who knows may help someone,kind off do not rush,take your time when getting insured. Keep things filed,easy to get at,not like myself forgotten about,thrown in a box somewhere. At the moment i feel i am Donate to the Insurance Industry on a giant scale. Well good morning to you all,enjoy the Bank Holiday Weekend,when it arrives,it is a little cool though. The problem is off my chest now, written down so a hot chocolate and off to roost. What will be,will be.
  10. Hey guys, sorry I am very new to this, I got a letter off these guys and I called them, did the dpa, as they would not talk about the letter without this, they said I owed them money which I said I did not accept and consider and dept to be out side the statute of limitations, they said they would pass it into to relevant department to clear, and send me a letter to confirm, I told them I do not accept any dept they are trying to collect, have I made a big error?
  11. Yes everyone my family has a lot of bad luck. I never mentioned this before because I forgot. About two years ago my adviser at Ingeus put me on self employed, because I found a leaflet job. Which I never went for because I didn't know how to do the self tax thing. Last year I got a letter asking for £30, I phoned back up and said 'I am not self employed my adviser did this for me'. He said it was OK and everything would be sorted, well it wasn't. Last week I receieved another letter now asking for £100, my dad said instead of phoning them we can send the letter attatched and I filled out the form, saying I hadn't worked in over 5 years and have been actively seeking work with the help of the Job Centre. Two days ago I got another letter now asking for the £100 and no reply to my form. I will call them and explain the situation, when I see my adviser at JC can I bring in the Self Tax letter asking for the money? I don't know what to do, what happens if it's not solved?
  12. I would like some help to see where I stand with the CSA. After complaining several times over the telephone about my case, never receiving anything further than an “I’m sorry Mr Dowson”, not following the complaints procedure, no body taking initiative for the errors and now totally messing up my case, taking YEARS to work out what I should be paying, DESPITE having my payslips, I find myself in £4606 worth of arrears. This is down to no fault of my own, this is sheer negligence, and maladministration at its absolute highest. I would like the following points to be addressed immediately. You requested payslips in March 2012, which I produced immediately. I sent you payslips, EVERY single one since I started work in April 2009. So why is it (May 2014) it has took 22 months to work out what I should be paying? I got a letter shortly after sending in my payslips saying my case is now fully assessed and my payment is now, £5 Yes £5 a week, despite myself being in fulltime employment. I rang up and quizzed this and got told it was a cross over, and to await another letter. I received another letter telling me to pay; yes you guessed it £5 a week. I rang up, yet again, and they said on my income I should be paying £30 a week. This is what I did, I asked for a direct debit form from MAY 2012, and was not given one, yet EVERY month I made a payment by debit card (costing me over £3-£5 on my mobile EACH time, I was asked the same questions why don’t you pay by direct debit? Each and every time, I said I want to, but given the same response about my case not being finalised. This continued for months, until then astonishingly when I was paying by card around September 2013 I was told I was paying too much and to pay just £5 a week again. I explained clearly I was working, but you were adamant this was right. (check the call) I was not allowed access to see my son as what I was paying the CSA was NOT same as the child in questions mother was receiving. She therefore thought I was fleecing her, you were telling her and me different things. As a result I have missed years of seeing my child which is totally, totally unacceptable, and all I have ever got is an “I’m sorry Mr Dowson; your case will be sorted soon”. The amounts I need to be paying on your letter dated 16/5/14 are totally incorrect, EVEN though I have handed in my payslips, for example £33 a week from 13.7.09 to £5 a week from 15.3.10 this is incorrect as you will see FROM MY PAYSLIP my last wage in December 2009. I did not sign on till March as I am a proud man and only sign on when I absolutely need it. Therefore I had zero income for this period. Going through the letter from the bottom amount £39:00 a week from 6.4.09 is to 13.7.09 IS CORRECT. £33:00 a week from 13.7.09 to 15.3.10 is incorrect as my payslips show, my last payslip proved this as it had holiday pay, salary adjustments and everything left before Christmas! £5 a week from 15.3.10 to 28.6.10 is correct. £ 32 a week from 28.6.10 to 2.8.10 is INCORRECT, as my payslip shows, I was in employment 4 weeks, not 9 as your records have shown. This was down to me waiting to sign on until the 02.8.10 I am being penalised for being honest and not signing as long as I could possibly avoid. Again I sent in my ONE and only payslip, so how do you have 9 weeks when I worked 4? This is a regular pattern and probably as why my arrears have been high, I had zero income, not even benefits, I HAVE PAYSLIPS to prove this, I have given you all my information and yet calculated it incorrect. Let me continue. £40 a week from 30.8.10 till 11.10.10 is out yet again by 2 weeks, I was there 4 weeks NOT 6. Again I sent this payslip in. £5 a week from 11.10.210 to 15.11.10 is correct, £40 a week from 15.11.10 to 20.12.10 is Correct, £5 a week from 20.12.10 to 29.8.11 is correct, then £5 a week from 29.8.11 is again correct. £37 a week from 5.3.12 is correct, £31 a week from 11.2.13 is again correct, finally £5 a week from 10.2.14 is incorrect as I only received 2 weeks JSA not 8, even though I did pay £60, yes I was on JSA that long, but as I made a joint claim I was over the threshold and did not qualify for JSA. As we can see littered with errors, despite having my payslips…..Yes you can argue about being notified of a change, it was common sense when I wrote hand written letters stating this is my one and only payslip !! I have written several times with dates of employment !! Backed these up with wage slips. ! I gave up the home myself and Miss Brotton shared had without requesting a penny from the home as equity and profit of any sale would be substantial to her and my son In January I received SEVEN letters in one day, (what a waste of post) telling to pay SEVEN different amounts, then about 6-8 weeks later, I received around 9-10 letters once again ON THE SAME DAY, ALL STATING MY NEW WEEKLY PAYMENT WAS DIFFERENT FOR EVERY SINGLE LETTER. Great stuff. Unacceptable. Every month I asked for an update yet was stating I was paying the right amount, and then this case arrives for £4,606. I believe all calls are recorded so I would request those to played back. You were telling Miss Brotton I hadn’t sent in my payslips, you even told me at one point you had lost them! then they were found on the system, then they weren’t added on the system, a complete and utter fiasco As a result of your negligence and know I work 9-5, I had 3 private number calls during these hours, yet received no voicemail. No letter. Then I find out you have done a detachment of earnings of what I and my wife can certainly not afford. This is putting our marriage under strain, but no one seems to care or acknowledges the damage that you have caused. My wife is part time, we have a child of our own. I work full time. Our outgoings are more than our incomings now. This can’t be right. If I quit work, which I think I will have too, at least we will save this (£215 a month, rent and council tax £600 and nursery fees £390 a month as we will qualify for all those glorious benefits you see and hear about, but we are honest people and proud, but when you are forced, and this is forced, what can you do? ) So where is the benefit in being honest and working? I objected paying by card as it was costing me money phoning and to be honest I can get away with a detachment of earnings IF IT WAS THE RIGHT AMOUNT. I have calculated the arrears are thousands LESS than your calculations. I do want to pay my way, as you will see since I found permanent employment in 5.3.12 payments have been constant after years of one month temping and months on the dole. This is how I get treated, chasing men who pay, not men who don’t. I am asked to pay £215 for my ex partners son who I don’t see, yet cannot afford to provide for my own child with my wife. I wish my daughter with my wife could have £215 spent on her each month. Adding to the fact the ex-partners tax credits won’t be affected, she will be laughing all the way to the bank. We are expecting another baby in October, we need a double buggy, car seat, Christmas, all impossible and ruined. My wife is talking about a termination. This is beyond a joke. I am holding the CSA liable for this as my wife says we can not afford this baby. The damage you have done by taking so long to sort this out, playing us off against each other, telling me to pay wrong amounts this is border line unrepairable. I do not want to hear another “I’m sorry Mr Dowson” again. The CSA is meant to be about protecting children falling into poverty and as a result of your fantastic service, you have placed my wife and daughter in poverty probably will lose our home, loose her car, and both loose our jobs. But well done, you have ticked boxes and filled in forms, so you must be patting yourselves on the back. Summarise, I have been unable to see my son, as his mother always thinks I have avoided paying, but YOU have been withholding payments, you have held my payslips for two years without reaching a conclusion, you informed to pay by card every month reassuring me all was well, this is an absolute joke, I’m very upset at not seeing my son, and taking TWO years to reach a conclusion , you have toldme this is a final decision 15 times with different ammounts, it is unacceptable letting arrears build up. I believe after reading, researching I am due substantial compensation. I have been fobbed off every month I made my payment, withholding my payments to my ex-partner is shocking and has caused all sorts of stress. I have also written to my local MP regarding this matter.
  13. week ago took my new (to me, my old mans perfecly serviced 4 year old 60k swift) car to be serviced at a local indy garage I supplied the oil and filter when I collected it the had used an oil flush, I was not made aware theu where going to use it (something I would never ever agree to in a million years) since then its not sounded quit right I'm suspecting serveral things 1 they left some the old oil with the flush in, and have contaminated the motul brand oil I supplied 2 they left some old oil with the flush in they used their cheapo own oil and has been contaminated, and kept my oil, or dumped it in to the barrel 3 they used their cheapo own oil, and kept mine or dumped it in to the barrel 4 the flush has done something it now has a random rattling tappets and it not as smooth feeling as it used to feel.
  14. I ordered 3 items on Sunday 27th November, leaving plenty of time for the Saturday or Sunday 3rd November that I need the items (Items were Hard drive, PC case and RAM). The next day I received an email saying one item isn't in stock and I remembered that I forgot to add one item to the order (WD HDD). I phoned up and the item was added on. I emailed again on Wednesday 30th when I checked that it had not been processed yet and was told the RAM (missing item) will arrive with with them on the 31st (today). I checked again today and apparently the item is now due to be in stock on the 9th Nov (even though I was told it'll be delivered to them and sent to me today). Each member of staff is giving me conflicting dates. I desperately required the items on Saturday 2nd or Sunday 3rd November. I am a student studying in Portsmouth and am going back to London for the weekend in order to build a computer for a single mother who is a close family friend. They are currently relying on me, and ultimately them to deliver by then. I asked them to send the other two items but I was told to cancel and redo the order. In the end I have ordered the HDD and case separately and requested next day delivery. I ordered the items in a timely fashion. Their website, then as well as now, clearly states the item is in stock, which was one of the reasons I ordered from them. If I knew, I wouldn't have ordered! Now what I want, is to claim back the next day delivery I paid for because of their incompetence. I have got all relevant conversations via email and screenshots of the item in question which still shows as in stock (goo[dot]gl/5ZTlPr). I didn't order a few days ago, but on Sunday (factoring in the weekend, monday), leaving plenty of time; I had to contact them repeatedly just to get information from them. Is there any legal grounds here in my favor? EDIT: Got a phone call an hour later from the manager. Explained the situation again and she agreed to refund me the one day delivery charge I incurred. Wasn't very hopeful tbh cause of what I've heard from Dabs before, but I'm happy for the result.
  15. My name is Mustafa, and I was a customer of Vodafone until November 2011. My credit score has been messed up by Vodafone, and it has ruined my life completely. I failed my loan application and mortgage refused. I made an upgrade in November 2011 with Vodafone and never received the handset, because at that time there was a waiting time log for Iphone 4s handsets. Therefore I cancelled the upgrade. Vodafone staff also cancelled the order BUT never reversed the upgrade. It therefore showed as if I continued the contract for another 24 months even though I never received the device. On the same day I went to another network provider (Three network) and transferred my number. I have received a bill for £790.00 from Vodafone (2 years line rental). I have on the same day spoke to Vodafone and they promised to sort this error and reverse the order, and send me the final bill. It took them 6 months before they cancelled and settled my account. I have received a bill for £35.00 in June and the account is now closed. However; I am keep on getting refused for my credit because on my reports it is showing as if I defaulted to pay Vodafone for 6 months. I have contacted all credit rating companies and explained the situation to them. I have spoken to Vodafone many times and the payment history are still showing as defaulted payments, and as if I missed out the monthly payments of incorrect £790.00. I need to get this fixed as soon as possible as it is severely affecting me financially. I couldn't even re-mortgage my property because of this error. I need them By the looks of it Vodafone is not doing anything at all.
  16. Hi All So long story short, I renewed my contract with Vodafone part of the deal was that I would get my new phone Saturday just gone and not pay for the delivery. That never happened, called up about it and complained and got informed that a Saturday delivery actually takes 5 working days to process no one told me that originally. They are offering a poxy £30 as compensation. How do I get more out of them. I don't want to go elsewhere because my deal would be in excess of £40 and I'm paying nowhere near that. But I need to make sure I make the most out of this whole situation because they have made a mistake and I personally think I should get more than £30.
  17. I think i might have messed up here so any advice would be helpful. i had a loan with this lot sometime ago, i defaulted and as most people on here i did try to setup a repayment plan with minicredit but to with no luck. I dont mind paying off what i owe but i am not going to pay there silly charges. Any way after about six months i got a call from a DCA requesting payment for this debt. when they told me how much i owe i disputed this and told them how much i am going to pay in total and i will pay £40 pm untill i reach this figure. then they can take me to court. my question is would this go against me as i have been paying something or could i still fight them in court when the time comes. thanks Fernal
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